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Discussion: New Virus-Regulations

Second attempt. I want to thank SSUSA for their Herculean attempt to save some of the season. I know I am chomping at the bit to get playing. There are feelings about this ranging totally across the board, from the totally terrified people that do not want anyone doing anything until it is totally gone, to the people that are not afraid of it at all and are ready to get out there as before. I read the new rules. It is a good attempt to address as many people as possible. But, there are so many problems (which will happen no matter what). Implementing all the sanitation procedures is time consuming, along with things like handling your own bat. So, if I hit a double, do I have to come back in and return my bat to the dugout and then go back out? Wearing a mask is also problematic. They will bounce all over your face and be soaked in one inning on a hot day. I don't wear a mask at third because I feel like I am in a tunnel when I do. I need my peripheral vision. Masks in the dugout? It will just stop happening, I think. Again, SSUSA THANKS FOR TRYING. I think I will wait until we are allowed to go out and play normally.
I don’t want to be that guy but I think you may need to re-read some of the new recommendations/rules.
1) on deck batter or a designated representative while wearing gloves will pick up the bats

2) only player required to wear a mask while on the field is the catcher, it is “suggested” for teams to wear them in the dugouts .

3) sanitizing a dugout will not add that much time in between games, spraying and wiping down benches, bat racks is nothing as far as time. Probably can’t do the fence but at some point we need to be adults and know what to touch and what not.

It is 100% a personal choice on wether to play or not and I think the new recommendations/rules are a good start but ultimately it’s up to individuals to take care of themselves. We can’t solely depend on sanctions to protect us,
Webbie I totally agree with you. Everyone wants to play, and I thank SSUSA for trying to come up with a plan. But I think it’s impractical. It will not work. Social distancing in the dugout??? And wearing gloves does not do anything. The virus is still on the gloves just like it would be on the hands. I will wait for this to calm down. Softball is not that important right now.
Ultimately it will be a personal decision, the virus doesn't have but a few minutes of shelf life in hot weather outdoors or so I've heard. I guess we'll need healthy players on the field to start with, playing smart and using common sense. With softball players that common sense thing may be a toughie! The question is, does the intensity we play with get affected by the precautions we have to take?
Playing the game of softball, one which we love so dearly, may be the least of the problems that this virus has caused. I see more of a hotel and restaurant issue than actually playing. Do we not allow two or three players in a room? Can the restaurants now seat teams for meals? How about arrangements for travel to the tournament and then to the tournament games? Are local governments going to allow the tournaments? These are things that I'm sure senior softball is dealing with and trying to iron out in order to get us back on the field.
I don’t see food being an issue at most tournaments other then the fact it may be carry out and you may have to eat outside or something of that nature. Travel on the other hand could be an issue especially those flying. Room sharing should probably be out unless those sharing have been tested
Willy8 very good points.
Although only a recommendation the fact wiping down to sanitize the balls every inning is even mentioned begs the question. Is it really safe to,play?
I think it is pretty simple, if you are afraid to play then don't, but if you are not afraid to play, get out there and enjoy! All the deliberation about how well or poorly SSUSA did their job to prepare to get back in action will not help. I applaud SSUSA for get us back on the field and I cannot wait to get out there and play competitive ball again!
That’s an ignorant statement. Being afraid has nothing to do with it. It’s common sense.
my thinking is why wouldn't the Umpire and the batter have to wear a mask too
Wood 1966 it’s not a question of being afraid to play. Like you and most others I’m chomping at the bit to play. And I will be out there as soon as the go ahead is given.
To me sanitizing balls every inning seems a bit extreme. Pandora’s box just might be opening.
Appreciate the effort SSUSA, it is an individuals choice if you want to play or not. I like that they are trying to get us to have some season this year. I will be interested to see if the Worlds take place this year with all the teams, fans, and it being in Vegas. I am hoping so can't wait. Thanks Again !
I am looking at the total picture. To me, sure I want to play but I want to enjoy myself both on and off the field with my teammates and my friends on the other teams. If the total quality of the tournament experience isn't there, I probably won't be either, at least to the point of travelling any significant distance of miles.
I believe SSUSA has done well to control or lessen the possibility of getting infected on the field of play. It is up to the managers and players to establish best safety practices with transportation, lodging and meals during the trip.That begins with only non-symptomatic people allowed to go with the team or be on the fields, no exceptions. The responsibility lies with the team and their fans and players. if there was a Covid19 immediate-results-scanning-option, that would be great, but there isn't. It is up to us to be smart, be safe, and have fun with the game we love, even with the adjustments. Each player needs to make their own decision. If you intend to play, follow the safe rules, protect yourself and others. It is a team sport.
If you need a face covering.You should not play.The email said catcher , and umpire are required to wear face covering.What about eateries in Texas they are only operating at 25% capacity..Try and buy materials for sanitizing. None of the stores have alcohol , or Lysol..Phase 3 in Texas outdoor sports will be addressed on May 22.So every day when go to hotel are you going to try and sanitize the room.We have 16 on our roster. We play with 11.Not sure we can get enough for a tournament.The manager sanitizing the balls is a joke so now he has to carry Lysol with him.Doctors say do not play until so many days after the last new case has been reported.What about the restrooms they are nasty, and out of toilet paper. So to be safe you have to sanitize the stall yourself before you use it.I am a softball junkie really suffering from no softball.Just remember should you get it you brig it home to your grand children.
“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

Personal responsibility, if a person is afraid, Dont play. If a person is in an at risk group, dont play.

To fight the Hong Kong Flu, as we all remember, we shut down the world in 1968-1969. It was the only way to keep millions from dying *(actually a million did die around the word)

It was (is) extremely contagious and the death toll was primarily from the age group above 65. There were 100,000 people that dies then (non padded numbers).

This virus strand (H3N2) still circles the world every year and there is no totally preventative vaccine.

*Actually we didnt
Just a reminder... for everyone...

As governors are trying to figure out how to ease back into a new normal, please remember and apply the following:

🛑 Some people don’t agree with the state opening up restrictions and that’s okay... be kind.

🏡 Some people are still planning to stay home and self-quarantine and that’s okay... be kind.

🦠 Some are still scared of getting the virus and of a second wave of the virus happening and that’s okay... be kind.

💰 Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes and that’s okay... be kind.

👩🏾‍⚕️Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off and that’s okay... be kind.

📝 Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job and that’s okay... be kind.

😷 Some will wear masks for weeks to try to protect others and that’s okay... be kind.

💅🏻 Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done and that’s okay... be kind.

🙏 Some will be going back to church and worshipping with their fellow believers while others continue to worship online and that's okay... be kind.

❤️ The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay so... be kind.

We each have a different story and different comfort levels. If you need to stay home, stay home but... be kind.

If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and... be kind!!

Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story.
We all are in different mental states than we were months ago.

So remember... just... be... kind.

Please SHARE this reminder for kindness. ❤
Came across an interesting article yesterday by Douglas MacKinnon discussing the Hong Kong flu numbers and Chinese Virus numbers.

Just over two months ago, I spoke with an infectious disease doctor who not only believed that millions of Americans had already been exposed to COVID-19, but that the lockdowns were counterproductive and we needed to let herd Immunity take hold in our nation.

Two months ago.
With each passing day, we are told that multiple more Americans were in-fact exposed to the virus than the “experts” suspected. Or more to the point…guessed.

I will keep asking this question until the groupthink-thought-police come to arrest me: “When has it ever been sound medical or governmental practice to sacrifice – and destroy – the economic, mental, and physical well-being of the 99 percent to MAYBE protect and save the one percent...or less? When?”

This same doctor I spoke with also stressed to me that the “experts” our nation and the world relied upon to shut it down, could not answer one simple question. That being: Is COVID-19 less or more lethal than the Hong Kong flu pandemic (H3N2) of 1968? A pandemic that mirrored COVID-19 in that it was highly infectious and was primarily lethal to those over 65 with pre-existing conditions. A pandemic that infected millions of Americans and killed approximately 100,000 out of a then population of about 200 million. A pandemic which worldwide, killed upwards of 4 million people.

As of this writing, worldwide, there have been approximately 210,000 deaths. And does anyone else find it troubling and highly suspicious that the United States alone is responsible for slightly more than one-quarter of all deaths worldwide?
How could we possibly account for one-quarter of all the COVID-19 deaths in the entire world?
Easy, if say, you start counting pianos falling out windows and dropping on people as COVID-19 related deaths.
As we are also learning with each passing day, in order to justify their highly controversial, extremely punishing, draconian lockdowns, the handful of politicians, officials, and experts who upended our lives and ordered those lockdowns, are being very creative and very liberal as to what constitutes a COVID-19 fatality, all of which begs the question: Are there any ethical and honest reporters left within the mainstream media who could investigate this clearly duplicitous – but officially condoned – counting method?

The little real anecdotal evidence accidentally seeping into mainstream media indicates that the actual fatality rate in our nation from COVID-19 is less than the fear-merchants are displaying on their “Death Dashboards.” Potentially, far less. Unbiased professional reporting could tell us the real numbers.

But then, that’s the rub. Much of the mainstream media signed up for team “Doom and Gloom” from day one. At first, they did so to create as much fear and panic as possible so they could use COVID-19 as the mother of all click-bait cash cows. Once that was accomplished, many in that same liberal media chose to keep the fear-mongering going as a political tool.

Tens of millions of now desperate, depressed, angry, unemployed Americans, coupled with thousands of small business owners now out of business, have been told for weeks to “suck it up and do as you’re told” by politicians, academics, federal officials, media talking-heads, and celebrities who either have guaranteed, gold-plated jobs and healthcare plans, or seven-figure salaries, and millions in the bank.
The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment” to be inflicted upon criminal defendants. And yet, that same Constitutional consideration is not being afforded to those tens of millions of Americans whose lives have been negatively affected, or even destroyed, by draconian lockdowns which do amount to the most “cruel and unusual punishment” in the history of our Republic.

And then, from within that, tens of millions of Americans numbers, comes the – purposely – uncounted number of our fellow citizens who have died as a direct result of the lockdowns. Deaths from suicide, stress, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, or those who had serious pre-existing medical conditions but were scared away from the hospitals and life-saving treatment.

Do those deaths count? Are those lost Americans of any importance?
Do facts even matter when COVID-19 has been turned into a political football?
If they still do, then some of those facts are blaring that the fatality rate for this virus is 10 to 40 times lower than the “World is Ending” estimates spit out by faulty computer models.

Dr. Scott W. Atlas – the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford Medical Center – recently looked at the numbers in New York City, a city that became the epicenter of the virus in the United States.

Dr. Atlas – who is predictably shunned by the mainstream media because he does prefer using actual facts and statistics – recently reported that the rate of death for all people ages 18 to 45 is 0.01 percent. For people under 18, the rate of death is zero per 100,000. And of almost 8,000 NYC COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions, 99.2 percent had an underlying illness.

The truth must matter more than flawed computer models and experts and officials drunk on power.
Will anyone be held accountable for what will surely come to be known as the most tragic case of governmental, medical, and media malpractice in the history of the world? I doubt it.

Douglas MacKinnon is former White House and Pentagon official and author of the forthcoming Science Fiction/Fact novel: The Dawn of a Nazi Moon: Book One.
oz40 .... email me please at jfsully@protonmail.com
OZ40 Thanks for sharing Doug's article. I know Doug personally and he is a extremely intelligent person. I worked with his brother Jay who passed a few years back and had the opportunity to get to know Doug through Jay. The problem is that it is going to be difficult in my mind to reverse and reset what should have never happened.
I appreciate all the civil comments. Just wanted to see some dialog as to how people are feeling. Personally, my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist and my wife was a pharmaceutical buyer. Plus, with my 6 year old business dead in the water for all practical purposes, I have spent the time conditioning AND studying this virus from all angles. My personal feeling from study OUTSIDE THE MEDIA?? 1. It is a virus. Viruses do not just disappear from the human makeup. We can sit it out in quarantine for another week, month or year and it will make no difference. When we get back out there, it will be waiting for the people that did not get exposed the first time. There will inevitably be a second wave. There is a very strong SCIENTIFIC belief that we are better, at this point, to let it run it's course. 2. By letting it run it's course now, we develop 'herd immunity'. That is a real thing. For those that have not followed the CRAP on ALL news, this is how it works. If my wife and I were to get it, our bodies go to work developing our OWN immunity to this virus. When we recover, we now have those antibodies. However, my body and her body have fought the virus a little differently. That is part of being human. After recovery, we interact with each other, including these antibodies. The ones she developed that I did not develop will become part of my immunity, making me stronger. And mine that she did not develop will make her stronger. And that will work with every person that you interact with. 3. There is going to be a vaccine soon. There is also a vaccine for flu every year and, according to the CDC Flu Burden report, 24,000-62,000 have died from it anyway this season. Why? ALL viruses mutate. They have to attempt to PREDICT, about 3 years ahead, the mutations of H1N1, H3N2, and the other flu viruses they think will be the main problems for a certain year. Some years they do better than others. Covid-19 will be the same. It will mutate. And it will, most likely, be seasonal. 4. Viruses are very susceptible to sunlight. This is still a new virus, but it appears that 1 1/2 minutes is the maximum it survives in sunlight. My daughter gets new directives almost every day as an RT. It really is a fragile virus, but a very contagious one. 5. Personally, I am not running from this virus. EVERY person, EVERY day that you meet and interact with POTENTIALLY HAS SOMETHING THAT COULD KILL YOU. That has always been true and that fact will not change. I know I cannot hide from it forever and I choose not to quake in fear in the basement. I did not do that for H1N1, SARS, MERS, Avian or any of the others (And, no, contrary to popular belief, I was not here for Spanish flu in 1918). 6. I have hope that we will retain some of the sanitation exercises like washing hands more often. That also should even cut down flu in the future. But, in my experience, we have a short memory. In a couple years we very well may be back to where we were before this hit. And we will be waiting for the NEXT VIRUS TO COME AFTER US. And it will. We are messing where we shouldn't. Some day we are going to release a REAL BAD virus or something similar. Or nature is going to do it for us. It is just life on this bacteria and virus infected world.
By the way, Hydroxychloroquine is a 70 year old malaria drug. They know all about it. My wife says it should work from her knowledge and, with Zinc or Azithromycin, may be an effective treatment against Covid-19. My personal feeling? If I am dying from this virus "I WANT THE DAMNED DRUG." Better than just dying......LOL
Very good reads from both you guys!
Wow, just greats points by OZ and Webbie!

In other words ... "I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer! The future's uncertain and the end is always near!"

Life is too short, let's play ball!
You can't slip some Doors lyrics in there and expect it to go unnoticed! Roadhouse Blues...Let it roll baby roll....
Food for thought. Georgia just confined more than 1,000 positive COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours. They very recently opened things up.

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend
The end of our elaborate plans
The end of ev'rything that stands
The end

Yep..these are some Weird Scenes inside the Gold Mine, alright.

Wayne...you forgot to say that Georgia also more than doubled the number tested (20,000 more were tested, in fact)! Of course the number went up commensurately.
I don’t drink and drive
I always eject the magazine and clear the chamber before I clean my weapon
I never irritate my wife when she has a knife in her hands
I never eat deviled eggs after they have been left out overnight
I go to the doctor, regularly
I never mix the whites and colors in the wash
I respect the opinions of others
I love my country
I proudly served in the military
I will wear my mask for the safety of others
I have already made my Vegas reservations
I trust God
Let’s play ball

Mike Adair
Georgia has almost 4 million residents and certain counties/cities have larger concentrations of population, ATL area, etc.
What's the over/under on how many lives the Government, medical, and media will claim they saved? They'll pat themselves on the back and grab some number out of their a--.

So what if 30+ million people are out of work

So what if "a few" businesses are gone forever.

So what if the economy tanks.

So what if they trampled the Constitution.

On a personal note. If you are over 70 like I am, calculate what percentage of your remaining life expectancy was stolen from you.
I don't think you'll see many teams up here in Washington getting on the field anytime soon with our Milk Toast Governor we have to deal with.

I agree with you Jawood. I believe Mrs Inslee is enjoying his TV time way too much. He did fit in nicely with his lady friends on the View.

I believe the playing part will not be a problem in local tournaments. When you have to jump in a plane and stay in a hotel room is where I have an issue at least for now.

The "logistics" of complying with these guidelines will be a nightmare! What about Parking lots and entrances to the fields, Vendor contact or buying concessions! A team of 15 will have to separate by a total of 90 ft! All the sanitizing WILL add a "lot" of time to schedules!

I agree with OZ40, these "regulations" will greatly limit the "total experience" of a tournament, even celebrating a victory will be "sterile". Just won't be FUN anymore! I live in Vegas and our Governor in conjunction with the SSUSA will make the tournaments here anything but enjoyable! And before you say it, no I will not be participating for the 1st time in 25 years and not because I fear the Virus!
We all want to play - safely! But...

The whole point of social distancing or shelter in place is that we don't infect other people when we are either symptomatic or asymptomatic but contagious. So if I decide to play, am I putting at risk anyone else I come into contact with, especially my wife and elderly parents? Do they get a vote, or is that just something I have to work out in my own relationships? What about others with whom I may come into contact?

No easy answers here.


With all the additional requirements, will time limits be extended?
How about this, play the game as intended...7 innings. OZ40 and Webbie, as a former Environmental-Health-SAfety Specialist, I appreciate your excellent comments
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