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Messages posted by Steve44

March 27, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Personal note to Gorilla Boy

Hi Mike, you may not remember me, we met in Carson City 3 years ago while I was playing for the WA Legends - I am the bigger than you guy.
Anyway, a mutual friend of ours got me finally settling in on using the Big Cats and I bought 2 of last years model to start my winter and have spent about 4-5000 swings off of the batting tee in my garage. I just wanted to tell you that I am loving my Big Cats and hope that the new 2017 model I bought is just as potent. Swinging the 27 oz and just hitting bombs like I used to hit 10 years ago. Hope you are well!

March 27, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: OTE looking for a Major Pitcher

Jerry, are you still looking? What is the rule for players from other states? I am in WA and will turn 65 this season.
March 27, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 60 Major players looking for a handful of new guys.

Boise, I am still available from our last talk
March 27, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA State Player looking for 60 or 65

Another try: I think I can finally say that if you are looking for a power hitter with a great glove to solidify your play at first base, please give me a try!
Feb. 7, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Flip Flop Rule

From the umpire site on this forum here is the way it is written, I think the key is the first sentence, both teams must agree.

Flip Flop Rule
• In seeding or pool play both teams must agree to it.
• If used, when the visiting team is ahead by 10 runs, and going into the open inning, the home team hits twice. Should they take a
lead, the visiting team hits.
• In Bracket (tournament) play, it applies with a 10 run lead and is mandatory.

Don't see where the game time remaining should have any bearing on this since if there is time a new inning can begin so the flip/flop should not apply until the last inning either by virtue of time expiration or it is actually the 7th inning of the game.
Feb. 1, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 60 Major players looking for a handful of new guys.

I have a team I play for here but it is a fun tournament team. I want to play a bit more and maybe get a few more big events in along the way so if you could email me sneilsen@neilsenandhiebert.com and give me an idea of where you play, what the team goal is etc, that would be awesome. I do know some guys but I am not sure they want to play so much at such a high level.
Jan. 25, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat Maxum

I have the 2016 white Maxum and used it all of last year, it seemed to take forever to break in but the ball jumped through the infield and on line drives but it did not seem to carry well, that being said however, I have been using that bat hitting off of a tee all winter and probably have close to 3000 swings and it has not even cracked the paint. In a reverse item, I had a team mate swinging the same bat last year and half way through the season, his paint looked like he had taken a hammer to the bat as it was badly chipped. we both started using our bats at the same time...
Jan. 25, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA State Player looking for 60 or 65

Man, it is hard to find a team so I am reposting my request so it moves to the top of the page!
Jan. 25, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 60 Major players looking for a handful of new guys.

HI Boise Bat,
I live in WA and am looking for a 60 or 65 team, I turn 65 this year. I play first and catch but I can also pitch. A long trip to Boise but I assume you play a lot of the SSUSA tournaments. Let's talk.
Dec. 5, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA State Player looking for 60 or 65

Hi Guys, looking for a tournament team in WA State, will be 65 for 17 season but could still play 60. play 1st, pitch or catch, big bat, good glove, not the best runner....AAA or Major currently playing AAA but in last few years have played 50 major and AAA, ready to move up with guys my own age.
Sept. 27, 2016
Topic: Product review
Discussion: need some advice for uniforms.

The best I have worn and we bought a new set for the 2016 season we got through Combat Sports in Kent, WA. they are true to size, even made a longer shirt for me to accommodate my height and keep my tail tucked in. No undershirts required and top quality although like most of the new materials, they snag easily and even the Velcro on your glove will pill them up but I think they all do that.
March 12, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA Player looking for a 60 AAA or above

I just got your message and will call AL early next week, thanks!
Feb. 13, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA Player looking for a 60 AAA or above

what team would that be?
Feb. 8, 2016
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: WA Player looking for a 60 AAA or above

Wa player looking for a possible opportunity to add to your lineup, play first, catch and back up pitcher. I will be 64 in June so a team that may be entertaining moving to 65 in the near term would really work too.

I played 50 major 2 years ago and 50AAA last year so I think I can contribute to any team success.
Oct. 7, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What About The Miken Freak Black Senior?

So if the Freak Black is such a good bat, why did they come out with a new Ultra less than a year later? I had a Freak and it seemed to never want to break in. I went out and bought every Red Reebok I could find in the weight I swing.
Oct. 7, 2015
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for 60AAA or Major

First base, pitcher, catcher. Washington player looking for a home in 60AAA or major and over for 2016 season. Played 50 major in 14 and 50AAA in 15. Good power, not the fastest runner, great attitude and teammate.
Feb. 7, 2014
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Boombah Boss

The senior model does not show in the pictures on the website but there is a Boss 120 and a Boss Senior, the data states where approved blah blah requires 1.21 bpf. I am hoping that means it is 1.21 rated.