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Discussion: Protection After Knee Replacement

Posted Discussion
April 5

5 posts
Many players have had or going to have a knee replacement and want to protect the rebuilt knee/shin when they return to play. While there are many products out there they seem to be bulky and restrictive. I am interested in a light weight product (one piece w/ a hinged knee piece) that can be worn under softball pants without the obvious bulge and allows for mobility in the field. I have looked at baseball, softball, umpires, BMX/motorcross, lacrosse and other sports. Most of those are for over the pants or for shorts and are bulky. Any suggestions would assist a lot of players protect their knees and get back in the game.
April 7
Men's 65
222 posts
I had knee replacement 3.5 years ago and never felt a need for any kind of brace. My doctor also told me that I didn't need one. What are you hoping to protect with a brace? Your new knee is probably stronger than you old one ever was. Now flexibility may be another issue.
April 14
Men's 60
7 posts
I had double knee replacement surgery in November 2013 , I pitch and play 3rd for a 55 major team. I bought some Asics padded volleyball knee pads from Dicks Sporting Goods , they are very comfortable, provide a little support and a little peace of mind. Good Luck
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