Runners on 1st and 2nd with 1 out. Batter hits a line drive hitting the runner while standing on 2nd base.
Is the runner on 2nd out since he was hit by a batted ball while standing on a base that he is no longer entitled to? Is the ball live or dead?
Ball4 ... The batter is SAFE if he was in contact with the base at the time he was struck by the batted ball ... If the batted ball had passed a defender (other than the pitcher) before striking the runner, it is a live ball, result of the play situation ... The the batted ball had NOT passed a defender (other than the pitcher), it is a dead ball, the batter is awarded first base and the runners on 1st and 2nd base at the time of the pitch move up one base each (to make room for the batter being awarded first) ... See Rulebook §8.2 C. (pages 44-45) and §9.1 X. (page 54) ...