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Discussion: Is it illegal to glue your endcap back in?

According to the latest Senior Softball Newspaper a player was suspended when his endcap came off and the director detected possible irregularities with the glue and the end cap. It doesn't say the bat was shaved. In my last tournament my endcap came off during game. I've since glued it back in with white marine glue after reading about it on this board. Am I now in danger of being considered to be using an altered bat?
I brought up this exact scenario a while back when the cap popped of my Dudley. I sent it back to the factory for repairs because I feared repairing it myself and being accused of altering a bat. Better safe than sorry. I like playing ball too much to risk suspension for the sake of a bat. I will also never buy a used bat, especially off of the internet. "I didn't know the bat was altered, I bought it used" doesn't matter when your bat is taken away for inspection, you're responsible or if one of your team mates uses it, and gets caught, he's done. How would that make you feel?
In 2012 I had my OG grey Combat endcap break in half . I called Combat about it since it was about a decade old and the CS gus said they do not have those caps abao;able any more. Isled Aren't they all the same size, cand coul;d be used? He said and sent me a Return authorization number. I sent the bat in andthey fixed it.
As stated above its the best policy to go by, they would know it its alstered and likely not return the bat to you is that be the case.
The bat you are referring to has taper proof inside coating. If the bat is shaved it removes the security lettering. I saw the bat in question before it was sent off, it appeared to have the lettering removed.
March 14, 2013
Men's 55
160 posts
By the way Easton stamps there name on the inside of the barrel and therefore leaves no doubt to whether or not the bat has been shaved. If you send back an Easton and the stamp is not visible they will not honor the warranty. Maybe the other companies should do this. Sorry to say but cheating has been going on forever. Cork in wood, tennis balls in aluminum etc. When you call a young gun out on an altered bat there response is" If you ain't cheating, you ain't competing". Sad!!
The article never mentioned the bat was shaved. From your comments I take it the player mentioned was then suspended for a shaved bat.So can you or can't you glue your endcap back in if it comes out?
I'd like to know if STAFF considers a glued on end cap an illegal bat...I've never had this come up at a tournament before..can they be glued back on or should they contact the bat manufacturer?
The bat was not determined to illegal at the field from what I saw. The bat was sent to the manufacturer from what I was told.
That is considered an altered bat if ha glue end cap back into bat.. As an ump I've nvr called anyone on it if caps comes out during an at bat, I just tell them don't bring the bat out again..




Hey Yinzer, I feel you owe me a refund. That Ultra II Legacy you sold me cracked last week at BP. Shouldn't I have gotten more than just 3 years and about 5,000 wings out of that Legacy that was very well used when I bought it from you?
They don't make them like that anymore.....
Hope all's well Vin.
Hey Robbie the way I look at it you owe me a few more dinero.. LMAO !!! Buy a new Dudley they're pretty durable.. Was in Vegas for WM Tourn and played with the guys at Lorenzi.. Sorry I missed ya..Had a great time playing with great friends.. Maybe next year..
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