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Discussion: What is your favorite complex you've ever played at?

For me it's Disney. Let's hear some others
Director's perspective • Favorites for combination of physical facility and its administration support group ...

1. Golden Eagle Regional Park (Sparks, NV)
2. Big League Dreams Sports Park (Las Vegas)
3. Walnut Creek Softball Complex (Raleigh, NC)
4t. Papago Park & Rose Mofford Softball Complexes (Phoenix)

Dalton Ga. Love those fields Except for the sun in bottom fields for the 8AM games.
I actually like the fields in Davis. All nicely kept and all the grass is cut precisely. Plenty of shade trees in the summer. Most of the artificial turf fields are nice too.
They all have + and -.

1. Canyons Complex St. George (don't slide)
2. Golden Eagle (when wind below 25mhp)
3. BLD (would be higher if outfield wasn't torn up)
I agree with Dave...BLD Vegas n the Phoenix fields are my choices! Aloha, Fabe
I think Botetourt in Salem, VA is awesome.
Any BLD. Only played in two, Vegas and Manteca. Makes you feel like a kid again! Agree with ffdonnie that the BLD complexes are getting a bit worn.

Golden Eagle is great too!
All BLD are great.... Really liked Redding except the heat. Golden eagle is great and once the handful of trees mature it will be better. Both Salem and Portland oregon are really good. Pleasanton is very nice. Victory Lane in Phoenix is one of my favorites. Stevens Point Wisconsin was good. Hastings Nebraska and Cedar Rapids Iowa had nice complexes. My personal favorite had to be Oklahoma City hall of fame stadium. Disney not bad but the walks sucked

Worst: Rancho in Reno you couldn't pay me to slide there. Martinez Tracy Antioch concord I will never set foot on again. Lancaster big 8 was brutal Witt the heat and wind

Old school favorite was rainbow fields in modesto
1. Botetourt Sports Complex in Salem, Virginia.Great fields; Dugouts with restrooms and electric fans.
2. Dalton, Georgia played there when it rained so much and so hard that I thought the whole weekend would be rained out. We were playing two hours later.
I really liked playing at the Osceola County Softball Complex located in Kissimmee, Florida, great fields. Back in 2006 was amazed how nice they were. Disney softball fields were nice except no shade. Also just too big a place, didn't have that homey complex feel. Plus we played on a baseball field and it wasn't any fun retrieving the ball that got through back to the backstop....a long way !!! They had announcers for the games there, and it was really funny to here them mangle our names...we had some tough last names though. They finally just called us by our first names.

Really liked the James I Moyer Sports Complex in Salem, VA, as well as the Botetourt Sports Complex in Troutville, VA....loved the dugouts, heaters, water fountains, and bathrooms. Botetourt had a great view too. Played in the Moyer Complex a few times, the Botetourt only once when it was first opened.

But my number one favorite complex is Drifton Complex, in Drifton, PA located in the middle of nowhere, with fields that aren't the greatest, but there is a bar that is part of the concession stand. Plus I have great memories from there, beings from PA played ASA states there.

Recently I went to Myrtle Beach, SC after about a 7 or 8 year hiatus to watch my friends team play, and was amazed to see the new complex there. Once the trees grow to provide some shade, will be a good complex to play at. The only thing is they are all turf, maybe someone who played there can tell me how the fields are to actually play on.

Last but not least a honorable mention to the BLD in Phoenix, AZ. Played there in 2008. The BLD concept is a novelty, but it had a lot of refreshment areas with much needed AC.
I still have Golden Eagle as the best, with BLD right behind.
If you haven't been to Denver(Aurora) then you have miss a great location and super fields. I still think this is were the Western National should be held and you would teams from west of the Mississippi will double, instead of mostly California team. Just my 2 cent worth. We are going back to Rocky mountain Classic again this year in August.
I don't know if stick meant just the playing fields or the complex.
Golden Eagle would rate up near the top for me, just because of the artificial turff, as would BLD in Vegas. I don't like the fences at BLD Vegas because they are too short. Botetourt Sports Complex near Roanoake, Va is nice with great views and as someone else has stated, sunken dugouts with fans and restroom.
The Olympic stadium in Columbus was nice when new but haven't played there for some time.
Pensacola is nice with plenty of shade trees for the fans.
When all is said and done, it's nice to be able to eat and relax and watch some games in a place like BLD in Vegas.
Golden Eagle is good, depending on weather
but MEDFORD,OR fields is the best kept secret!
I would also rate Golden Eagle and BLD Vegas as the best. The fields in Henderson NV. are also really nice.
1. Golden Eagle, spectacular setting
2. Canyons, St. George, Ut.
3. Aurora Sports Complex

Honorable mention: Dalton, Ga.

In my opinion all Big League Dreams complexes are showing wear and tear, and are being neglected.
Canyons in St. George is like playing in a picture postcard setting and the grounds crew seemed to take pride in their job.
I love those million dollar fields at Coastal Carolina University(Myrtle Beach). No need to worry about rainy days, as the rain disappears into the foot of sand under the turf.

Nobody mentioned Bullhead City! :)

Golden eagle
Looking forward to playing in St. George--I have been told the fields are excellent!

1. Golden Eagle--the best
2. Aurora Sports Complex--if you are an infielder--for dirt these are the best

Those have I stated BLD in Vegas---I don't get it--the turf is chewed up all over the place. It is like playing on blacktop and I did like Rose Mofford however I played there this past year in November and the infield was like playing on moguls. Outfield is excellent
Grand Park, Market Commons..... Mrytle Beach,SC
joel 1975, which one, Summit, Werner or Montague?
Hey BruceinGa. Send me an E-mail .Lost yours. TG69
BruceinGa made a good distinction that I had failed to make. Is it the complex or strictly the fields? I was thinking more along the lines of the fields. Disney has the best fields I've played on(in my humble opinion of course) but it's a massive place. I'm not certain senior tournaments are played there? Maybe another poster could shed some light on that.
As far as the best complex (fields and surrounding) I would say Huntsman games (St George) rates up there as does North Collier Park in Naples, FL.
1. Canyons Softball Complex, St George, UT - Great Fields & Fantastic Views
2. Golden Eagle Softball Park, Sparks, NV
3. Wallace Marine Park, Salem, OR
4. US Cellular Park, Medford, OR
5. Raccoon River Softball Park, Des Moines, IA
there is a complex in Virginia beach that was beautiful.....from afar the fields looked like astro turf...when playing on them, the outfield grass was so smooth, there was no such thing as a bad hop.....now I see how the pro baseball players come up with the ball so easily......on my fields , I feel like a hockey goalie sometimes and just keep the ball in front of me....kick save, glove save, head save
I didn't think about Aurora. Absolutely a tremendous complex.
Tom, lost yours as well, b_fairchild@hotmail.com
Princess Anne in Va Beach, two 4 field complexes, playing fields are very nice, very well kept, concession in middle of both complexes, not a lot of shade but I like playing there.

Also agree with Grand Park, Market Commons in Myrtle Beach,SC.
mck, agree with you on both of these field selections but you better like the sound of aircraft flying overhead in VA Beach!
The Canyons in St. George. The most beautiful location of any field I've played on, and the fields are immaculate.
Aurora Sports Complex for tournaments. The infields and outfields are in fabulous shape. The other plus is that there is no traveling to other ball parks to see you friends play because there are 12 fields all within close walking distance of one another.
Golden Eagle in Sparks is awesome, beautiful views and a great sports restaurant.
I also like the Canyons Complex in St. George. Nice view of everything.
Big League Dreams in Vegas is nice too.
There are many more, but these three come to mind first.
Steinbrenner, Wallace-Marine Park? Have they improved the fields? Not questioning your opinion, just want to know. Haven't played there in quite some time.
Add another vote for the Canyons in St. George Utah. The fields are kept in immaculate condition, typically groomed between games and the scenery looking out from the diamonds is breath taking.
Canyons St. George Utah, you make an error and then look up at the mountains and say what the heck life is still good!

agree above but Canyons is my #2

#1 for me is Grand Park in Myrtle Beach. All astro turf. Weakness, fences are 325+ or so and if you gap the outfielders
it is usually a HR. What I liked was the softness of the turf. Played all the days and feet, knees and legs-no muscle pulls or soreness.
1) Canyons Complex
2) Golden Eagle
3) Medford

Playing at Canyons two years ago in the Huntsman AAA finals...pitching in the seventh inning of tie game. Other team is out of the dugout (don't ask) trying to mess with me. Every pitch was intense--think bases loaded, two outs. Normally I'd be locked in/game face on-"don't walk this batter".

Instead...after each pitch, I'd walk around the mound, look at the beautiful red cliffs and just laugh to myself--these hills have been here forever and they don't care what happens...definitely was a learning/growth experience for me.

How the story end? We got silver...don't remember how we got beat, but the setting at Canyons put it all in perspective (but I know I didn't walk the guy in!)
Canyons Complex (when the wind isnt blowing)

and Cabrillo Ball Field in Santa Barbara. Not the best of fields to say the least, but it is in such a great setting and is, according to many, the most valuable single field in the country at 31 million $$.
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