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Discussion: Can't open Game Sched & Brkt links

Posted Discussion
Nov. 14
Men's 75
53 posts
I know this is technical and not really softball but I can't open the schedules!!

Anyone else experienced this problem?

While using any mobile Android devices (cell & tablet), I’ve been unable to open the SSUSA Game Schedules & Brackets links (using Chrome), I get no error message but the file never loads, it just spins & spins until time out.

Problem seems to be unique to my mobile android devices but not my Chromebook. I’ve spent much time researching the problem but none of the remedies work. I’m sure it must be in a setting somewhere?


Nov. 14
Men's 60
155 posts
Hacker.... I have been fighting with this issue as well.. What I have found, is the address that is being "pointed to/launched" is being re-directed.

What does this mean?...

Look in the address line and remove everything in front of http://www.

EXAMPLE >>>>> redirect.php?redirect=

Hit return and poof, the links become downloadable.

Good Luck
Nov. 14
Men's 75
53 posts
Hsquared, thanks!! That works as work-around but I'll have to research further. Wow, I've been struggling with that for months! Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Nov. 15
Men's 65
594 posts
I had to download firefox
Hope it helps
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