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Discussion: Cowtown Classic
When will Cowtown Classic brackets be posted? Tournament is next weekend in KC
Please contact the independent T.D. (see the website tournament page for details) for schedule generation and publication timing ... This event is not administered by the SSUSA Home Office ...
I got a email early this week, we are in the 40 mens bracket though not sure what you are playing.
50 AAA. Can you email me bracket?
purcelce ... Go the event tournament page and click on the "send email to" link for the Tournament Director ... Hopefully he'll get back to you ... Good luck!
Purcelce, The director has sent the brackets to all the managers. Assuming you are playing in the tourney, and your team has a manager, your manager has the bracket.
Several team managers didn’t get team names only times in bracket due to a word document.
My manager was in this boat. TD plans to get team names up sometime this weekend. Several teams don’t know who they are playing.
Looks like it’s going to be COLD Thursday and Friday when us old guys (70s) play and even colder for the weekenders! I might even crack a bat in the cold!
We have 4 games on Thursday starting at 8AM with last game scheduled to start at 2. Quite an ambitious schedule first time out!
Good luck everyone and stay healthy!
From the tournament director:
With great regret I feel I must cancel the Cow Town Classic. The forecast by all is 36 with snow/sleet. Very unsafe. By canceling today the out of town men can cancel and not get charged for their rooms.
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