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Discussion: Re-entry

Posted Discussion
Nov. 18
k man
Men's 65
332 posts
I managed our team in Ft. Myers and an incident happened with my team regarding re-entry.
Around the 5th inning of the game, consecutive original batters A and B were replace by batters C and D.
I told the umpire that in the next inning, they would be re-entering the game.

Part way through the inning, I noticed that instead of A and B being in the field, player A had told C to continue playing the field, unbeknownst to me.
Nothing happened that half inning so I then went to the umpire, asking who should rightfully go out there in the next inning. He said player A.
I assume he was correct as when I said I wanted them re-entered, C should have been permanently out of the game along with D.

Also, what would have been the story if the other team challenged the wrong player being out there, especially on a batted ball that resulted in an out?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

K Man- LI Jags 65+ #64

PS- I almost made a HUGE fopaux, when I was going to use a batter for a pitcher who replaced my original pitcher, but members of my team were more familiar with the rule of re-entry only allowed on original scorecard members. - won't let that happen again.

PPS- Nice job by Tim and his crew at Naples. and field crew did a good job too!
Nov. 19
k man
Men's 65
332 posts
BTW, I think I found it in the rules. Page 27 user Substitutes Section 4.7 B2
Basically its an appeal play and if the ball is in play, the offensive team can accept the at bat or he can re bat going back to the previous strike/ball count. And that player is ejected from the game with the legitimate player taking his place.

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