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Discussion: Changing the game forever

I have played for a long time, but NEVER thought I would see a demo like I did yesterday and it could work. I saw a demo on a remote-controlled softball. You all know computer chips are a dime a dozen any more. This remote-controlled softball has a built-in chip and the pitcher, pitching from the safety of a position 20 feet behind the mound and not worrying about ‘retreat’ from line drives, can program the ball with a simple arm movement simulating a pitch. The ball is placed on the ground at the distance the pitcher wishes to deliver the pitch from and will leave the mound just like a real pitch. The speed and direction will be controlled by the pitcher’s actual arm movement, just like in the ‘virtual’ world. The pitcher not only gets an extra 10-15 feet to react to a line drive, he is also already in the defensive position. This can revolutionize the game and safety for pitchers. I can’t wait to see it in action.
You might also consider waiting for the Price of this Ball and Who will be Paying a LOT more to Play........
But what is a reasonable price for a measure of the pitcher's safety?
Save the money, time & effort Webbie.....Move the Pitcher's Mound back for his/her safety and go with T-Ball......
The mound and the 10 feet extra is far enough back. I love the idea of a high tech solution.
Webbie25 - The biggest problem that i see in Sr softball, since i have returned to competitive play is the pitchers themselves, not the hitters, the rules, the bats, the balls, the dimensions of the field, simply the people that are put in place to pitch.

if you ask yourself the question and honestly respond "are we putting a pitcher on the mound just to fill a position with an older, slower guy with compromised reactions to prolong his playing time? or do we have a pitcher that can actually pitch to locations, high, low, inside, outside, deep when needed and short to entice the two hop ground ball to the infielders? And when they get hit? all of a sudden we have to instill some more new rules into the game!!??

There are teams that play Sr slowpitch softball that have possibly their best player that pitches, he is quick enough to field the middle and also the infield plays super deep when a runner is on first base and the pitcher easily covers second base and you think you are watching a big time team, not one that has a pitcher that can't catch a simple mis-hit weak popup in the infield that results in a runner on first instead of an easy out.

Not saying that these guys shouldn't play that have lost some of their skills, just let them pitch...........and then GET BEHIND THE PTICHING SCREEN so you don't get hit. I played a double-header just this past Tuesday and the pitchers for the opposing team did not step behind the screen ONE time in two games, the first pitcher got hit a grazing shot once and the pitcher in the second game got hit twice and had to leave the field. The umpire did not enforce the ruling for the screen use requiring the pitchers to step behind the screen properly. Our two pitchers used the screen EVERY pitch.

As for this radio controlled ball, what a waste of good money and how would this ball compare to a current ball? weight, COR, compression? would have to have some apparatus that would allow flight? from a static position starting from lying on the ground?

The more you remove the human element from a sporting event, the less of a sporting event it becomes and more of "mindless, effortless" computer or mechanical controlled event. Would be similar to the youth of today, instead of riding bicycles or playing ball outside all you see are them thumb typing on a phone or iPad asking their parents for more time on their devices, trust me i have four grandchildren and i see it all the time.

Sorry for the long rant, but the title of this thread "changing the game forever" i personally don't want to see that happen. I'm sure there will be some that differ with my opinion which is fine.

I suspect that this being April 1st might have something to do with this...
Nicely done Webbie!
djs_1964 I considered the April fool's joke, but since Webbie25 had continued to reply from posts in response to his OP, i took it as legitimate.

Trust that my response is all legitimate. I'm 70, yet I cringe when i see these old guys serve it up and don't get behind a screen, neither wearing a mask nor shin guards.

As for the device that would pitch itself, so to speak, that has no place in softball if in fact there is such a ball that is out there.
Another ABSOLUTE CLASSIC, Webbie, in a long history of April Fool's Day pranks ... Nice to see you reeled in a few of the more gullible types again this year! ... It's probably not as good as the time we pranked your Manager on a rating change to Major+ or the fictitious job posting for SSUSA, but this one is up near the top ... Well played, as usual! ...

Thanks, Dave. We all need some levity. Turning2, it's like fishing. Had I not replied innocently and given you more play, I may never have totally reeled you in..... thanks for being a good sport.
No problem, didn’t know your history for pranks, well done. I’ll accept DD’s “gullible types” moniker this time.

I do see where a bunch of you guys “run together”, maybe in time and enough worthy posts I can be an addition to this illustrious group.

Have a Happy Easter to all. I do feel strongly about safety for pitchers though so I’ll cut and paste my response next time pitcher defensive play/safety is a “legitimate” topic. YES, you got me good!!
you use a net like every league in the country you have the same results
Dave, I think my favorite one WAS when we worked together getting one of the Desperado coaches to believe they had moved the team up to major is my favorite. I will never forget your email to me. He was FURIOUS and pretty well cussed you out. I also enjoyed the 'Depends with a cup'. And Alan Tanner helped me with the 'curve', a curved bat. It's been fun.
Great Job WEBBIE. I still remember the trick you played on me at Papago many years ago hitting a illegal 16 foot pitch in the sun for a Home Run. What a memory my friend. I will try a fastball next time HA.My luck you will hammer me up the middle. Gary Ingle
with Webbie you never know. I think he has too much time on his hands. This is a softball message board to the best of my knowledge, you are retired until Patti gets tired of you.
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