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Discussion: 7 run rule

The rules would be changed for only 70 Major Plus on up.
65,60,55,50,45 and 40 remains the same. It's a nice thought
to have unlimited home runs for 70 and above. However, the
home runs are already limited by the age. We have former
prolific home run hitters from when they played in the 50,60 and
65's. Several of them Hall of Fame Players.. However, in reality,
in the 70's they can not carry over that consistence. Many of
them would tell you age does catch up with you, plus, you get tired faster and more prone to injuries which contributes to the fall off in home runs.
It gets old having to give Major teams 5 runs, the extra man,
while playing a 6 inning game. Then facing maybe one other Major
Plus team in a tournament or sometimes no Major Plus teams in a tournament.
Thus, we have to go to a tournament as an "Exhibition" team where we
lay out money for nothing. Let me ask this, Do 65 and 60 Major Plus teams
hit their maximum home runs in every game? In fact they don't hit the maximum
in to many games, if at all. As we go into the 70's there are fewer Major Plus
players to chose from as "father time" starts taking us. This is shown by the
fact of the limited 70 Major Plus teams in the Country. You look at the SSUSA team rankings and many of the 70 Major Plus teams shown are no longer a viable team. That's my rant for the "one up rule" for 70's and above, I'll play with any rules because I enjoy playing but it's time to reconsider the 70's and above rules.
From what I heard two of the "best" 70 Major + teams in the nation failed to hit even ONE home run in Sacramento last week (each played 5 games)

I agree with the above post - Home Runs are very difficult to hit in the 70's and in fact if a study was made I don't think there would be one SSUSA tournament in which the allotted 7 was reached by a single team!

If I'm not mistaken one of the 70 Major Plus teams did do an analysis of their home runs and determined they had hit a TOTAL of 7 in over 300 ab's in SSUSA competition!

If the 70's went to a "one up rule" it would allow the combining of the Major and Major + teams into one division for a much "broader" competitive base.

It seems the older we get the MORE restrictions they (assn's) put on the teams.
The one-up rule would be good for EVERYONE!
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