Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers. Total knee replacement at at 7AM Thursday, home Friday at 5PM. Everything has gone great, but I have some funny maybe not so much stories. So far my pain level has been far less than I anticipated, but I am a great patient. I listen and follow instructions. For me it is getting where I want to be, when I am supposed to, not when I think I should.
Mike Adair
Free Agent in April 2017.
Good luck with your rehab Mike!
Good luck. I've had both replaced. One 3 years ago, one exactly 1year ago. Both went great. Was playing dall after 3 months. Not 100%'but playing. Also was skiing downhill after 3 months. No problem. A lot depends on the patient being in shape and wanting to heal quick, rehab plus the doctor who did the surgery. Plus the product being used. Some have had recalls. I did a year of homework. Plus my Doctor is one who works SF 49er players. Be patient and do your rehab
100 yards before 9AM. Not all at once. 10 yard increments. This is the same surgeon that did my hip 9 years ago. I thought he was talented, but wow. I have had very little bruising and limited pain.
In house rehad yesterday and PT guy was just amazed at my range of motion and strength.
Interesting things to hear while receiving an epidural.. Do we have a 5 or 7 inch needle around? It will take us 20 minutes to order, just push harder. True story. I can laugh Now
The patient never likes to hear "oops"!
Another fun hospital fact. Before you can go home you must be able to urinate on your own, now at my age I am more likely to be candidate for depends than not so no problem. Not so much...2 32 oz waters and two IV bottles later I managed to get e little flow going, enough to go home. Guess when there was no holding back...12:30AM; 1:30AM; 2:30AM; 3:30AM, screw it, I w3ill help change the sheets.
4b, as a follow up to your hospital fun fact, being able to go on your own sure beats the pain of a catheter! Previously was 1 of the 1st ones in and everyone was out before me because the flow wouldn't go. Stay thirsty my friend.
Another Hospital Fun Fact
It is required that the RN taking out the Catheter is very sweet, young and good looking. She said to me "this will not hurt much" let's just say much is a relative term. Actually she did a great job considering how little she had to work with. When she said that if I did not go on my own they were going to have to put it back in....I was extremely motivated.
Hey, Mike, maybe this will help-I have been trying to work with Depends for years to create a 'depends with a cup' for senior softball players. Still can't get them to listen. There are times.......
Well Bob, my PT guy just left. I kind of got my tail feathers singed for my 1 mile walkabout yesterday. Good news is staples come out on Friday, I graduated to cane and we get to go to the community gym on Friday.
I thought I was all that and a bag of chips until he told me about his next patient. a 104 year old woman that broke her neck and arm. She just got released to use her arm.
Man was I humbled, I think I am going to ice and take a nap.
This time last week I was in an operating room getting a knee replacement. So far I am beyond ecstatic. The same surgeon and hospital who did my knee did my hip 9 tears ago with fantastic results. I sense a trend.
I can walk without a cane though slowly, I actually prefer a walker, I can just zoom with that thing. Dawn is complaining we just got new carpet and if I keep it up we will need carpet runners.
No pain, deeper bend than before the surgery, my knee is tight, feels likes I am wearing an ace wrap. Bruising finally has appeared, not varicose vein variety, but rather beat with a stick sort of look.
Plan for today, walkabout, 3-4 mini walks, probably total a mile, but I do not want too much swelling because BOB, my PT guy, is letting me go to the gym tomorrow. Bad part about that is once I get to go, I really do not have any excuse not to. LOL
2340' for my first walk, 20 minutes, now ice, make me lunch, elevate and rest.
Hey Mike
Had full knee replacement 4 months ago. Right now I have no pain and can bend 130 degrees. Still fells a little stiff after sitting and like you said a rubber band around your knee. Just pitched 2 rounds of batting practice and took 40 swings today, NO PAIN!!!! Can jog but not run yet.
Do everything your PT says and go to Gym went not seeing him. You have to get that quad strength back. After my surgery I could only do 10 lbs on a leg press machine (just the surgery leg). 4 months later I am doing 90 lbs, 3 sets of 15 reps with the repaired leg.
Work hard, it is worth it!
Thanks MV.
Just finished my second walk 3000'. Woo doggy I am whipped.
Chuck the progress your making is outstanding. Pretty soon you'll be doing triple axles!! :)
Keep up the good work and I hope to learn your playing next season with little or no limitations or pain.
Happy Thanksgiving
Chuck you must be a pretty good pitcher or pretty good guy. Pitching two rounds and no worrying about someone going middle in itself is an accomplishment. Thanks for the encouragement.
Day 9.
100 degree bend, but unable to make the rotation on the bike, back and forth, not all the way around. Will try again on Sat.
Day 10 - 1500' to the gym manage to bike 50 rotations and 1500' back home. Does not sound like much, but I assure you those first rotations were as hard as anything I have ever done physically. Nobody, but me and my ego. Talk about getting humble quick.
Day 11 - 1500' to the gym manage to bike 10 minutes, could have gone longer, but I had 1500' back home. My wife has been a tremendous help in my recovery. Every night she massages my legs to assist in reducing swelling and bruising. I will try for another session this afternoon.
Mike you are doing great. I found out I over did it! Muscles sore all over even on the non surgical leg. Dr told me to take a week off and just walk and stretch! Let my muscles heal! Still no pain in new knee, very glad I did it! (4 months and 10 days out)! Can'ty wait to get down to Florida and hit at Woodlawn in January.
Remember it gets better every day!!!
PS We use a pitching screen, I'm not that good!! :)
Day 12 - Took and additional 1000' walk on day 11. PT Bob told me to lay off a little and we focused on leg weights and exercises.
Day 13 - 1500' to the gym manage to bike 15 minutes,lifted weights for 15 minutes, light to medium focusing on technique.1500' back home and ice.
I have substituted extra strength Tylenol for the prescribed stuff. Things are much more regular now. LOL
An not and, I have to quit typing without my computer glasses on.
Got a guy here in Sun City in Illinois. Had two orthopedics prescribe full knee replacement on both legs. He decided to get one more opinion. The 3rd Doc said he only needed what is called a Partial. He went with that and is doing great. Much quicker recovery, according to him.
My surgeon did my total hip replacement 9 years ago. Hammers on me to quit playing softball, but knows it is futile. TKP 13 days ago. I can walk without cane or walker. kind of look like a new born calf if I get moving faster than I should. PT Bob is just amazed that I can do a full squat. Drove myself to the doctor today to get some blood work done. Totally excited and blessed with the progress I have made.
I would always investigate to the nth degree prior to major surgery. I continued to investigate alternatives all the way to my surgery date, just no other options.
Day 15 - Did my exercises, then 4700' Wore me out - walk about. Took the cane, had to use it a little. One short rest, buzzards were circling so took some water and finished up. Now ice, nap, TURKEY.
Day 16 - Did my exercises using 5'lb leg weights, contrary to popular belief my bats do not weigh that much nor do my forks.
Day 17 - 20 minutes on the bike, 25 minutes lifting. Off the prescribed meds, just extra strength Tylenol. Ice, Ice, Baby.
Day 18 - 25 minutes on the bike, 25 minutes lifting. Off the prescribed meds, just extra strength Tylenol. Ice, Ice, Baby
Day 19 - 30 minutes on the bike, 25 minutes lifting. I know this sounds stupid, but I forgot to eat today. Got a headache about 5:30. Ate dinner better now. What an idgit. Ice, Ice, Baby
Hi Mike-great to hear you are doing so well. One thing I noticed since mine was I seem to dehydrate much more easily-even now. Not sure why-but watch your water. Will we see you on the field in Vegas?
I hope to play with someone in March in Hemet then hook up with a team in April. Something new for me, being a free agent.
Day 20 - just exercises no gym
Day 21 - Drove to see the Doc and Physicians Assistant - 115 degree Range of Motion, did a little Christmas shopping, got gas, better clarify gasoline and went home for a nap. Sweating like a farm hand. Off the the gym then a class tonight. First outside PT tomorrow.
Just had my 5 month checkup for my knee replacement. 130 degree bend and flat on extension and "no pain". Just a tight feeling on outside of knee that he says is normal, Dr was ecstatic. Gave me OK to do whatever I want (except slide). I haven't slid in 30 years so that's not a problem. Told me to keep doing work in Gym, especially on quad, calf, hamstring and glute.
All the hard work you are doing will pay off just don't give up.
Heading south to Florida in a week (will bge there till April), cant wait to go to Woodlawn and start hitting!!
Have a great Holiday!!
Congrats on your results. Not planning on the sliding thing. My lovely beautiful wife never drops the F bomb, except when I slid into 2nd 6 years ago, I was safe, but that did not carry much weight with her. She explained to me the rug burn on my leg was the least of my worries if I did that again, so no worries there.
negative 3 degrees on the straight leg, 115 degree on ROM. PT is amazed I am on the recumbent bike for 30 minutes, usually 5+ miles, everyday. Long ways to go, but very encouraged.
One of my favorite hitting expressions: don't think, just hit.
Glad to hear you are not going to slide, Mike, you might shake the San Andreas fault loose.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your lovely wife.
right webbie....and your slide would be like what....LOL.....
Probably--"Help, I slid into second and I can't get up!!!"
Merry Christmas Mad Dog.
Day 28 - Not going to post as often. I have hit an emotional plateau. Body is getting stronger everyday, scar looks like a fine point magic marker. Range of Motion getting better everyday. So what is my problem...I am mentally ready to go hit something, physically I still have a long way to go. My PT sadist/wonderful person pushes me hard and is excited about my improvement. Of course I know that I am way ahead of the curve, but I know how far I have to go and I am wanting to get there already. No need for you guys to tell me to cool my jets and listen to the professional, I am and will continue to do so. My PT,Lisa, has assured me I will be swinging by the end of January and Playing by the first of March. I appreciate her hurting me so good and she appreciates how hard I work. Okay I am now off to the gym. Back to job on Monday, no more mid morning or afternoon nap.
Congratulations on how well you are doing! I've had both of my knees replaced, one at 50 the other at 54. I play Major Plus. The first time you try to run is scary. My quad muscles had a hard time firing causing me to face plant out of the box. Don't push yourself too hard but have trust in the work you,your doctors and PT. Best of luck in the future!
Wow-gman, I did that face plant thing at least 5 times when I asked too much of it after I started playing again. But you learn again. good luck Mike.
Softball 4b just my two cents but you are several weeks ahead of my progress. I had both knees replaced in November, 2015 and September, 2016 and both times it took me 8 weeks to achieve 120 degrees bend whereas you are at 115 degrees after 3 weeks. I had a lot of swelling in both knees. I'm 6'1" and 218 .....I'm curious, what is your body type, height and weight? My PT was very agreesive with both knees but always commented that everyone progresses differently. I'm still going to the gym almost every day and hope to play again this Spring. I just don't have the flexibility you seem to have. Good luck with your progress and I'm very impressed with your progress having gone through it twice now. My only advice would be don't rush back too fast.
Pat Kelly
Syracuse, NY
60 Major
5'10" 290lbs on a good day. When I am unable to bike I am now doing the elliptical. Today the rubber hits the road, PT sadist, I mean loving human being, is going to have me on a stomach and she is going to get as much bend as possible in the knee. I returned to work on Monday and I am able to take a walk of about a 1000' three times a day. Gman and Webbie, it's all good with me running because I plan on hitting and sitting or at least I hope that is the case. You guys have got me a little jumpy, good thing I do not plan on running until Feb.
From week #4 to my graduation at week #9, I was on my stomach three times a week and they bent me 4 times a session for 30 seconds each. It's not fun but that is where I'm seem to gain my most bend. As for extension, I was able to get to zero degrees at week 8 also. As I said before, you have exceeded any progress I made and should be good to go. What team do you play for and what age and level is your team rated. Good luck this year.
Pat Kelly
Syracuse NY
118 degree Range of Motion, -5 degrees on straight knee, 5.4 miles in 30 minutes at level 5 recumbent bike, soreness decreasing everyday, I am using The Stick to reduce my T-Band tightness.
Free agent as of today. Been M+ all of my career except last year, then our Finish Strong team finished 2nd in Worlds and we got bumped. Not sure what my classification will be when I start playing in March. I am on schedule to start hitting at end of Jan.
Day 41 OOOWWWEEEE!!!! PT hurt in a good way. You know you are working hard when the PT person is straining. 0 Degree on straight leg, which means it was straight. I told staff that was probably this first time either leg had been straight in 10 years. Still a long way to go before able to play softball, but totally encouraged. I have lost 15 lbs since surgery, drop in the bucket on what I need to lose, but working on it. No pecan pie for me at Christmas. :-(
For my Ex Team-mate who trolls the message board
Christmas Eve present to myself. 30 minutes 6.9 miles on the bike 234 calories. I am so blessed by the Lord to have recovered from my surgery as well as I have. Wonderful support by my Surgeon, PT staff, boys and most beautiful wife. She massages by leg muscles every evening, I believe this to be integral to my physical and emotional healing.
Okay for who really know me this will not be a surprise: This falls under what were you thinking and usually the answer is you were not. I decided i was having such a great day that I decided to take an epson salts BATH. Optimum word BATH. Getting in the tub was fine, but then you have to get out. I had no intention of calling my son and nephew to come help me get my naked fat butt out of the tub, but ego was having a reality check. I had to roll to four different position before I was finally able to push with my good leg and both arms. I thought about taking the Rocky victory stance then just decided to shower off and get the hell out before something bad happened. Told my wife and her comment was I guess we better get you a medical alert necklace in you have fallen and can't get up. Is it to later to return her Christmas gifts. I think I would stick to showers for the foreseeable future.
Ending 2016 with my spirit fulfilled, my mind right, my body healing and happy. The LORD has blessed me far more than I deserve, but certainly no less than his promise to all. Itching to hit, but still 4 weeks away. I have lost 15 lbs, but then again proverbial drop in the bucket. Honey is there any fudge left????
Keep us tuned on your progress.
8 weeks in. 0 degree on passive straight leg, 110 degrees on passive range of motion. Gym today, 30 minutes bike, 6.9 miles at level 8. Getting stronger everyday, put a bat in my hand and took a batting stance. Could feel just how much further I have to go before I can drive off the back leg. Knowing how much stronger I am today than anytime in the past 3 years, I can say for a fact that I am blessed to have been able to play before this surgery. I know how far I have come in 8 weeks and if I make the type of progress I feel confident that I can play in March and be effective. To what extent only time will tell.
On a more personal note, regardless of whether I will ever be a quality ball player again, my quality of life has made all of this worth it. For those considering surgery investigate, educate and then don't hesitate.
Almost 9 weeks in. 0 degree on passive straight leg, 30 minutes bike, 7.3 miles at level 9.
Bat in my hand and took a batting stance, slight tightness in the knee, no pain.
I am pacing like a caged animal wanting to hit.
Two more weeks then tee work.
74 days... or 10 weeks & 4 days... or approx. 2 months
No pain. Very limited swelling. Now building strength to make both legs equal. 3 years of focusing only on good leg decidedly different leg shape. Bike 30 minutes level ten averaging 14 mph. Getting there. For my friends who have the surgery since me. Listen to your therapist and push yourself. I have had unbelievable support from everyone and it is greatly appreciated and lifts me when I may want to slack off. The rain in SoCal is eliminating the drought and requiring me to not get on the field before I should. The pics do not show how could my knee feels. Scar is like a pencil line. No crowning just smooth and no sensitivity. Patience sucks. I wanna hit!!!!!! for the pics
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