I know it's a little early but AZ Old School 50 Major team will be looking to add a couple players for the 2017 season starting in November. Looking for Major or Major plus players from AZ or bordering states to improve a strong returning group. If interested, please email Bill at wcdavenport@cox.net or call/text me at 602-697-4550 for more information.
The AOS organization is well run. We have very good players that are even better people.
Just my 2 cents.
I would have to say AOS is best Softball organization I have ever been a part of great teammates and very well run!!!...Just my 3 cents lol.
Everyone are good people to play with, except for #55. He is a cancer on that team. BEWARE. Talks too much, and belittles his teammates, directors, and other team player they are playing against.
I was not going to reply to this post, but have to with only one word:
I agree with E6. I can't figure out what the motivation of this anonymous message is other than a personal attack. If this is someone who played with us in the past, best of luck to you in finding another team where you can be happy. If this is someone who is still with AOS, best of luck to you in finding another team where you can be happy...
Just making others aware before committing to a long year of misery.
Billy it is rob you guys good on players for Vegas?
55 yr old looking to play in the phoenix area pitch 1st or second