May 8, 2020 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Reno Tournament Lightning2 you are not being forced to stay home, the state governors are just giving GUIDELINES they are not laws. The problem in my opinion is they are quarantining healthy people! If you are symptomatic then by all means self isolate and if not then don't. Yes I know they have said that asymptomatic people can pass the virus but I have questioned that, never known a virus that infected people and those people not show symptoms. Now they are saying this one does, I simply don't believe them. I wish business owners would open up, restaurants have tables 6ft apart, gym equipment 6ft apart etc. wear a mask don't wear a mask. I think its very interesting that 66% of new Covid-19 cases in New York are from people who STAYED HOME! How are the CDC and Dr. Fauci going to explain that away? |
March 27, 2020 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Corona Virus (COVID-19) • Part II Was doing some research the other day because I had lots of time on my hands and I found out some interesting things about the Covid-19 virus. The CDC and now states are reporting the amount of cases by those who have tested positive and if you have taken a test they consider you positive until your test comes back negative. I find this interesting in that the states WILL now be reporting false inflated numbers of cases as the CDC was doing this already. Second point is that 80% of Covid-19 cases are being treated with little to no medical treatment necessary. Things that make you go 🤔 |
Jan. 12, 2019 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Spring Worlds II Dave, let me clarify my question, which age divisions will be playing in which city? |
Jan. 12, 2019 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Spring Worlds II Dave Dowell, is there anyway that Senior Softball can let teams know which city they will be playing in for this tourney? That way it avoids the half hour drive and they can book their hotel in the appropriate city or are the teams going to be playing in both cities? IF that is the case then my question is mute. |
Aug. 17, 2018 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Major++ It all boils down to POPULATION! When your state, California has 39 million people in it, you should be able to assemble top teams, you have more of a pool to chose from. Which puts other states at a distinct disadvantage. The surrounding 6 states total population is 26 million, still 13 million short. IF SSUSA was to allow those surrounding states with Major+ teams to say pick up 4 players not touching their borders instead of just 2 you might have something. Just my 2 cents :) |
Nov. 28, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Looking for "Legit" Senior 50+ players I think there are plenty of "legit" players in senior softball. And 95% of them pay their own way, because they love the game. |
Oct. 31, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Appeal From Vegas SSUSA STAFF: All you did with this decision regarding "Timmy's Team" aka Thunderstruck is open a gigantic loop hole! A team can play so-so thru the season and win a tourney in July, play the next tourney in the their next upper division and for all intense and purpose sandbag that performance and request a re-rating from you claiming they are to weak for it's current division. Hell they could play really well in the first half of the season, get re-rated to the higher classification and then sandbag the next 3 tourneys to play at their previous rating and request your "..SSUSA reserves the right to change a team at any time if it becomes clear the team is too strong or too weak for its current division.." If you have a policy to change a team at any time, WHY have a rule stating they have to play in 3 tourneys. Worse yet you have in big bold print NOTE: RATING ARE REVIEWED ONLY TWO TIMES PER YEAR: JUNE AND DECEMBER. Is it no wonder players and teams get frustrated with your classification process! It is completely arbitrary at best! |
Oct. 15, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Purging the ratings list? SSUSA STAFF: Is there any possibility of purging the ratings list of teams that are not current? I see ratings from some teams as far back as '04. I also see double team names, I think it would help a lot. |
Oct. 5, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? This scenario is the PERFECT EXAMPLE of why we should get rid of the PLUS program!! Too much confusion about a person's rating or a team's rating, create a new classification called ELITE, players and NOT Teams with the rating ONLY play in that classification and get rid of the state borders with the new classification. BOOOOM, problem solved! |
Oct. 5, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major? This certainly opens another giant door for teams that want to play 50 Major just load your team up with 55 Major Plus players. My other question is about, Center fielder..Elbert Certeza..49 years old but eligible because he has a late in the year Birthday and will be turning 50 in 2017..El won 50 Major worlds last year with layercake out of norcal. How could he play 50 Major worlds in 2016 when he was 48 turning 49!!! |
Sept. 15, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Las Vegas Softball Bob, Memphis or Kansas City? Really! I know there are other cities out there that can compete, World's used to be held in Phoenix, that's one. I know Orlando could host, I'm sure if you got the word out plenty of cities would be willing to accommodate World's and possibly build new facilities, I know teams complain every year about playing at Cheyenne Park. You also know that all 600 teams don't show up the same weekend. Yes I did the research and the World's was in Phoenix for 5 years and 1 year in Seattle until the merger with LVSSA then it moved to Vegas and this year will be the 5th year. So it might be time for a change. |
Sept. 15, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Las Vegas Softball The tournament numbers are increasing because more of the Baby boomers are getting back into softball, and the Gen X's are turning 40 and 50 simple demographics. I can guarantee you one thing Bob, you put the World's in another city and you WILL get 600 teams because it's World's! |
Sept. 15, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Las Vegas Softball Hey Bob, Do you think Nevada would be one of the top places if you didn't have 3 of the top 4 SSUSA tournaments locked up for the next 10 years. Those tourneys should be bid on in my opinion. Just like Western Nationals is locked up in Sacramento every year. Believe it or not people don't like to go to the same place every year. |
Aug. 8, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: Bats Discussion: shaved bats Remember guys, per the rule 3.4(5) Bat Inspection. B. If a player is seriously injured (requiring emergency hospitalization) by a batted ball, the tournament director shall immediately quarantine both the bat and ball and send them to SSUSA Headquarters for inspection. I think the rule should state (requiring paramedic treatment), my 2 cents. |
March 22, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Get rid of Major + I agree 1000%, get rid of Major+. I have been playing Senior ball since '08 and started in the 40 division, been playing + ball for 3 years. All I have seen from the formation of this division is there really is only 2 big tournaments a year, Reno and Worlds' in Vegas. Also the infamous + tag that hangs on a player for 2 years! This in my opinion hurts the player more than benefits the association, especially when it comes to moving up in age bracket. Lets be real, even though a team may be classified Major+ doesn't mean in the slightest that ALL the players on that team are Major+. Dominance by major+ teams is also a big myth as you never know what injuries will come about and who has a better performance one weekend to the next. I have seen to many games decided by the equalizer because the major+ team lost by either the run differential or in most cases the HR equalizer, this should be an indicator as to how close the competition is between Major and Major+. In my humble opinion not enough to create a separate division. My two cents. |
March 12, 2017 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Female pursuing action to join all male league TooperJim, she does realize when she's quoting from the SSUSA rule book that it refers to sanctioned events governed by SSUSA and that most leagues use and or have their own set of rules. |
Dec. 3, 2016 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Why so many shaved senior bats I would like to see the bat manufactures use some kind of material implanted into the inside of the barrel so that if you shave the bat the material would be gone and then the tournament director just scans the bat with the some sort of detector and he would know the bat was shaved because the material would be gone. It's the 21st century we should be able to come up with something of the sort. |
Nov. 29, 2016 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Why so many shaved senior bats When someone hits their home run they go over and stick their bat in their bat bag and don't leave it out with the rest of the other bats. They might be swinging a shaved bat. |
Nov. 29, 2016 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Texas Mavericks Coach/Manager Congratulations on your finish at world's. I am a major+ player out of Colorado looking for a team for the 2017 season. I don't know your player situation but I would like to chat. |
July 20, 2016 TAT22 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: WESTERN NATIONALS Omar, like I said before, I was not petitioning for the Western tourney to held in CO, but there are other places it could be held with better facilities and less heat! Let's face it, August in Sacramento is close to if not above 100 degrees, I know I used to live in NORCAL. I'm simply suggesting that there be OTHER locations to be considered. I also understand you guys have the most teams in Cali, which coincides with your large population. I am also thankful to SSUSA that we have a tourney here, much appreciated. |