Nov. 29, 2022 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Radisson Airport Hotel Phoenix, Winter Worlds * WARNING * The Radisson Airport Hotel Phoenix, for Winter Worlds, never gave me a credit for incidentals. As you check in, you need to present a credit card for incidentals. Just a coincidence that I checked my account & had a charge of $122.71 from the Radisson. I had to call the hotel to get the credit taken care of. They just acted stupid, saying it was a simple mistake, in their favor, of course. Please check your bank statement to make sure that you received your credit. |
July 16, 2022 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Radisson Airport Hotel Phoenix, Winter Worlds You can contact me at (209) 495-7148 Mark McDaniel |
Aug. 13, 2021 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: SUNCOAST DEMO DAY SSUSA ROCKY MTN CHAMPIONSHIPS SunCoast Demo Day Thursday Aug 19, 2021 4-6pm SSUSA Rocky Mountain Championships Aurora, Colorado - Complex B - Field #1 Come on out & hit all of the New SunCoast Bats SunCoast West will be set up all weekend with all of our SunCoast Products Available Mark McDaniel 209-495-7148 |
Nov. 11, 2020 Steinbrenner | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 65 Major California Pitcher Looking for 2021 Team Thanks for the offer Johnny. Only because of the Pandemic were you able to pick up players from non bordering states. Being from California, I’m afraid next year I wouldn’t be eligible to play for a Midwestern team. |
Oct. 19, 2020 Steinbrenner | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 65 Major California Pitcher Looking for 2021 Team My name is Mark McDaniel, from California & I’m looking to join a 65 team for 2021. I’ve been pitching for over 30 years. When not pitching, I can play first base & can hold my own at 3rd base. I hit the ball hard & can occasionally hit a home run or two. I consider myself a team player & pretty much get along with everybody. I prefer playing Major, but would consider playing AAA. I’ve pitched for the Animals (Moved to 70’s), Cal Energy (2 years ago), Avenue Towing, 4Seasons & J Chubb Insurance. All major teams. I’m use to playing 15+ tournaments a year. I also have a good infielder & outfielder that would come with me. Both of them are rated AAA, but have played Major with me in the past Yes, I’m the guy selling Adidas & SunCoast at most of the Major West Coast SSUSA tournaments Mark McDaniel 209-495-7148 |
June 23, 2020 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Adidas softball shoes I’m thinking that you bought them from me, Mark McDaniel. I was selling Adidas & SunCoast products in Bullhead City. The Adidas shoes in 4E were the Adidas Rockadilla. Feel free to contact me at Thank You. Mark McDaniel |
Jan. 21, 2020 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: SUNCOAST ADIDAS SOFTBALL BAT DEMO DAY, Roseville CA. * Correction* The Dugout Batting Cages are in Sacramento, not Roseville |
Jan. 21, 2020 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: SUNCOAST ADIDAS SOFTBALL BAT DEMO DAY, Roseville CA. SunCoast Softball will be having a Bat Demo Day on Saturday Feb 1, 2020 from 11:00am - 2:00pm,. It will be held at The Dugout Batting Cages, 7031 Roseville Rd., Roseville, CA 95842. You will be able to hit the complete line of SunCoast & Adidas Softball Bats, USSSA, USA (ASA) & Senior bats. There is a $20 fee that will be collected at the door. Everyone will receive a raffle ticket for Adidas and other softball products. We will have SunCoast/Adidas booth set up selling all of the SunCoast/Adidas softball products. If you have any questions, Feel free to contact me at Mark McDaniel #44 |
Aug. 30, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 65 Major Pitcher from CA looking to play Vegas Worlds Anyone needing a Pitcher/1st base/Catcher for Vegas Worlds. I’m a 65 Major rated pitcher from CA. I Pitched every inning of every game last year, at Worlds, for Cal Energy 60 Major. I also played with a 40 team at the Worlds last year, for a team that showed up with 9 players. I’ve qualified to play Worlds with Tri-C, 60 Major & Animals 65 Major. My team, Animals 65 Major had to bow out due to injuries. If anyone is interested, contact me. 65, 60 or 55 or 50’s, any age group is fine. Please know the player pick-up rule for Worlds. Mark McDaniel # 44 |
Aug. 12, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: Bats Discussion: Dudley LLBSP (black and yellow) I have a NIW OG Dudley Lightning Balanced Black/yellow 27oz NOT the reissue garbage Mark 44 |
Aug. 12, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2020 bats I have a NIW OG Dudley Lightning Balanced Black/yellow 27oz if interested NOT the reissue garbage Mark |
April 29, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Winners of 65 Majors -Vegas All are valid points Don. Last year Timberworks, and a few other teams across the country, were ranked as Major++ teams. After the winter meetings, there were no teams classified as “Major++”. Through normal attrition, players age up, move on or quit playing for various reasons. Which gives those teams the ability to pick up new players. The nucleus of Timberworks are the same group of players. Many of the players are the same Nor Cal guys that have been playing together since the Kelly’s Sports & California Thunder 50 Major+ days. The bigger question is, where are all of Major+ teams/players from that era? The powers to be have nixed the idea of letting Major+ teams play exhibition & then giving them the awards package. Timberworks, has in the past, played as an exhibition team & not been eligible to receive the awards package. That’s a costly option. Plus, it gives those teams, playing against Major+/higher division teams, no reason to play hard & try to beat the Major+/higher division teams. Virtually giving those teams a bye & certainly not giving the Major+/upper division teams, any type of competition. I don’t know what a viable solution would be! I’m sure that SSUSA is open to any & all suggestions. I do know that our 65 Major team will most likely be facing Major+ teams in upcoming tournaments. I look forward to the challenge! Mark McDaniel Animals 65 Major |
April 27, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Winners of 65 Majors -Vegas I’m confused. How did Timberworks eliminate teams, when they were in the winners bracket? |
April 25, 2019 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Winners of 65 Majors -Vegas 1. Timberworks Construction 2. AZ Ancients 3. Top Gun Elite |
Nov. 7, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Major +++ Let’s welcome Venom to Major ++. I know this won’t please the Florida Boys. I’m sure we’ll hear more about it after the Senior Convention. I am amazed that there wasn’t even 1 response to my earlier thread. Mark McDaniel #44 |
Sept. 30, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Major +++ Now that Timberworks Construction has run the table, just as Venom has done, will Timberworks now be a Major +++ team? Why hasn’t Venom been rated 70 Major ++? Venom has dominated for the last 2 years! In the Eastern Nationals they run ruled the 65 Major + team! Let’s implement the 555 rule! Timberworks & Venom must spot every team they play, 5 runs a game & let the opposing teams use 5 infielders & 5 outfielders. If some of their competition still has objections, let’s give them all participation trophies. Kidding aside, Major + is the pinnacle in every division. If you can’t compete, work hard & get better! Timberworks is a great sponsor. They don’t pay their players, nor pay for any type of travel expenses. Let’s leave Major + as the pinnacle & not penalize them, or Venom or even JK. Maybe there should be a professional division for certain teams that pay their players! These are just the ramblings of a casual observer. Mark McDaniel #44 |
Sept. 18, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: Bats Discussion: adidas melee mck71 & big cat7, Yes we have 2Piece Adidas Senior Bats NOW & more will be coming in as the tournament progresses. Mark 44 McDaniel |
Sept. 18, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: Bats Discussion: adidas melee Yes, we should all have the new 2 piece Adidas Senior Bat available for sale Mark 44 McDaniel |
Sept. 18, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: Bats Discussion: adidas melee Hi Mike, There will be a bunch of reps in Vegas trying to cover all of the different venues. Lee Trotter, Paco, Ken & Myself, that I know of. Thanks for asking Mark 44 McDaniel |
Sept. 17, 2018 Steinbrenner | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Vendors at Worlds Envirovac, From what I have been told, the Adidas USSSA Bats won’t be available until this winter. Mark McDaniel |