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Messages posted by Funwiththesuns

April 4, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Covid19 rules and restrictions at Las Vegas BLD

I want to confirm with SSUSA that you are saying that LV BLD is letting us take in water, am I correct? If so, we can bring the water in an ice chest? Is that permissible? I do know that the weather is going to be hot.
Dec. 20, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Top Gun Winter Classic, Bullhead Jan 12 - 17, 2021

Is this tournament run by SSUSA or LVSSA?
Dec. 15, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: NEW RATINGS


Thank you for the very fine interpretation of this rule.
Dec. 15, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: NEW RATINGS


So what you are saying that the final ratings for the 2020 will come after the TOC. What happens if the team that got moved up and than down again after 2 month's doesn't go to the TOC? Do they go back up?
Dec. 14, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: NEW RATINGS

I notice that there were some teams that were moved up to majors after the World Masters tournament in October and now I see that they were moved back to AAA in less than 2 months. Is there a new rating list that should have come out in December? I thought if a team goes undefeated in the World Masters they would get moved up automatically. Not complaining just wanted to know what is the reason for teams to gets moved up and than back down without playing in the division that they were moved up to. They haven't played in the division that they were moved up to to know if they should be in that division or not. Please help me understanding the rating system.
Nov. 24, 2020
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Forfeit


If I can help you out with this type of problem may I suggest that you have a bench manager should your manager not be able to make a tournament. I am a manager for a team and sometimes I can't make a tournament so I have a bench manager to run the team for me. Also what I have my team do is show up one (1) hour before game time because you don't know if anything can happen to a player or family member that a player will be late or not show up. These are only suggestions that may help you.
Oct. 13, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 65 yr old team looking for players

We are a 65 teams from the California Central Valley. We are looking for players that can play out field. We have been the winner of the Western Nationals 2 yrs in a row and National champ by default 2 yrs in a row. We travel to all the major tournaments and some time play in Nor Cal Tournaments. If you can travel during the week and want to play please e-mail me at eaglesfish7@aol.com or call me at 559-514-4225
Oct. 5, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 65 Lefty pitcher 20 years experience looking for west coast team

We are from Fresno we are the winner of the Western Nationals and the National champs the last 2 yrs. Please call me at 5595144225 so that we can talk.
July 17, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: List of teams

I would like to thank SSUSA for listing of the teams for the Western Nationals in St. George. As I check daily on the virus issue in St. George it looks like they are in a good position to continue with the not more than 50 people gatherings, which means we can have 4 teams playing at the same time. This tourney is a go and hopefully we all get through it with not problems. I will try to keep all players updated with conditions in St. George. If this is OK with SSUSA, I will be telling the truth and no false information. I am a honest person so please understand. I want to play but I also want to be safe and all players to be safe.

July 8, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Western National Tournament Cancelled ???

So what you are saying right now is that the Western Nationals will be played in St. George and if needed in Mesquite. So are you saying that all the teams are going to play in St. George and if you only need to use Mesquite you will. In session #1 which is usually 65 and over will they play in St. George or Mesquite. Reason to know is because we are coming from Calif. and need to know where to make hotel reservations. Want to be at the closest park because of the time difference. I know it might be kind of early, but any help you can give us would help a lot.
July 3, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Renewal of ID cards.

Simply question, since a lot of teams may not play this season because of the virus and the stay at home orders in some of the states, do we have to pay for a new card in 20201 since we didn't use it in 2020. Just asking a question. How do other feel about this?
May 20, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: California Tournaments

Is SSUSA going to wait & see before we send our money to SSUSA for the tournaments in California? Or do we sent it in now, not knowing if there is going to be a tournament as California which has a stay at home order in place. Need to know now so that my team can make hotel reservations.
May 16, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Reno 60's tournament

Beware, as all California city parks are closed, this tournament was a tentative tournament awaiting the states and city's decision if they open any parks in June. All California rec parks are still close until the governor and mayor open their respective parks. We were going to get into this tournament until I was told just wait and see what the governor was going to do.
May 8, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Reno Tournament

Well guy the governor of Nevada didn't state that the parks are closed", but he did say "There must be less than 10 people in a group". So I don't know what SSUSA is going to do, I wish that they would let us know ASAP to make arrangements for Reno. We are ready to play. 2 teams make up 20 people.
May 1, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Reno Tournament

Real deal, could be right because of 60 yr olds are still working and even some 65 yr olds are working I might be late in agreeing with you but yes, I think this tournament should be moved back a month or two. I know it's all about field availability but If something can be worked out. I know this is last minute and all of the people at SSUSA have been working hard on this tournament, but instead of a pressure to get this tournament done, SSUSA should be right to take it's time to see the whole picture to better make this a great tournament. Just my thoughts.

April 28, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Reno Tournament

I know a lot of us are ready to go out and play ball. I think instead of starting rumor of this or that happening in a city that a tournament is schedule to be held that we relax a little and wait until SSUSA tell us if a tournament has been cancelled or continued. We a managers as I am a manager of a 65 team am waiting to play just like the rest of you. We have signed up to play in Reno, but I have as well as SSUSA don't have full control of what tournament will continue and which ones is cancelled. SSUSA as well as all must wait. We have no control over this virus and the government. All I say is please be patient with this and don't start rumors as it is hard enjoy for SSUSA to decide as to what to do. It's a lot of work to set up a tournament, yet alone to make adjustments to one if you are limited in a short time frame.

March 16, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Corona Virus (COVID-19) • Part II

I just want to know if the trips to Europe are still on in April or have they been cancelled also since there is a travel ban and corona virus in Belgium and Brussels?
Feb. 11, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Photo of TOC

Were can I find photos that Jack took during the TOC in Florida this pass week?
Feb. 11, 2020
Topic: Associations
Discussion: TOC UPDATES

I want to thank Dave and all the people at the Auburndale Sport Complex for the great job that they did. Fields were always ready to go, games on time, umpiring was great, you guys couldn't have put on a better tournament. The teams were great. Weather was great. We hope to be back next year. Again thank you for putting on a great tournament, all winning teams should come to this tournament. By the way, all team member should see the Wounded Warriors team. they are super players. It was a honor and great to play against them.

Manager Paul
Cut Loose 65
Sept. 13, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 65AAA National Championship Game

I read the rule that you showed and it states that the National champions would get all the award of a National champion, not a secondary award but a first place award. Per the rule book. I hope that SSUSA does not award a lesser award to a National champion just because the other team didn't show up. I hope that you are in agreement with this.
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