I never thought I would have to write this but I do, I am a member of the Timberworks 65 Major ++ Team (that's right Major ++). This means we have to give all Major + teams 5 runs, if they wish them. This is based on us having a great year last year (one great year)In the Westerns we gave a very good team 5 runs and it didn't feel right to anyone. I have played "competitive" softball for over 30 years. Being on Cal burgers, Dan Smiths, Cal Rebels, MTC, and now Timberworks (all won "Major +" national titles). We played against Nothdurf, Maroadi's, Fergies, the Florida and Texas teams, Harrisons, and the Seacrest Mavericks.. Believe me, we took our lumps but never got or whined for runs. You just competed and got better. I guess I am a dinosaur in the game today, where people rather play down than get better. Doug is a great sponsor who covers our tournies, uniforms and bats, we pay the rest. I cannot ever see myself taking runs and shaking hands with Don Clatterbough at the end of a game we won by getting runs. Maybe, we should just start giving participation awards!!!
The elephant in the room is the Major Teams that are kicked up so the money making divisions, Major and AAA, stay somewhat calm. Major + is the proverbial penalty box. The major complaint I hear is Major + teams have too much power for them to compete. I suggest that these teams have the option to play with a one up homer rule against the "power" teams or go to a 3 homer limit like we used to have in ASA 35 and 40's. Something needs to be done because the number of teams in the Major + 65, 70's and up divisions is dwindling. There has to be an effort to grow these fields.
I have come to realize I don't really mind giving the runs but don't ever ask me to take them....
Interesting. I just looked at the rankings and I did not see a new rating level added for SSUSA. Highest level I see is still Major Plus. Is it hidden somewhere?
marcster13, the ratings list still shows Timberworks 65 as Major Plus.
Doak, I am with you 100 percent! Never thought I would live long enough to see a rating created for just one team!
Many teams believe the difference in Major and Major Plus is Power but as we age we see less home runs. The quality of the overall hitting is still prevalent in all levels. Defense, speed, depth and arm strength does vary by each team.
The problem as I see it is the challenge to see how other very good Major Plus teams can justify taking the 5 runs.
I never thought I would see where this type of an adjustment would be made my making a very unusual additional division in an attempt to level out the playing field. We still have the dwindling numbers of Major Plus teams in 65 and above.
We will play within the rules and give it our best effort even if it requires giving 5 runs to a strong 65 Major Plus team. Like Doak, don't ask us to ever take the runs, won't happen!
I understand we have a problem just not convinced this is the solution.
Timberworks Major + + team!
I just don't believe it, never could expect this to happen for just one team. So now we have a super major team or ++. don't get it.
The rating is unofficial for sure, but still exists. I, also, would never take the runs-period. I play M+ to play the best and do my best. I believe it is an experiment to get more teams to move to M+, but the truth is that every M+ team tries to improve every year to compete against the best, if they lose the year before. We-Timberworks-have 4 new players this year. One has had back surgery and is out for the year. One has an achilles problem and is out for an extended period. I missed a tourney and a half with a bad back. And the team goes on like nothing happened. It is a tribute to a great bunch of guys and a great team. But, what happens if we lose worlds by losing two 1 run games and we had to give 5 runs to our opponent. Does anybody really feel good about that at the level that supposedly pits the best against the best? I think not.
Insert name of team that is really really good here______________M++ is a bunch of bull. Instead of Doug getting penalized for putting together a group of talented individuals, he should be applauded for putting together a bunch of talented players and keeping them together.
They always bat more people than most teams have on their roster. You try keeping a bunch of prima donnas I mean talented players together and get them enough playing time that they want to stay together regardless of how many games they win. The prima donna statement was tongue in cheek. I have played with and or against these guys my entire senior career and most of them are fine individuals as well as great ballplayers. Imlay is the exception, he is just too nice of a guy.;-)
This same message board was all over Sommerville a few years ago for being the class of the division and your point.... I concur that if you have a decent sponsor you can attract more quality players. So what, least I be uninformed, the majority of the senior division is retired, semi retired or wanting to retire. If you can get a little help, more power to you. This conversation is not about sponsorship but rather sportsmanship. If JK,Timberworks,Summy, Hollis, Hendrickson, or whomever puts together a great team applaud them, compete against them, beat them, and relish in your accomplishment.
Runs or extra man in the same division is not fair period.
Webbie, don't whine about injuries, everybody hurts at this age. ;-) TW has the depth in its roster to overcome what would be devastating to other teams.
Patti and Carol, I will add you to the sainthood application that I sent in for Dawn.