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Discussion: Commitment line

A runner is running home from 3rd base. He stops with one foot on the commitment line. The third baseman with the ball follows him there. The runner may not go back because he has touched the line. The third baseman won’t tag him, because the runner would be called safe. I know that at this point the fielder can simply throw home for the out, but doesn’t the runner basically surrender because he has stopped his advance ?
There is no provision in the rule that requires the base runner to proceed with any set speed, but his only option as his ultimate destination in the context of scoring/being out out is the scoring line/plate ... He could surrender, I suppose by just walking into his dugout ...
Randall.. yes the wording of the rule could use some tweaking... because in reality the runner doesn't have to CONTINUE HOME as the rule states.. the runner can just stand on the line and hope to be tagged

Once a runner has crossed the commitment line he: [a] cannot return to third base; [b]must continue home;
Randall ... This is a long-running soap opera script ... B.J. takes the interpretation opinion that the "trip" from the commitment line to the scoring plate/line has to be a non-stop flight ... I'm of the interpretation opinion that it can be a direct flight, with an occasional stop along the way! ... The Rule Book doesn't definitively make either of us right or wrong, so the debate continues, to the amusement of the membership!...

Dave... lol... I always go "non stop" economy class
and just to add a little more fuel to the fire..

definition of continue... : to maintain "without interruption" a condition, course, or action

stay safe
Randall, the only way that runner surrenders or gives himself up is if he decided to go into the dugout area.
In your situation with the baserunner having one foot on the commit line, it sounds as if he was trying to bait the third baseman into tagging him. That way he’d be safe and he wouldn’t have to touch the second plate or the scoring line. Smart play if he can pull it off!!
So B.J., you would be fine conceptually if the base runner edged himself continuously at a snail's pace toward Home, using very tiny little ½-inch steps that could take him as long as half an hour to cover the distance? ... That would seem to technically meet your "without interruption", a condition, course, or action criteria! ... [grins]
Dave .. absolutely...and in doing so the runner then would be "legally continuing" his advancement to the plate.. :):)

actually there is no need for ([b]must continue home:) ... because (: [a] cannot return to third base) explains that the runner cannot return to 3rd... where else can he go?
As I've stated a few times before, not every situation is covered in the rulebook. If necessary, I would call the runner out for "travesty of the game" as for failing to comply within the spirit of the rule.....or you could just stand there all day continuing with the game of chicken. Your choice.

Let the pissing and moaning begin!!
The smart play, but that has its drawbacks, too, because we're talking about ball players here, would be to flip the ball to a defender covering the strike mat, get the out and be done with it! ... Nawwww ... Too easy! ...
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