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Discussion: Steve Imlay hitting clinic

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April 13
Men's 55
20 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
Yesterday the 12th of April I had the pleasure of experiencing Steve's hitting clinic. If you get a chance to get attend it is well worth the time and it is inexpensive. I increased my exit speed by 12mph and my confidence 100%.
April 14
Men's 65
332 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
I also attended Steve Imlay's Hitting Clinic in San Clemente CA. I had gotten into some bad habits, Batting Stance etc. Steve and his staff were very helpful with their suggestions. I now have a complete make-over on my approach in the Batters Box. I am not a power hitter (singles hitter), still their suggestions are such that it forced me to FOCUS and to drive the ball much harder then previously. I increased my Exit Seed by "10mph"! Just finished BP today. 1st 50 pitches O.k., 2nd 50 pitches a noted improvement even my fellow BP Mates noticed the improvement,(ya they still gave me "S--T"). Steve and his Staff 'worked us' they stayed on us and kept encouraging us. They not only shared their knowledge but help to build our confidences. I also bought a Tee to continue to train my Batting Technique and Muscle Memory. I still need work, but at least I am comfortable with the knowledge shared by Steve and his Staff. Special Thanks to Steve's Son Drew who was patient in reinforcing my new and Improved Hitting Stance. Shout out to my fellow Clinic Mates all made for an enjoyable learning experience.
Tomar, (Tommy)
April 14
Men's 70
71 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
tommy,,i never knew of a batting clinic in san clemente,,,when r they,,,just one day,? I do want to go,,,,,,,,,,gary
April 14
Men's 55
20 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
He fixed a lot of bad habits with me also. By fixing these he also fixed between my ears, the two bb's are now in sync.
April 15
Men's 60
498 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
Steve can be reached on his web site http://sliacademy.com/
there is a link on my website as well www.socalssa.com He doesn't have a fixed schedule so I'd suggest you contact him for upcoming clinics. We have had some here in So Cal and the feeback has been very positive... good luck
April 15
Men's 65
332 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
Nails, Marv has it right. Steve schedules Clinics in various locations. Need to contact his website and get on his email list. That is how I did it. He emailed me a few months later on the San Clemente Clinic.
April 15
Men's 70
71 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
iam on board,,,,,,,thanks
April 15
Men's 60
174 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
It was a fun day with lots of hard work put in by everyone. In the process of putting video's with comparisons on your swing with some additional comments and getting that out to all that attended. Looking at scheduling next rounds of Hitting Academies. Looking at second week in May in Phoenix and then will look at California and possibly Las Vegas.
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April 15
Men's 70
30 posts
Steve Imlay hitting clinic
Thanks Steve for the clinic in San Clemente. It reinforced all the things I have learned that have improved my hitting over the last couple of years.
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