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Men's 65

Messages posted by Parman

May 12, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Baseball Fields

A simple solution. Why not move this TOC to the 10 field turf complex that has 300 ft fences in Shawnee KS? Surely there is 1 week in the these fields would be available.
April 30, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Baseball Fields

We played on turf Baseball fields 2 weeks ago in KC KS. Great new complex but huge fields. 375 feet in center. 325-330 down the lines. All I can tell you if it gets in the gap its a HR unless the hitter is a Steve Balboni type and then its a triple. Hope your team has extremely fast outfielders than can close the gaps. 65, 70 + 75 year old teams cant cover that much outfield territory at a reasonable level. Personally I didnt care for it, it changes the game too much. I know the old saying "its the same for both teams" but realistically its not the same if your rosters aren't similar. There is another 10 diamond complex in KC that all fields are 300 ft fences, I'm hoping SSUSA will go back there next year as they used that complex years ago for the Midwest TOC.
Sept. 10, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What do 12 and 6 foot arcs really look like?

Going to 6-10 ft arc would eliminate nearly all of the barking at umpires about high pitches. Id like to see it adopted
July 19, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Question about updating teams ratings

I was looking at ratings for 65+ this morning. In 65 Major+ there are 11 teams that were rated at the plus level that are 6 years or older now from when they were 1st rated Major+. And 4 of them were rated at the plus level from 2009, 2012 or 2013. Are those teams still around in 65 Major+ ? I wouldn't think so. Do the team rating pages ever get updated?

March 20, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Music City

I meant to say- why any tournaments in any other States besides those 5 are even scheduled this time of the year is beyond me.
March 20, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Music City

Why any tournaments in States other than California, Nevada (Vegas), Arizona, Texas or Florida this time of the year is beyond me. Teams are taking real chances Mother Nature is going to throw a big wrench into your plans.
Jan. 19, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Move Elgin's Windy City Tournament date

Cowtown in KC last year was the first Thurs-Fri in April. Been playing 44 years and that tourney was the coldest one ever. Thurs afternoon was 33 degrees with a 20 MPH north wind and a mixture of sleet/snow in the afternoon. Friday wasnt much better, a few degrees warmer, but still terrible wind but at least no snow/sleet. I could not play Friday as my back stiffened up and I could barely walk on Friday. We had a Chicago player on our team who played and told us Windy City got cancelled during the week when they saw the forecast. At least this year Cowtown got moved back 2 weeks to the middle of April. There is no reason to play any tournament north of New Mexico, Okl, Ark, Tenn or North Car in the 1st week in April. Really taking a chance with Mother Nature.
Jan. 19, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 60 and 65 Major Plus Teams

AZRealtor- Houston Fire 65 Major also got bumped to M+ 65 for 2023.
Has to be no more than 12 "active" teams in our division.
Jan. 19, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 60 and 65 Major Plus Teams

2 teams from 65 Major that finished 1-2 in Vegas last Sept. got moved up to M+. (Samauri and Dan Smith). I believe there were 2 teams that were M+ that did not play in Vegas last Sept. So in totality there are probably 10-11 "active" 65 M+ teams currently. The rating page is very deceptive as there are prob 30+ teams listed as 65 M+ but many of them say they became M+ in 2012, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. I doubt any of those teams are still fielding a team in the 65 M+ division. I asked SSUSA to update the rating page but never got a response.
Hope this helps.
Parman - 65 KC Kids
Dec. 15, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Midwest Championships Rogers, AR

If KC wont work (cost prohibitive with new turf & new owners) has anyone considered Carl Smith Complex in Tulsa. 10 diamond complex all in the same location. Only issue its just 100 miles straight west of Rogers Ark so may have the same issue not getting teams from the upper Midwest to travel that far. Still might be worth looking into.
Aug. 2, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rogers and KC

Or perhaps it was because that several teams from northern states like Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota participated,?
July 31, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Midwest Championships Rogers, AR

Dave. I hope you will consider trying some fence mending. Its my understanding this complex now has new owners. Four fields are now completely turfed (infield & outfield) with the other main four fields scheduled to be completed this fall/offseason. The remaining two fields are to be finished the next offseason. There are no bad hops at all on this turf, the only drawback was it gets extremely hot. I hope the SSUSA TOC folks will at least consider it. I know youth ball is huge in KC but I would hope Shawnee could give us 1 weekend for a big tournament.
July 31, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rogers and KC

I find it interesting that the TOC in Rogers Ark 2 weeks ago had nearly 10 LESS teams than a simple qualifier going on in Shawnee KS (basically KC) this weekend. Not sure exactly what it is saying, but it is definitely saying something.
July 26, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Midwest Championships Rogers, AR

This event really needs to come back to KC. I have played at both complexes and it isnt even close. KC is much better and will draw teams from the North Central region. Mid-America is getting a complete face lift last year and this year and will really be an excellent complex when finished. This tournament will die a slow death if it remains in Rogers. Creins is 100% correct about the outfield. If you like bad hops these fields are a dream come true.
Sept. 23, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Getting moved up

I know teams the WIN the Masters get automatically moved up. In an 18 team major division besides the Masters Champions would the 2nd place team automatically get moved up? 3rd place team? How many get bumped up? Thanks
July 12, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Just my Opinion

"Cancellation seem to be norm". Dave, you call this statement fiction? I just went thru the 2020 Tournament list and 37 tournaments have been cancelled so far this year. Sorry, but got to disagree with you calling cancellation is the norm, "fiction". Im just hoping the cancellation list stays at 37 between now and the beginning of the 2021 season
June 24, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: since rogers isnt making

Disappointing but probably the right call but SSUSA. I know of at least a dozen or so teams in the KS-MO or greater KC area that cancelled out of this tournament.
June 22, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Tulsa

Dudley Lightning Midwest 60 Major champs.
Mayhem 2nd
Big Daddy Donuts 60 AAA champs
50 Cal- 2nd
KC Stampede 55 AAA champ
Not sure on 50s or 55 Major resuots
June 22, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rogers ARK TOC (early July)

I am not a rumor spreader. What the KDHE told the citizens of Kansas is FACT. I worked 30 years for KDHE as a Scientist. Im just hoping if Kansas does not release the travel ban to Arkansas before this tournament goes that the SSUSA folks will try to find another venue. I just suggested Mid-America in Shawnee KS could be an "option" as the Midwest TOC was held there for several years and the complex has 10 fields. Carl Smith complex in Tulsa where we played this past weekend has 9 fields too. Of course these facilities may NOT be available if Rogers ARK cannot be played. I just know our team wants to play the Midwest TOC wherever it may be.
June 18, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rogers ARK TOC (early July)

If you are a Kansas team, or if you are a Greater Kansas City area or Missouri team with Kansas players on your roster, this is for you. The Ks. Dept. of Health & Environment (KDHE) announced yesterday at 4 pm that ANYONE from Kansas going to Alabama, Arizona or Arkansas starting today (June 18) must quarantine for 14 days upon their return to the State. With an upcoming TOC tournament in Rogers, Ark I'm not sure how this will play out. My team has 6 players that live in Kansas and I know there are several Senior teams in the Greater KC area that have players from Kansas on their roster that plan to participate in this tournament. Personally, if this quarantine is still going on in early July I will not be playing. I cant be cooped up for 14 days and this will probably affect the Wes Weddle tournament too. Im hoping that the quarantine is only temporary and will be lifted quickly. Perhaps SSUSA has a contingency plan for this tournament if things do not change. This TOC used to be held at the Mid-America 10 field complex in Shawnee, KS. Perhaps it could be used as a last minute substitution. I worked for KDHE for 30 years so I have absolutely zero doubt they are taking this seriously.
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