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Discussion: Help with Suncoast customer service
I am hoping someone can help me. I purchased a Suncoast 12" Max bat on Feb 12th. The first time taking batting practice, the barrel cracked. I filled out a warranty return on their website and they sent me a return number and address. Tracking shows the received my bat on 3/12/21. Since then I have had no communication with them. Suncoast Customer service sends me to voicemail and I have left messages, but have had no response. My question, is this normal for Suncoast? How long does this process normally take? Is there a Suncoast Rep in the SouthEast (Alabama) I can contact for info? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Try calling John at Suncoast Bats in Kentucky. 270-991-3999.
My buddy said after 240 bp swings it did't sound good. I looked an had a 3"sawtooth. 28.5 12". Didn't come close to 900 swings for a 72 yr old. After I put 100 swings it didn't hit any better I new something was wrong. I believe every so many bats have problems. I just got a 27.5oz endload and it sounds hits way bettet than the 28.5. Iplan on getting another 28.5 endlaod new Suncoast.
Joe Falcon.
I broke mine first BP session sent it back. I had no communication and a new one showed up at my door exactly one week later.
Some reps on Facebook stopped dealing with Suncoast so there must be an issues between people all around.
The new Diamonds are holding up well.
Bought the suncoast melee 12" endload 12-28-2020,recieved it 1-26-2021 went to mesquite to play 3-19-2021 and 1st BP shattered bad never even played a tourny with it. 240.00 $ now hoping the send me a new one.
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