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Discussion: Shoe Awards?

Has anyone gotten their Championship shoes that were awarded at the Worlds in St George?

Not yet, I’ve sent several messages to the rep that’s handling this, but no response to date.
And my guess is you'll hear from him (Lee) as soon as he gets medical release to resume working/playing after he recovers from his COVID-19 victim experience ... He's a very unhealthy man at the moment ... SMH ...
Thank you Dave and may Lee get well soon. Someone close to him or SSUSA who knew this could of posted about the delay.
Maybe ... I generally try to err on the side of propriety when the issue is patient privacy ... Thanks for the kind words ... I'll pass them along if I talk to him soon ...
Well, I’ve been dealing with the wrong party, Stephanie had referred me to Doug Robbins, and he did respond to my initial e-mail, but that was only for sizing purposes.
I see no difference about posting why the delay today than the same information going out when Lee became ill. The World's for men have been over for a month and Lee probably hasn't been in contact with many of the winners since then.
I also was told to contact Doug and I did. He responded a few times and then stopped after telling me I needed to be move patient.

SSUSA needs to get a new supplier or drop the award.

Doug is in Phoenix for the Winter World's this week ... As a player with his 70-Major+ team in Session #1, as a Tournament Director for the Men's 40-Master Divisions in Session #2 and then driving back a truckload of tournament equipment and supplies early next week ... Maybe a little more patience? ... Sometimes it's less stressful to differentiate between when you WANT something as opposed to when you might NEED it later ... Cheers! ...
Thoughts and Prayers for Lee on a successful recovery from us in Arizona.
Yeah hopefully Lee recovers quickly because those FREE SHOES seem really important.
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