Something to share near and dear to my’s new bat time! We have been working long and hard to develop the new lines for 2019 and make them better than ever. Quicker break in to Top performance and better durability have been achieved in the 2019 plus the big announcement from the Worth side on a totally new bat for 2019! The Miken side will still feature the original U2 along with the signature line of Freaks. A big shout out to Miken Pro Johnny Bailey whose name rests on the new Patriot 12” barrel model. We still have the balanced version (Mike Dill), 1/2 ounce end load (Jason Kendrick) and 1 ounce end load ( The Big Cat, Mighty Mike Macenko). They are all superb and receive some slight adjustments for 2019 to make them better than ever.
On the Worth side we will still offer the popular one piece Worth Wicked with a half ounce end load and.....drum roll please as we roll out the brand new 2 piece Worth Wicked Pro XL signature edition.
I am honored and humbled to be considered and placed on this bat along with 3 of my talented teammates: Chris Walker, Bob O’ Brien, and Dal Beggs. These three guys are among the very best players in senior Softball and tremendous individuals as well. Thank you to the Staff at Worth and Miken for including me with such a talented group of men. Now.....I have been working with the talented engineering group from Miken/Worth for over 6 months on this bat. By now, I am quite sure I have worn them all out with my pursuit of building the perfect bat for the masses. I think we have pretty much accomplished that! It employs the very latest in every technology throughout its entire handle/barrel/loading makeup. We utilized a 13.5” barrel coupled with the most popular 1/2 ounce end load that most players enjoy. The balance point is so spot on that you barely feel the end load but you immediately feel the increased inertia as the bat accelerates through the hitting zone. I am absolutely thrilled with the end result and am super excited to begin swinging this bat exclusively. We are taking preorders and should also have these bats at the greatest senior tournament on earth, SSUSA’s Las Vegas World Championships. The first batch begins its shipments around 9/15 so if you have questions or need more information please call me at 561-718-7504.
Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Miken/Worth Pro Staff
Alan, proportion and weighting wise which senior Miken model is closest to the U-Trip Miken DC41 ?
PS. Thanks again for getting the Team 1 Sports batting gloves out to me so quickly!
The Big Cat from Miken is very similar to the DC41 since it employs the same 1 ounce end load in its chemistry... Most players that swing both of them feel very little difference at all....
Team 1Sports
Alan: What is the 2019 version of the White Miken Freak Platinum PT Maxload? I have used my 2017 version for two years and it has been the best "ASA" bat that I have ever had. I will need a new bat for next year, what is the equivalent bat?
The good news is that both Miken and Worth have what you need and they match up and give you the same crazy good ASA performance that you have enjoyed. Mikens Freak 20th Anniversary Maxload and Worths EST XL will feel and perform the same as the Platinum. Get with me if you need help in getting one and I’ll take care of you....
Alan Tanner
Team 1Sports
Alan is point on with his UTrip DC-41 comparison to the Miken Big Cat, I have both the 2017 UTrip and ASA model, as with the Big Cat, if you like a full ounce end load you will enjoy the performance of the Miken DC-41 bats. The 2017 Miken Big CAT is also a beast for those who have not tried it. Good Luck. V/r BJR
Are U going to have the new bats in Dalton and or Vegas???
Worth/Miken are building the bats now. The plan is to have some out in Vegas to be available to players there. I am told they will be shipping to me starting right around September 15th so I can begin distribution to the players that preorder them now. If you have questions or need information please feel free to contact me at 561-718-7504. I did put a short video about the bats makeup on my You tube channel today which you can find if you search Alan Tanner Softball on you tube. There will be additional videos in the works over the next several days. Hope to see a lot of you out in Vegas!
Alan Tanner
Worth/ Miken Pro Staff
Update from the field today....I received my own off the line production model yesterday and immediately ran over the field to test it out. Not many times do first run production models exceed your expectations over the numerous prototypes that you go through to try to dial it in but......
I think we have a winner for sure! It’s hard to imagine a 13.5” barrel where almost 11-11.5” is usable and performs VERY well but that’s the case here. No doubt the most forgiving senior bat I have ever hit. We all certainly are not perfect in our mission to hit the sweet spot dead on. This bat certainly will help you when you miss a little. Production is going on now and shipments should start around the 15 th so don’t miss out on one of these for sure. Give me a call with any questions or for more information .
Alan Tanner
Worth/Miken Pro Staff
Alan, will demo bats be available at Worlds?
Alan, can you share with us how many prototypes they sent you to test to determine the bat was right? Also did Bob O'Brien and the others names on the bat help with the testing? Would love to hear your input on designing a bat? The different things you do to perfect the ultimate softball bat!
Hail Ragna!
The plan is to have the new Miken and Worth line at each session at Las Vegas. So far I believe our production schedule will allow for that.
We took input from each of the players as well as some outside players when designing and testing the bat. We worked on 3 different examples before dialing in this completed version now. Their were different balance points, loading, and even handles being interchanged as each little thing can change the complexion of a bat. Try to keep in mind we aren’t just after a high performance bat but a high performance bat that is forgiving, long lasting, and can be swung by many different types of players effectively. I am sure we have achieved just that with this bat. I took one over to a field today where several different age groups and ability levels were taking BP. I told them nothing but just asked them to hit the bat and give me any feedback or likes or dislikes. The responses were 100% positive and everyone loved the swing feel and performance. I’m excited to get this one out into the public’s hands. Our engineers did a fantastic job in dialing this bat in.
Are the miken bats redesigned or just repainted more specifically the 12” is it the patriot or has it changed
The Miken line is very subtly changed and the Patriot now known as our man Johnny Baileys signature 12” bat received the updates in technology too, You will notice its improvements in feel and performance and it also has an impressive sweet spot for a 12” bat. I fell our engineers have dialed in the 2019 line so very well that it is truly the best lineup bat by bat that we have ever produced. I am super excited to see these bats start to get out to the public in the next couple of weeks. There certainly is a configuration in our line to meet every players needs.
Alan Tanner
Worth/ Miken Pro Staff
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