I see no mention of this tournament on this web site is this not a usa asa senior tournament?
I think you answered your own question. Burlington is an ASA tourney. Not sponsored nor sanctioned by SSUSA.
See link below. Sad turn out for a National tournament.
Thanks, I found that but where do you go to see what tournaments they are having?
Everything I see says asa and usa senior ball is the same.
rtaven, ASA is now USA Softball. They are not related to SSUSA. Most tournaments here in Indiana are listed on our local USA Softball link. The national link only has regional and national and some state tournaments. Their slow pitch tournaments are mostly for young guys. They are not known for their senior events. I can talk with you if you like because I am sure that this does not make a lot of sense, but they are not related to SSUSA or any other senior association, and I am definitely not going to recommend them as a place to find senior tournaments.
Thanks for the help. I had some friends who said they were playing there and I could find no information. I did finally find the one you displayed and after much searching actually found a web site. showed no future tournaments and I can see why. Thanks again. Bob T