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Discussion: Archie Gubler Fields

I don't know who Archie Gubler was but he must have had some ill feelings towards 60AAA softball teams.
His fields are horrendous, grass that would swallow a small child not to mention the swamp like conditions. Sprinkler systems that must be possessed or watering systems designed to waste as much water as possible.
Infields that once again that end up looking more pock marked than a teenagers face after a bout of two greasy pepperoni pizzas. Flooded warning tracks and the ever loving temporary fences.
I'm sure Mr. Gubler was some sort of important man to have a park named after him, but next time I visit the St. George area I'll try to visit his grave site and give him a piece of my mind.

HAHA, tell us how you really feel. Sad that whoever is responsible for maintaining those fields is failing at their job, especially if you guys were playing a major tourny there
DRB22 ... There's another contributing factor, too, since his team played at Gubler in the Westerns and he had about five weeks to build up the negative vibes carried over from his comments here at that time ... It's also a difficult situation to overcome when a facility causes a team to start a 27-team tournament 0-4 ... This was just a self-fulfilling prophecy ... The fields were prepped more frequently than five weeks ago, but there wasn't anything that was going to be enough ...

"And now you know...the rest of the story." lol
My team just played there in worlds, those fields were in poor condition, left field on field #1 was the worst. The field crews did work hard to prep between games but the outfields were not in good condition. I do appreciate all the hard work SSUSA had to do to even have worlds this year with Clark County not opening their fields. I also appreciate that having 2 umpires on the Sunday games when we moved to Canyons Park, wish SSUSA would just charge what it would take for 2 umpires every game. Overall SSUSA did a great job pulling this off with all the complications from Covid.
Dale1122 ... On your umpires observation, it's not an economic one at all, no matter how much more we might consider charging ... The problem, and one that affects any sport requiring game officials, is simply finding enough of them willing to work ... Umpires/referees are in short supply in about all sports ... Sunday worked for us on "doubles" because we melted down to "single file" brackets and that freed up umpires that would have otherwise been on other active fields ...

Dave it was not a matter of starting the tournament 0-4, no sour grapes there where all teams had to play on the same fields.
I hope as Dale1122 posted that he too shared in the quality of the fields I hope that others shared too, not just Dale and myself.
Given the situation overall someone had to draw the short straw and play at Gubler, unfortunately it was the 60AAA again.
And as for the quality of the infield there was little difference even though there was some extra effort by the maintenance crew, but that did not make up for the squishy outfield and muddy warning track.
As they say you cannot make a silk purse from a pigs ear.
With all due respect I have to agree with the comments about how poor the fields were at Archie Gubler. I realize there are a lot of teams to accomodate and not all parks are the same, but this park was well below par for such a big tournament. There were bad hops on all the infields - our competition was affected just as much as we were, so there are no sour grapes there. The outfields were lumpy and soft - dangerous, actually. I hope the association will think twice about using that park again in the future. Thanks to all who helped put on the tournament. Much appreciated.
To the guys who expressed their opinions on Gubler ballfields, I agree, but Mr Dowell will never see our view point. He should run for a political office. The grounds crew was poor, when they watered, they flooded batter's box and never raked it out. The Canyon was better taken care of, awesome fields. With Covid shut down of Vegas, we have to play where we can.
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