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Discussion: Rule book

I’ve been told that the rule book is on this website, but I sure can’t find it
Randall - on the Home page, click on Tournaments and a drop down menu will have SSUSA rulebook that you can download, print or just open and read entire rulebook
What rule set do you work under? I've never played in a senior league that used SSUSA rules. Mostly modified ASA rules.
wayne... lmao.. now that last post of yours explains a lot of your answers .. you do realize that this is a SSUSA Senior Softball website
Wayne 37 - i assume you directed your post at my answer. Randall asked about the rule book that is listed on this website "Senior Softball USA" and i hopefully helped him find these rules. He didn't ask me for which rule set i work under, nor did he inquire about what rules were used in any specific senior league. Why do you seek to find fault in other members posts? when you could possibly add to the conversations and discussions rather than trying to cause a rift or start a disagreement when totally not necessary?

Wayne 37 - i don't mind providing the reasoning or fact presentation necessary to defend a position in these discussions and i feel equipped to debate anyone with respect if they return respect themselves.

Lastly, SSUSA rules have been established using ASA rules as a basis or skeleton to begin structuring their rule sets, very dissimilar to USSSA rules. So in effect, modified ASA rules.

BJ - thanks for your comments, i'm sure i know what you refer to relative to his comments. i joined this website forum to contribute and enjoy the opportunity to share insight with the many, many Sr softballers out there. I currently only play, if asked to umpire i would certainly help in the leagues that i play in.


You assumed wrong. Perhaps you should show the same respect you demand first.

So do you work in a league that uses SSUSA?
Wayne 37 - you did respond to my answer to Randall, you simply can’t admit it. There were two posts, Randall asking for help, my response to help and then your shallow attempt to disparage my response. Pitiful

I will graciously answer you last question, I don’t work as an umpire, but play in a Sr league that is a member of USA Softball and subscribes to their rules and regulations. The league does have a couple local rules including the SSUSA approved bat listings as their bat use rule.

You told Randall where to find the SSUSA rules located on the homepage. BTW ~ I have them saved to a file on my phone. I've already read the resume you posted.

No need to have a Sling Blade moment.
I am so happy that this site is turning into an umpire pissing match message board. As soon as one subject gets beaten to death, then we just start a new one. So entertaining.
...And eight of the nine most recent threads at the moment all exhibit "cyclical redundancy" and final post(s) by at least one of, in alphabetical order: B.J., Randall, Rumplestilkin, Turning2 and/or Wayne 37 ... Maybe MORE, rather than fewer thread closings, are appropriate ... Ha! ... And good luck to PitcherTom in recruiting a player for Bags Softball of Des Moines, IA in the middle of this snit-fest! ...
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