Sept. 23, 2024 hackman | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Session 2 Champs When are the rest of the S2 70 results going to be posted? It shouldn't be that difficult to post complete results in a timely fashion. |
Sept. 6, 2024 hackman | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Timberworks Construction Doug, how can I add to what has already been said, except to say with all my heart, thank you. I have been fortunate to have played on Timberworks for a couple years in my 60s, and then continue with 65s and now 70s. I could not be prouder to be part of this great team you have built. The wins are legendary, but the friendship goes beyond the greatness of the team record, and that friendship will continue. As most of us have, I have played on many competitive teams, but this one has been special. We always have fun together, we rib each other, but we never get down on anyone. That's the way it should be, so thank you for building a great team and setting a great example, and for finding all the right guys! Always your friend, and prayers to you. Jeff |
Sept. 24, 2023 hackman | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Timberworks Thank you Webbie, Kenny and Enviro-Vac. Nothing means more than recognition and support from your peers. You are all great softball players, and as a longtime Timberworks player your words are much appreciated! |
Jan. 12, 2023 hackman | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Mask requirement when using pitching screen Our Vintage League uses a screen and also requires wearing a mask. Only difference is we are allowed to pitch over or around the screen but must get back behind it before the pitch is hit. Being a pitcher myself I would prefer the option of wearing a mask when using a screen, as I feel safer behind the screen. |
Nov. 18, 2022 hackman | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Thank You to SSUSA Staff, Papago Parks Personnel and an Angel of Mercy Please tell "Hack" that the other "Hack" from Timberworks is glad to hear he is alright and recovering. Great job by the SSUSA Staff, Papago Parks Personnel and an Angel of Mercy on caring for him. |
Nov. 20, 2021 hackman | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Stepping out of the box to avoid being quick-pitched A couple things from the rule book: 1.56 • QUICK PITCH A pitch made by the pitcher with the obvious attempt to catch the batter unprepared. This would be before the batter takes his desired position in the batter's box or while he is still off balance as a result of the previous pitch. 6.11 • QUICK PITCH The pitcher shall not attempt a quick return of the ball before the batter has taken his position or when the batter is off balance as a result of a pitch. EFFECT: The umpire will call time and allow the batter to get set. 6.13 • NO PITCH No pitch shall be declared when: A. The pitcher pitches during the suspension of play. B. The pitcher attempts to "quick pitch" the batter. Don't put your second foot into the box until you are ready, and never take your eye off the pitcher. |
Oct. 1, 2021 hackman | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: 70 teams moving up? After the World Masters any 70 Major teams moving up to Major Plus for the Winter Worlds? |
May 24, 2020 hackman | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Please, a story from anyone! Anything but Corona, Corona, Corona! Two Pitches, Three Outs Twin Creeks Leagues at one time had a no swear rule - if you swear it's an out. They also had each batter start with a one and one count. First inning of the game the batter is in the box, messing around for quit some time. I finally got tired of waiting and threw a pitch. The batter looks up, the pitch hits the mat and the umpire calls it a strike. The batter starts arguing with the umpire. The whole time he is standing in the box, so after waiting I finally pitched a second ball which also hit the mat. The umpire declares strike three you're out. The batter turns and tells the umpire that was f'ed up. The umpire declares an additional out for swearing. The on deck batter walks up and tells the ump "that was bullsh*t!". The umpire then assesses another out for swearing, third out. My teammates didn't know what happened as they thought I was walking off because I was thrown out. And yes, we did go on to win the game. Fastest half inning ever! |
April 7, 2020 hackman | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Hotel Info update for SW Championship When will the hotel prices and info be updated the reflect the date changes for the Southwest Championship in Las Vegas? |
March 14, 2020 hackman | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Corona Virus (COVID-19) Site says all 65 and over tournaments have been cancelled/postponed. What about the Spring Worlds Men's 60/65+ Platinum Division as it is a combined age group? |