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Discussion: Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101

Posted Discussion
April 6
Men's 65
450 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
80yr Pops hitting 3 weeks after knee replacement. consult your doctor of course, but hitters can work on core and upper body torque, extension and wrist snap developing skills off the tee if the lower body is in rehab from injury or joint replacement.
April 8
Men's 65
594 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
Good to know bogie
I get my knee done may 14th!
April 8
Men's 65
450 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
Good luck! I have one in my future too..can you help my dieting ha
April 10
Men's 65
594 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
Bogie i sure can seafood
quit eating all the food you see!lol
good luck back at you!
Been fight my knee since 2017
April 10
Men's 65
594 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
Bogie ps hope to see you on the field again one day long time since washington
April 11
Men's 65
450 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
Too long..thatd be great..email me sometime kennethvanbogaert@gmail.com
April 15
Men's 60
174 posts
Chair Drill allows Tee Hitting during knee/hip replacement rehab SM101
This truly is a great drill!
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