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Real name:
John Barrow

Sonora, CA

Men's 55

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Nov. 27, 2013
I have to agree with Mark on the bat being hot early . Look forward to getting relacement bat and seeing what it is like after a couple of hundred hits .
May 8, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: weightlifting

I used to think weights were the way to go . Stopped last year and switched to using power bands , hitting a sledgehammer into an old tire twice a week , the Macenko bat speed drill twice a week and working out with a kettle ball for core strength and doing squats and squat jumps with kettle ball . I am as strong as ever and hit the ball as far or farther than ever .
Sept. 4, 2012
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Which .44 375 To Use

The Baden is the second best option in my opinion . We use it for our NCSSA tournaments and it is a vast upgrade from the "Stotes" , that SSUSA uses . But , to actually comply with the designated 44/375 rating we need to use the X Rock . It is actually 44/375when it is 100 degrees . Doesen`t lose compression in the heat . This is why they use it in Vegas . If other tournament directors were really concerned with us actually using the compression , that is specified , they would use the Rock . It is a no brainer .
April 16, 2012
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Illegall Bats

If , the new "Core" bat ever materializes and is as good as the other senior bats , this will be a moot point . No endcap . So cannot be shaved . Hard to believe other bat co`s will not buy him out or copy him . Hard to make it when you are a small co. competing against big dollars . Would be nice if it did come to fruition . Would become an overnite success . Everyone would want a bat ,that cannot be qustioned and performs and lasts .
Jan. 9, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Moving on up

DCPete . The two #4 and #5 hitters who are leaving were Major Plus rated , "the only two on the team ". They are being replaced with two Major rated players .
Jan. 9, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Moving on up

The probable reason for the NorCal Reds not moving up next year . Is , that the #4 and #5 hitter, for that tournament, won in Vegas , will not be with the team in 2012 . Sacto. is aware of this .
Jan. 9, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Moving on up

The probable reason for the NorCal Reds not moving up next year . Is , that the #4 and #5 hitter, for that tournament, won in Vegas , will not be with the team in 2012 . Sacto. is aware of this .
Sept. 27, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softballs Used at Raleigh, NC

If the ball senior softball specs is 44/375 , then #19 , how can using a ball that is 44/375 in the heat be considered a techno homerun ?? All the X-Rock does is make sure you are hitting a spec ball in the heat ?
Sept. 26, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softballs Used at Raleigh, NC

The problems described by the SSUSSA staff member are easily cured by using the X-Rock softball and they know it . It is the specified 44/375 , BUT ! it stays that way in heat and humidity . Unlike any other ball . Why the won`t make them the defacto ball is beyond me .
Nov. 8, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Top Major Plus 55 - 60 Team in 2011

Joe I agree . The pitcher from the Nighthawks is a difference maker . Slowpitch is a hitters game . But a pitcher as good as he is can make the difference . I played against Double Play in Phoenix . Their pitcher is pretty good . Butthe Nighthawks pitcher is a cut above . Moves ball around . Never gives the same pitch or rotation and is not afraid to go 3 balls on you . He is also very good defensively .
Sept. 28, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Iron-ing things out

Joe , there has been some studies , that show ,high iron levels in men = higher cancer rates . Check it out . JB
Sept. 18, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: hotels in phoenix

How do you feel the Marriott Courtyard in Chandler is located ? Thx JB
June 22, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: MCT Balls

That makes 2 of us Joe . Go fishing ,or play more golf ,or find an organiztion that gives us a good combo .
June 22, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: MCT Balls

Dave . I never did get the "you hit em you get em rule ". I have owned restaurants for years and this would be like me telling the customers to wash their own dishes ,because ,they got them dirty . In my opinion , your tournaments have always been well organized and considering the logistics , this is no small feat . But I have never gotten the feeling , that your sole intent , is to please the customer . The tone of your replys have seemed to get more and more confrontational.I remember a situation in Scottsdale , where one of the guys on the team took his band off and you were very ticked off about it . I can understand the frustratiion , but things happen . I realize you will never please everyone and that this gets very frustrating . Believe me I know . But when a business owner gets tired and starts to take it out on his "customers" . In my opinion . It is time to move on and let someone who realizes , that without happy customers , the business will suffer . If I am reading you wqrong I aplogize . If we have to pay a little more to make sure we are always using MCT ball over 90 degrees and Baden Fires the rest of the time , I don`t think it would be a big deal .This would solve the problem and we could get on with just enjoying the game with what time we have left . I know I wouldn`t care and I pay the full amount for my team .
June 21, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: MCT Balls

Einstein I agree on microcell balls . Hit well no matter what the temperature is . Should be the mandatory ball used from May thru September . That is if the TD`s are concerned more about us enjoying the game than there bottom line .The comment the Td made about being "fortunate" , that the major plus guys played ,(in Carson City), on a field where the wind blew in , says it all . JB
Nov. 26, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Softball Players Association

Einstein: Excellent idea . If we don`t provide a united organized front to SSUSA , they will continue to do things as they please . Taits is right though . Teams would have to be willing to boycott tournaments . I think if other organizations got wind of this . They would respond . By providing the playing conditions , that the the organization ends up agreeing to .We would end up with plenty of tournaments . SSUSA would respond also . They don`t put on these tournaments because they care about Senior Softball Players, in my opinion . No one goes to this much trouble out of the goodness of their heart . In there defense , SSUSA does do an excellent job of organizing tournaments . They are doing it to make $$$`s . They would have to respond . This could be an opportunity for NCSSA to come up with some bigger tournamentsalso and see how the playing public responds . JB
Oct. 28, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Balls in general

SSUSA staff . You are missing the point on the balls . A 44/375 ball is fine . Have no problem with those specs . But , it is not a 375 ball when it is over 80 degrees . This is the point you are missing and not addressing . The 44/375 microcell ball hits the same at 105 as it does at 70 . Told Hennesy this in Scottsdale and he said they had tested the ball in Sacto. and no one liked it . If this is the case , then it was not the same ball, either coincidentally or on purpose . If it is not being used because it is not Anaconda`s ball . Then have Anaconda make a microcell 44/375 . In my opinion , if you are specifying a 44/375 ball and are not concerned with it not being a 44/375 in hot weather . Then you are not sincerely interested in maintaing a 44/375 standard .
Oct. 16, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Viva Las Vegas

trumpball Is it me or did your post referring to the 52/275 sales seem smug . No one plays ASA unless they have to. In most cases they would rather play Utrip . But , don`t have it as an option . In my opinion ASA cares only about girls fastpitch . Because , that is where the $$$$`s are . You can sell and like any ball you like . This is america . If the 52/275 ball sells then good for it . Should let seniors vote, at their tournaments, on what kind of ball they want . Whatever the majority wants , then that is what a smart TD would use .Senior softball exists , because there are enough of us , that want to play to create a market for whoever puts the tourneys on .If Td`s think they can force a ball on us , that we don`t like , I think they will see an inevitable drop in participation . I could be wrong . But , I don`t think so . Just because someone does not like the 52/275 ball doesen`t make them a lesser player or of weaker character any more than it makes someone the opposite if they like it . A 44/375 ball , that isn`t affected by heat , would be universally acceptable to the majority I feel . JB
Oct. 5, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: huntsman games

The Mavericks out of Grass Valley were . Call J.R. at 530-272-2242 and see if he still needs someone . JB
Oct. 5, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Vegas is the model

My sentiments exactly Joe ! I wish all SSUSA tournaments were run as well . These kind of conditions make it worth the trip and even paying a little higher entry fee id needed . JB
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