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Details for hitnrun5

Real name:
Kenny Vaught
Mesa AZ
Men's 70

Messages posted by hitnrun5

Jan. 15, 2025
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Clarification for pop-up caught by catcher rule

B.J.for clarification, are you saying a foul ball caught by the catcher that does not go over the batter's head is not an out?
Nov. 1, 2024
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a 65 or 70 major or major plus team 2025

Are you 70 this year? Az team looking for middle infielder.
Oct. 30, 2024
Topic: Women's softball
Discussion: Field Assignments

There are 20 fields in Mesa, plus four in Gilbert and six at cactus yards, all within 10 miles of Legacy. Do Mesa and Gilbert not allow tournaments?
Dec. 9, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

It was an SSUSA tournament. The umpire ruled it was the batter's foul to waste, not an out.
Dec. 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What's the rile

Two strikes on batter with one to waste. Batter hits foul tip, straight back, catcher catches the ball and the ball does not go over batter's head. Is the batter out or is that his foul to waste?
Sept. 23, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter out of the box

All you tall guys think you have problems with the batters box, try being 5'4" tall! If I stand at the back of the box, I can't reach the short strike, and if I stand at the front of the box, the deep strike is way over my head! We short guys/gals don't lobby for a smaller batters box, we learned to adjust.
Sept. 23, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Timberworks

I agree 100% with Webbie. It's not Timberworks fault none of the other 70+ teams came. If you strive to be the best, play the best. In my mind and in the minds of many, Timberworks is the 70 major plus champion for 2023 regardless if SSUSA wants to recognize it. Congratulations to a team of class players coached by a man that has kept it going, Doug Robbins

Kenny Scorpions 70 major
Oct. 14, 2022
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Oregon/Washington team looking for 60 Major players

Bob played for me on AZ Scorpions 65 major plus in 2022. He is dependable and an excellent teammate. He is a good hitter with occasional power and one of the fastest outfielders in 65's. He would be a good addition for any 60 or 65 team.
Former manager of Scorpions 65
Aug. 23, 2022
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: KC Kids

Walt, I was referring to the 65 team, which is in fact major plus. Dave, I see where the change has been made. Thanks
Aug. 23, 2022
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: KC Kids

KC Kids are rated major plus, but are on the major team list
April 6, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the ruling

Thanks Dave, I appreciate the quick explanation. Looking forward to our first major plus tournament, see you in Vegas.

Scorpions 65 major plus
April 6, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the ruling

Dave, having played with timberworks for three years, I don't want anyone to get the impression I feel Timberworks gets special treatment. TW plays by the rules set forth by ssusa. My only question was and still is, if a 65 major plus team qualifies as a 60 team and plays 60's in Vegas worlds, will that team play with eleven defenders as is their normal defensive allignment .
April 6, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the ruling

Let me ask this way Dave, if a 65 major plus team plays in a 60 qualifier and then chooses to play in the 60's world tournament, will that team play with their normal 11 man defense?
April 6, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the ruling

Why is Timberworks getting five runs when playing 65 major plus? Play 65 major plus, play by 65 major plus rules...
April 6, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the ruling

If a 65 major plus team chooses to play 60 major in the ssusa words in Vegas, will that team get the 11th fielder?
Feb. 21, 2022
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: AZ Scorpions 65 major plus looking for players

We just got bumped to major plus. We are looking for 2-3 players to fill our roster. If interested, please contact Kenny at rogue60s@outlook.com
Feb. 21, 2022
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Phoenix Arizona

Scorpions 65 just got bumped to major plus. We are looking for an outfielder and an infielder. If interested, please leave contact info.
Feb. 21, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the call

Yes, this happened in a 65 major plus game last week in Phoenix.
Feb. 20, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What's the call

Batter hits a slow dribbler down third base line. Ball is in foul territory and still slowly rolling, inches from the foul line. The on deck batter throws his bat hitting the ball before it's stops moving, preventing the ball from possibly going back into fair territory. Umpire calls foul ball, believing ball had no chance of going fair. What's the call?
Aug. 26, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Five year battle finally won

My wife and I have been in a 5+ year battle to get custody of two of our grandkids. We have been to trial three times only to have AZ Dept of Child Safety deny us. We went to trial again this week, and were finally granted full legal guardianship of my 17 year old grandson and 7 year old granddaughter. Their safety and well being have been our utmost concern the last five years as we fostered them in our home. We now know that that care will continue with no chance of going back to the abusive home they came from.

The reason for this post is to thank the dozens of teammates, wives, players and anyone else, who over the last five years sent prayers, support and encouraging messages to us. At every tournament players from all over the country reached out to ask if we had resolution, now, we can finally say yes!

So again, my wife Susie and I thank you all,

AZ Rogue 60
Joe Brown All Stars 60
Nighthawks 60
Timberworks 65
AZ Scorpions 65
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