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Discussion: BP swings

Posted Discussion
March 21

980 posts
Some questions crossed my mind after listening to chatter at the ballpark this weekend.

Do people ACTUALLY count the number of swings they have on a bat? And, with 6 bats in your bag, how do you keep track of all of that important info? A little black book?

One more.... Everyone I've ever heard speak on this subject has 400, 700, 1,000 or 1,200 swings. Nobody has 717, or even 750 swings. If I had 21 at bats this weekend, should I only take 79 BP cuts next week? How does the rounding process work? Round up for bats you like to speak on the bat's durability and round down to the nearest hundred for bats you don't like, or are trying to sell?

Have a great day everyone.... see you at the park.
March 21
Men's 70
803 posts
Must have been a slow weekend with that much time to think about that. I can't remember how many at bats I had the day before let alone the number of swings on a bat. See you in Va. Beach. Thanks Harry # 20 NVFORCE
March 21

68 posts
When I get a new bat, I take it to the field with a bucket of balls and then throw it up and hit it into the backstop, I do count and target 75 to 100 hits to start the break in process. I've read with new bats that you should not initially take full swings. After that, I just kind of estimate. The leagues I play in let us get BP prior to a game, so it is BP swings plus game swings

Might be over kill but that is my answer to the "count" question
March 22
Men's 55
36 posts
I am sure people are going to think I am nuts but here goes...

I have been hitting adidas bats for the last couple years. I mark each one with a roman numeral and I note how many swings I put on each bat after taking BP (with the newer bats) and after swinging my gamers. I wanted to see how many swings I get on the bats before they crack. Once the BP bats open up and I feel they are hot... I dont hit them in BP anymore. I guess you could say I have rolling inventory. lol
March 24

13 posts
I think the bigger question is ... if you don't take a full swing, lets say you only swing 3 quarters, will your bat last 25% longer ?
March 24
Men's 65
2114 posts
Actually, you can take an infinite amount of swings and your bat will last forever. It’s the hits that are the problem.
March 24
Men's 70
1255 posts
Dbax, now thats funny.
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