Oct. 19, 2021 Garocket | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Another: You make the call I am with Dbax. Through out many years of Baseball and Adult softball that was the rule. But changed in some changed over the years. If the new rule is what that are going to se the the old one is mute now. |
Feb. 17, 2020 Garocket | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Isa world series If you stay around the Edinburgh mall where all the good resturants and shopping is, its only about 14 miles Interstate driving to Shelbyville and only about 9-10 miles back to Lincoln park in Columbus. |
Oct. 28, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Why 2-day I am not sure what format Nor Cal uses but if it is 2 pool into 3 game bracket a team that is placed last in the pool and wins and loses at the wrong time would have to play 9 games to win the tournament. If I did that Sunday would not be enough days to recoup. lol |
Aug. 6, 2019 Garocket | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Eastern Championship On the no lines for a batters box. If there are no visible foul lines the umpire still has to make a judgement call on close ones. Should it not be the same with a batters box? As an umpire myself I never even think about a batter being out of the box but when it happens I see it. If it is questionable I never call it. But if I am 100% sure they are out of the box I call it. My pet peeve as an umpire is for an umpire to call out of the box and you ask him what is the size of the box and how is the layout and he tells you wrong. That is when I will say the most. |
June 30, 2019 Garocket | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rules Question Wayne I thought you were an UMPIRE. You said you would call the runner out for interfering with the throw and you would put all runners back. Well the only runners you could put back would be runners on second or third. I thought all good umpires knew that if a runner that had already been put out (which in this case is the situation) then the runner closet to home is also out. You might want to read up on the rules. |
June 19, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Bats Discussion: MIKEN ULTRA 2 WITH ASA2000 / ISF HAS A "W" MELTED IN THE END CAP Not trying to be funny but if you turn that w upside down it is a M which could mean Miken |
June 11, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: What Calls Can Be Questioned and Reviewed by Tournament Director Wayne I think Dave explained the situation pretty good. The umpire misapplied a rule. She said as long as it went by third in fair territory that it is a fair ball. And we both know that is not true, rule misapplied. So many younger umpires get the bounding ball rule mixed up with just a line drive that goes over the base fair. Lets just say she will not miss that one again. |
May 6, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Playing back to a lower class The way I see it is if you let each team hit their homeruns. That's Major hitting 6 and AAA hitting 3. If each homerun is worth 3 runs and that is an average. You would have to spot the AAA team 9 runs. And how about the Major team should have better defense! how many runs do you spot for that 2!. Them Major would have to spot the AAA around 10 or 11 runs. Don't think the Major teams would want that. Maybe allow the Major 1 homerun more that the lower class team. and still spot the 5 runs. |
April 15, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Music City Was A Below Average Experince The tournament personal was not responsible for the games being delayed, it was the city ground crew that said everything was on hold until 11am. Not sure the tournament staff could have done anything different. |
April 8, 2019 Garocket | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: When my team doesn’t play I still want to!! Cowboy Jimmy: This is the way I see it. Team 1 is AAA has 3 real good base hitters and a couple of HR hitters. Team 2 is AAA has 2 great hitters and real and has 2 great homerun hitters. Team 3 is AAA has 4 of the best hitters around the area maybe 3 or them might be almost a 10 rating but plays with a team of friends and plays around .500 ball. Weekend that 2 or those teams are not playing Team 3 adds 3 of team 1 real good hitters and 2 of team 2 homerun hitters that can also hit for average. All of a sudden that team could win a lot of games in a Major tournament. Once you open the door for players to float around this will happen. |
April 6, 2019 Garocket | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Music city bracket mistakes After looking at the other games close and the grid the 8:00 am and 9:30 games would have to be on field 1. |
March 5, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: SSUSA & SPA going to head to head April 25-28 in metro Atlanta market Nothing intentional there, it was just the only weekend Gwinnett County had open. Next year they should contact Pete Fowler and make sure the dates do not conflict. |
Feb. 20, 2019 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: foul tip question The foul tip rule for years was in softball a foul tip had to go above the batters head to be called a foul ball. Then a few years back ASA changed the rule because the definition of a foul tip was any ball that is tip and goes from the bat directly to the catchers glove is a foul tip. If the catcher had to move his glove to catch the ball, then it was a caught foul ball and was declared an out. Most associations have now adopted the ASA rule. However I know that SSUSA and ISA still says it has to go above the batters head. So just know what rule your league is using, as not to look like a jackazz arguing if you are not sure which rule is being applied. |
Nov. 16, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: BJ The ASA or USA softball now. The rule is you cannot ever be put out between the bases that you were obstructed between. the umpire can awarded a runner the base the umpire thought he could have made without the obstruction. Example: runner rounds first and is obstructed by the 1st baseman and is thrown out by 5 steps going into second the umpire does not think he could have made it to second he would be placed at 1st. if only thrown out by 1 or 2 steps then umpire could award him 2nd base. |
Oct. 26, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Stepping out of the front of the box? Dave I read the batters box rule and it could be confused the way it is stated. It says that some portion of the foot or feet can be on the line or within the batters box. It would be more understandable if it read as long as either foot was not entirely out of the box at time of pitch then this would be legal. I fully understand your explanation and can agree with it. But an umpire that has umpired other association they would interpret it as the some part of the foot can be on the line or within the box. Not arguing just know that on any given weekend you might have umpires that would interpret it a different way then that is what makes players say its a different rule on every field we play on. Your interpretation would be the easiest to enforce. |
Oct. 25, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Stepping out of the front of the box? As much as I hate to, I have to agree with Wayne 37. This time he is 100% correct prior to the pitch both feet must be entirely inside the box. they can be touching or on the line but no portion can be outside the lines of the box. When you contact the ball the foot can be outside the box as long as some portion of the foot is still in contact with the lines. But now in ASA fastpitch on contact no portion of the foot can be outside the lines, just killed the running slap hitters. |
Oct. 18, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: batters box That's 3 foot back from the middle of the plate abd 4 ft in front from the middle of the plate and 6 inches from the inside of homeplate. |
Oct. 14, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: CHOPPED / TOMAHAWKED BALL You have the chopped ball more in the young mans ball. The fast runner that thinks if he hits in in a chopping motion and it hits the ground more than twice he can beat it out. BUT I have only had it maybe 7-8 times in my 35 or more years of umpiring. |
Oct. 13, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Winter World Championships (Phoenix) TENTATIVE Field Assignments I would think it is because the Florida tournament always has a lot less teams then Phoenix. It is much easier to estimate when you are dealing with less teams. Easier to wait and get it right then speculate and have to change locations after teams have made reservations. |
Aug. 18, 2018 Garocket | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Hitter Not Running Wayne sounds like you might know Baseball but not so much about softball. |