Aug. 6, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Kudos on new balls 99 degree heat and the new Trump balls played fair for everyone hitting them... much better than the previous balls... North Cal needs to get these instead of the Fireball they are now using... Thanks SSUSA! |
May 4, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Get rid of the 1-1 count Meanwhile, back at Reality Central the empirical data continues to show the rate of games reaching the 7th inning at ≥ 98% for the divisions playing the "1-1" count ... this says it all... if you are that pathetic of a hitter that you need extra pitch to time a 18 mph softball, you should quit playing! 1 and 1 moves the game along..playing defense is a better game... guys have to swing! |
March 13, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Bullhead Last Week? Dang Mr Nutz, with all the time between the games you think you would have time and place to take a dump.. like Rick said.. it was well run and they had kids behind the fences getting HR balls back in quickly! thought it was well ran.. PS Thanks for the BBQ Rick... Great job! Much appreciated! |
Feb. 3, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Spot the Major + player Agree with Benji4 and Dave, Major plus is not for lack of confidence types.. Although it's been a division (at least in the 50s Major plus level) that most major teams would try to avoid over the last 5 years for a few reasons.. Lack of teams at tourneys, playing with the Big boys, and getting out of one of the (IMO) the best divisions with great competition and lots of teams!(Major 50s) I will say this, for me personally, winning Major tourney just makes me feel like we won the B division.. I felt more validated playing against the best teams in the country at Major plus division... We even squeaked out a win against the best team in the country last year... So all the silly little rings that you can win throughout a year mean very little to me and the only thing that I would consider truly a World Championship is a Win at world in the MAJOR PLUS DIVISION! |
Jan. 10, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Drum Roll...the Starting Count decision results. 40 tripleA =s a lot of sub 600 hitters... innings go quickly! try the major or major plus division.. a bit different I bet! |
Jan. 10, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Drum Roll...the Starting Count decision results. I play league 1-1 counts and most of the time we go 7 innings with open innings every inning.. anyone that thinks that it wouldn't add to the amount of innings played(aka speed up the game) is not very good at math! PERIOD! As a fielder it is great not to be standing out there waiting for someone to get thru their firs pitch.. 1-1 makes a pitcher more apt to throw a strike and a hitter to swing at it.. Facts! Those who try to paint lines will have to get it right quicker.. I prefer more innings to less innings which leads to more at bats and a quicker flowing game. |
Jan. 10, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: "team "player Curty, to many factors in Senior softball... if your team ages up you usually have a few that can't come with the team due to younger age so they need a new team for a year or so.. another factor could be Money, they might get a better deal than your team can offer. another factor is the travel.. if your team is located in the same area. all of these factors hit my team this year.. Now as far as good team player.. I tend to judge all my players in my dugout based on how they are in my dugout and playing field.. I expect any player in my dugout to be part of the solution and not part of a problem. I find I find out more about the character of any player when things are not going good either with themselfs or the team. I prefer the player that fights thru and doesn't bring down others or his team. prefer the player that doesn't take his bad at bat to the field! So, that being said, I sure everyone would like to keep good players and good guys on your team for life, but things happen.. We lost a bunch of Great players this season because of our teams Age up and a full ride offer from another team.. I still think they are good teammates based on how they fought all year to be the best team we could be. |
Jan. 3, 2018 swing for the fences | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: 1-1 or 0-0 Count Seems to me the older age groups get to their positions on the field slower than the younger guys. This means less playing time=s less at bats. 1 and 1 would make guys swing at first pitches which moves the game a long.. but then again, maybe the game is as slow as the old dudes want! More at bats =s more fielding and running. Me personally, I prefer more at bats and more chances to make a play, so I prefer the 1-1 count. |
Dec. 6, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 2018 Rosters Tim &Gray Hitter, Dave spelled it out... SSUSA doesn't want to get involved in rooster disputes... this means two things... the Manager has the power and Players need to be nice to their managers even when parting ways! I always felt if someone didn't want to be with our team, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! Have a great 2018 everyone! |
Nov. 30, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: North Cal Warriors Aging up. My Team is aging up to 55 major plus. I wanted to put this out there.. we are about 3 to 4 players away from a full squad.. I have been playing with Big Ron Graves for 6 plus years and can't imagine playing for a nicer guy and a great coach. He is Fair and runs a great program. We are like family. The ego's get checked at the door so to speak and everyone with the Warriors does what is best for the team. We need to replace a 3rd baseman, outfielder, and a second baseman with Major plus talent. It interested in being a part of this Warrior Family, please email Big Ron. |
Oct. 16, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Is it fair? Cuerva, I play against those guys all year.... They are that good! I have much respect for everyone on that team. So much respect, that I would never consider those guys Major talent.. They are truly Major plus,even playing almost 2 divisions down! 55 guys don't loose their stroke.. They still mash! yes they loose some on D, but they can intimidate a lower division with how they hit the ball. IMO |
Oct. 6, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Is it fair? SSUSA Staff and when they play these east or west or world masters and laydown and not bring their entire team. They slip thru the cracks into major and then go 8 and 0 and win the majors without a loss. seems Legit ;-) |
Oct. 6, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 2017 SSUSA Senior Masters Mike, took it to BP today, I didn't have a great BP but the first few swings out of the wrapper were as hard as my gamer bats.. I put about 35 swings on it and the last ball I hit went about 360 ft... it looks promising after just 40 swings! |
Oct. 6, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 2017 SSUSA Senior Masters I will be hitting in batting practice today.. I will compare it to the gamer bats I have which are Dudleys.. The Wicked is in the wrapper so I will at least give you a fair shake and only compare to a game ready bat and a in the wrapper bat. I will also say something after 150 swings in a week or so. |
Oct. 6, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Is it fair? If we have divisions to promote good competition and fairness, Why would you allow a loaded team of plus players into a lower division? This is not a attack on Thunderstruck but it's a reality that has happened to the major division.Hypothetically, My north call warriors Major plus 50 team can bump up to 55s next year and take 6 of our best players, and then take 6 of JUs 55s best players and then pick of three jk inc 50s major plus players and drop into the 50 major division to win a ring. This is what is allowed under current rules... . Does this seem like fair play? I have played in both major plus 50s and 55s and the top players in 55s are still top players in 50s plus ball FYI I think the 55 and 50 plus division should be the same player index in order to protect the lower divisions from what just happened! I wonder what everyone else thinks.. Seems to me 3 plus pick ups should be the max even if they are from older divisions! |
Oct. 5, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? let's age up Ron. ;-) |
Oct. 5, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? from everything said in this thread there were 5 rated 50 plus players on Thunderstruck. I quess that is ok! lol |
Oct. 5, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? So next Thunderstruck gets bumped to 50 plus but they decide to leave their 50 guys behind and now go to 55 major plus and pick up a few 55 major plus guys and now decide to play both 55 major plus and 50 major and that's ok? |
Oct. 5, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? one question I would have what constitutes a returning team. This team had 6 players from it's 55 major plus championship last year! I thought we were told you wouldn't let what happened two years ago with MTC 55 team playing in a 50 major tourney? what happened to that conversation? |
Oct. 5, 2017 swing for the fences | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? SSUSA with that rational... Tim Middelete would of carried a 50 major plus rating from his MTC 50 second place finish two years ago in 50 majors. his team were all rated major plus 50 or 55s. so technically he is a 50+ player ending this year in Nov |