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Discussion: How does it work

Posted Discussion
Aug. 6

102 posts
A team plays in three Qualifiers, does not win anything goes home on Saturday in two of them and is still not brought down to a lower level. How does that work? Spending at least $1500 for the three Qualifiers and personal expenses to boot. Now another $700 plus for Vegas coming up in September.
Aug. 6

982 posts
Have you submitted a ratings appeal form?
Aug. 6
The real deal
Men's 70
114 posts
Yo deep 14 - sounds like we're in the same boat: fodder for the big boys. I can count on one hand the number of home runs our team has hit ALL YEAR! But we got moved up to Major after winning a 4 team bracket last month. We contemplated changing our team name to "WE GOT SCREWED", but cooler heads prevailed. So now we are taking a team vote whether to pay / play in any more SSUSA tournaments this year, since a lot of us will be moving up next year. Good Luck!
Aug. 7
Men's 60
417 posts
Other Associations do this too--------not just SSUSA

SSUSA did the opposite we got moved from Major to AAA three years ago. I lost several players who wanted to still play Major at Nationals and Worlds, so we became a legitimate AAA team from that point.

Had to fill out appeal forms with all other associations as we wanted to play same division in all associations

In a rival association, we finished 2nd at their world tournament (only six team bracket) last year, (1-1) in seeding games and (4-2) in double elimination for a (5-3_ record overall but still got bumped back up to Major---------we did hit 14 home runs in 8 games which is less than 2 a game.

But it is what it is, so we play Major in that Association and still AAA in all the others until we hopefully actually win something down the road.

In the meantime we still don't hit very many homers as a team, but we often score 20+ a game

To me your average runs per game "MAY" mean more than the homers, because if you hit 6 homers a game and only score 10-12 runs a game are those teams really major too?? A team that can often score 20/24 + runs a game with two homers may be the stronger team.

Lastly when we got moved to AAA from Major we just kept playing the game, replaced our lost players with a few new players, had tourneys where you would occasionally do very good or maybe go (1-4) all weekend which isn't fun either.

But we keep getting back on the horse, won a few tourneys in other associations in 2018 (after two very hard seasons) and we keep playing for the Love of the Game regardless of division.

No its not fun losing, but if you are surrounded with good friends and team-mates that are good to hang out around on the weekends, (and don't mind getting back on the same horse) sometimes that's more fun than the actual ball games too, and can pay off in the long run.

Aug. 7
Men's 60
234 posts
Home runs doesn't necessarily make a team major or not. We won 50 major a few years back with a team that rarely used all of the home runs. We were consistent hitters and exceptional defense. The metric that really matters when it comes to offense is runs scored as said previously. More home runs can lead to more total runs but not always.

We got moved up to Major Plus the following year and got our rear ends handed to us. I think a lot of the problem was our players trying to hit home runs on 350' fields when that wasn't our game and we weren't capable of doing that. There was no way we were going to out HR a M+ team. I found it a little easier to get hits because there was more room to get line drives down in the outfield and gaps were bigger. I have a lot of respect for those that can and do play at that level. It's a big jump up in talent for sure.
Aug. 7
Men's 60
138 posts
I can't believe how many people come on here and whine about how bad they suck, and then expect someone to hold their... hand and lead them to the promised land where everyone wins. Hey thats it, lets all chip in and buy them participation trophies!

Follow the guidelines on this site and see if you qualify to get moved down. Simple.
Aug. 8
Men's 65
594 posts
Not true just saying
Aug. 8
Men's 60
347 posts
How about this.

Explain to the team that by being moved up the roaster has to change in order to compete at next level, some players are at one level and others are on another level.

Next options take your poison for the next 2 years suck it up, and then file to be moved.

Aug. 8
The real deal
Men's 70
114 posts
Grayhitter: Nope - not looking to "trade in" some teammates for better players who might be A-Holes. And ffdonnie - not whining, just stating facts. Our team has been together a long time - we're family. And I'd rather lose with my brothers than win with A-Holes. If that makes me a loser, that's ok with me. We always play to win, even with our lesser players (and as I approach 70, I might fit this category).

Aug. 9
Men's 60
347 posts
I agree with you, so then we have to take or poison for at least 2 years.
Aug. 9
Men's 70
4415 posts
Or, a more balanced look at the other side of the same coin ... Accept the challenge and compete at the higher level where your team's performance justified being moved to ... Sometimes it resembles a game of Twister as teams who know they should be playing up go through all sorts of gyrations to try to justify sliding back down where they are more generally guaranteed success instead of actually earning it against better competition ...
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