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Discussion: Texas State Championships & TOC

Posted Discussion
Aug. 2

120 posts
Our bracket has 3 teams from one classification (60 AAA) and one team from a different one (55 AA). In the past, it said the solo classification had to win bracket to get TOC bid. If that occurred then the highest finishing team of the other classification also gets a TOC bid. It does not say that this time. There was a 55 AA in the 60 AAA group at Rocky Mountain Championships last year and and had they won, the highest finishing 60 AAA would have also gotten a TOC Bid. I have also played at Rocky Mountain when we had a similar situation with only 4 teams. The solo team won and we were the highest finishing of the other 3 and got a TOC bid. Our goal will be to win the tournament, but we would like to please know why this didnt apply this time, especially since the lack of tournaments this year means less teams have a chance to qualify. Thank you for your time.
Aug. 2

3597 posts
Yes txnighttrain ... There will be a TOC berth for the Champion and if that is the 55-AA team, the Runner-up will also earn a TOC berth in the 60-AAA ... That was an oversight on our part to not say so ... Since the teams all have the same rating index (R/I=5), there is only ONE AWARD SET ... Good luck!
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