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Discussion: Intentional walk

Looking fort the rule governing a team declaring multiple walks to end an inning.
JR.. is this what you mean?? this is the only intentional walk rule I know of..
B. When four pitched balls have been called by the umpire. The batter-runner is awarded one base without liability to be put out. EFFECT: The ball is dead and runners may not advance unless forced. If the pitcher desires to intentionally walk a batter, he may do so by notifying the plate umpire who shall award the batter first base. If two batters are to be walked intentionally, the second intentional walk may not be administered until the first batter reaches first base. NOTE: If the umpire mistakenly allows two walks at one time and the first batter fails to touch first base, no appeal will be honored on the first batter, because an intentional walk constitutes a pitch to the succeeding batter that nullifies any appeal.
J R ... Not sure what hypothetical fact pattern gives rise to your question, but B.J. is correct on the only applicable provision in the SSUSA Rulebook ... I've seen it done in a couple of fairly infrequent circumstances ...

• Walking a couple batters to force in the 5th run in a non-open inning to "rush the clock" to get to the 6th, thereby guaranteeing two more at-bats rather than just the open; and
• Walking a batter or two in order to force a CR on base to be declared out when his turn at bat comes up for the third out ... We actually had a World Championship game in Phoenix end that way years ago ...

Am I (probably?) missing some other circumstance where walking "multiple" batters has a beneficial end result? ... Thanks! ...

Thx. That is it I just overlooked it. The opposing pitcher said to the umpire walk the next 4 batters causing the 5th to score.Getting an extra at bat.The walked off the field. I complained the umpire did not know the rule.
Dave, I have never had it happen in seniors but have had it happen to get to an ejected batter when there was no sub to force an out.
I've done it a few times in league play to take away the heart of the other teams offense to give my team a better chance of winning.
Thanks Nancy, I hadn't thought about that one ... But I'm not surprised you did! ... You have an "ejection trigger" faster than anyone, including an Air Force fighter pilot in crash bail-out mode! ...
Dave, you know that I am the sweetest umpire ever until a player screws up. My old state director said that I get 7' tall in those situations. I do love the way that you worded that though, nice work. Actually I had my second ejection in a senior tournament in 21 years ever this weekend. I do think that throwing your bat at your team is just cause though no matter what the reason. The coach asked me if I could not just give a warning. For that? No. The catcher said that he did the same thing 2 weeks ago in Kansas City and was ejected for the duration of the tournament. I asked the coach about it and why they keep him. He said that he was a good hitter. How good can you be when you only last 1 inning? I was just glad that they had a substitute for their sakes. I will say that he behaved very well in the second game that I had them and appreciate that. Now there were a couple of late Saturday nights at Midwest that I should have ejected you so you would go get some sleep. I had a partner that ejected a coach before the coin flip once, but that is more of a story to share over an adult beverage. I look forward to seeing you somewhere and telling you about it. I should probably also tell you the story about diamond 4 the night that an umpire didn't take control during a coed game. My team in the third base dugout of diamond 3 asked if we could stop our game because there were women punching women and guys trying to get in the middle of it, and they wanted to watch. Tim even ran out to the diamond to grab a bat out of a woman's hands that was about to smash the woman who started it (oddly enough her jersey number was actually 666). It is the only time that I have seen sheriff's cars lined inside the complex from the parking lot out to the back diamonds.

You know that I would share the story about Coachie's only ejection, but I think that I have a 2K word limit here.
The Best Umpires are those that let the PLAYERS determine (by their play) the outcome of a game. Be courteous, but don't be a chatterbox, speak when spoken to and don't comment on either teams play, good or bad. Be confident and decisive. Be thick skinned' but when you've heard enough, give them a warning, and if they persist. Tossem
Nancy you seem like a very level headed and intelligent individual, and I would love to meet you someday. Alas, I am from the Pacific Northwest and will probably never have that honor. I have walked a batter because he was already heated and I wanted to irritate him further. I walked him every time he came to bat (except his last a bat) and he was useless in the field the entire game, but it didn't keep him from running his lips. By the way he struck out swing his last at bat. Karma has a way of evening things out.

Raleigh L Rowland
GySgt USMC (Ret)
Raleigh, thank you for the kind words. I have been involved with softball for a very long time and think about it a lot. As with your scenario, it can be a bit like chess sometimes in strategy. You never know about meeting. I sometimes end up in unexpected places. I will warn you that I can talk softball until the sun comes up. Thank you for your service. I never served but have some strong ties to the military.
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