SSUSA Message Board
Discussion: Eastern National Tournament
I was looking to see what Teams won the Eastern National Tournament, but it states Rain Out. Was the Eastern National Tournament ever played, and if so, where could I find the results.
Go to Eastern Nationals under Tournament’s then click on Tournament Results. The scores are all listed.
The August 20, 2020 (yesterday) edition of the Senior Softball Newsletter also included a listing of all Eastern and Western National Champions that are eligible for potential USA National Championship games this year ... Check your email in-box ...
Just got email, all good. Thanks
Why are brackets for the Eastern National Tournament not filled in, and it says rain out on them? I've tried refreshing, and still nothing. Any suggestions.
They are ... Click on the link at the top of the middle column that says: TOURNAMENT RESULTS ... All of the scoring sheets were scanned in after the tournament ... The weather caused havoc on the Friday schedule, so that was the most efficient and quick way to get them available ...
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