Sept. 6, 2023 Nunner61 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Georgia Renegades 55AAA Headed toVegas OK, thanks Bruce. |
Sept. 2, 2023 Nunner61 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Georgia Renegades 55AAA Headed toVegas Hi Emmitt, Where are you from? I'm Canadian and can only play for certain States. |
Feb. 15, 2022 Nunner61 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOC Winners and scores Thanks Dave, much appreciated. |
Feb. 15, 2022 Nunner61 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: TOC Winners and scores HI, Can anyone tell me where I can get an update on the scores and winners of TOC from the weekend? Thanks in advance, Nunner61 |
Jan. 6, 2022 Nunner61 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: COVID Roster Rule Good morning, wondering if this rule would relate to a Canadian player from Ontario? Thanks |
Dec. 2, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: League rules on teams I qualify to play with. Hi, I'm Canadian living in Ontario. Would someone please help out with an answer to this question, what states would I qualify to play with? I've heard a couple of different scenarios , so looking for clarification. Thanks |
Nov. 1, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Will be in Fort Myers looking for a 55 or 60+ Team for 2022 season Looking to join tournament team( I will be in Fort Myers 9th to 15) if any needs a capable player. Looking to join a Team and need direction. I'm a Canadian looking to play and travel to different tournaments. I'm getting mixed answers regarding Teams and States that I qualify to play for. I'm 60, 6'1", 205 lbs. Above average speed, Hits hard and very good defense. I'm very capable of playing 50 to 60+. I can be texted @ 905 980 1210 or email I believe I can play for teams in these states, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. I also have a Florida address. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Randy |
Oct. 31, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Northeast Championships Syracuse, NY Hi Shark, I see your 60+ Team is entered in the Fort Myers Tournament November 12th-14th. I'm looking to join a Tournament team and would love to discuss it with you. I'm Canadian and willing to travel for Tournaments, I'm a couple hour drive form Syracuse and willing to travel to further destinations. I'm on the site message board under players seeking teams. My handle is Nunner61. I'm very capable of helping a team and can play almost any position more than adequately. Please read my message and If interested you can contact me by text 905 980 1210 or I will be in Fort Myer to check out the Tournament and try to hook up with a team for the future. Thanks for your time. Randy Nunn aka Nunner61 |
Oct. 28, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to join tournament team( I will be in Fort Myers 9th to 15) if any needs a capable player. Looking to join a Team and need direction. I'm a Canadian looking to play and travel to different tournaments. I'm getting mixed answers regarding Teams and States that I qualify to play for. I'm 60, 6'1", 205 lbs. Above average speed, Hits hard and very good defense. I'm very capable of playing 50 to 60+. I can be texted @ 905 980 1210 or email I believe I can play for teams in these states, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. I also have a Florida address. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Randy |
Oct. 25, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 60 + any division. Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 60 + any division. Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 55- 60 + any division. I will be attending the Tournament regardless , as I'm looking to join a team for future Tournaments. I believe I can play for a Florida based team as I have a Florida address. Looking to play first USA tournament in 30 years. Canadian looking to play for any team I qualify for. Told by current and experienced players that I'm more than capable of playing major. Turned 60 a couple of months ago. 6'1", 205. Can run, hit hard and have very good defense. Played shortstop as of late, winning Provincial Championship 60+, but willing to play wherever needed (field as well). or call 905 980 1210. Serious about playing and I don't believe you'd be disappointed. |
Oct. 21, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 60 + any division. Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 60 + any division. Looking to play first USA tournament in 30 years. Canadian looking to play for any team I qualify for. Told by current and experienced players that I'm more than capable of playing major. Turned 60 a couple of months ago. 6'1", 205. Can run, hit hard and have very good defense. Played shortstop as of late, winning Provincial Championship 60+, but willing to play wherever needed (field as well). or call 905 980 1210. Serious about playing and I don't believe you'd be disappointed. |
Oct. 19, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Another: You make the call Wow...good question. I would have to say, run doesn't score due to the interference. But, with only one Umpire it could go either way, as the umpire cannot see everything. |
Oct. 17, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play in November Qualifier Fort Myers 60 + any division. Looking to play first USA tournament in 30 years. Canadian looking to play for any team I qualify for. Told by current and experienced players that I'm more than capable of playing major. Turned 60 a couple of months ago. 6'1", 205. Can run, hit hard and have very good defense. Played shortstop as of late, winning Provincial Championship 60+, but willing to play wherever needed (field as well). or call 905 980 1210. Serious about playing and I don't believe you'd be disappointed. |
Oct. 14, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to join tournament team Canadian looking to play tournaments. I live in Ontario, so I can play for teams that State borders Ontario or any Canadian team. I may be able to play for a Florida team as well. Not totally sure of rules. I'm looking to play AAA or Major. Hit the ball hard, in very good shape for my age, run well and can play infield or outfield. If interested please contact me or 905 980 1210. lets talk. |
Oct. 5, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Canadian looking to join team Canadian looking to play tournaments 60+.Team player. Can play infield or outfield. Have been told by experienced players that I would be rated AAA or Major. Being Canadian I believe I can only play for States that border Ontario or another Canadian team. I would be open to either. Recently retired. Played for a tournament team Out of Brantford Ontario and won the Provincial Championship 60+ playing shortstop. |
Sept. 25, 2021 Nunner61 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking for direction. Hello everyone, New to Senior softball, but not new to the game. I'm looking to possibly join a team for tournaments. I have played at a high level in Canada and although I have played in the USA, it has been quite some time ago. I guess I would be considered a utility player with experience in the outfield , but playing mostly infield as of late. I'm 6'1" 205 lbs. fit and can run. I play tournaments with a team out of Brantford, Ontario and we just won the 60+ Provincial Championship. I'm looking for information regarding the logistics, for example, how often I would be expected to play, costs etc. I am retired therefore availability not a concern. Thanks for your consideration, Randy Nunn |