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March 15, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Interference or Obstruction or no call

A question occurred relative to the interference rule in our senior league which doesn't seem to be explicitly covered and I am wondering if anyone has dealt with this question. The rule says if a offensive player confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. Does this apply to a batter who dances around, waves his hands when the pitcher is in the process of pitching, with the obvious intent of causing the pitcher to throw a ball. Is the batter interfering with the pitcher and if so what is the penalty?
Sept. 12, 2020
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Which bat to buy follow -up..

I was able to get a Miken Ultra Fusion JB by calling Alan Tanner. They are beginning to ship in small quantities after being sold out at retail outlets. I got the last one of 24 available to Alan but no doubt he will get more soon. being made in USA along with the bat quality sold me on the deal.
July 15, 2020
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Which bat to buy?

Good point OZ4O, I have been thinking of the Suncoast 12 but it is made in China. I do have an Adidis Melee 12 which I like. My problems with Miken bats in the past are that I broke at least 4 so wanted a more robust bat and one which also performed. I am now also looking at the Miken JB two piece. It has a small end load and the performance appears to be very good. I am waiting for someone in my league to get one so I can test swing it.
June 30, 2020
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New melee

I checked with Suncoast before buying their 12" since I noticed their bat is not marked with a BPF rating. Here is the answer:

Suncoast was told by SSUSA not to put the BPF 1.21 stamp on the bat because of the change in testing standards. SSUSA has approved all bats with the SSUSA stamp on them even if they don’t have the 1.21 on it.
Hope this helps.

Doug Robbins
Suncoast West

That statement by Doug does not agree with the SSUSA written policy, hence the confusion. Bats passing under BPF rules will be grandfathered until 2023.

I think the NTS rating will start to be applied in August. I checked with NTS and they weren't able to tell me what their new rating system numbers will be but they can't use BPF as that was the invention and property of the professor who did the tests in the past.
Nov. 14, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Price gouging

When I compare my 2019 red Melee (end load) to my older one piece 12 inch Melee (orange lettering) I note a slight difference in barrel length, with the red Melee a little longer. The barrel lenght is more likely to determine the length of sweet spot as long as the manufacture is done in the same way. The loading on the other hand is likely to determine how far the bat will hit, assuming the same bat speed through the zone. That is the question for most seniors. Can you swing the higher moment of inertia bat as fast? The answer is in the rresults.
Nov. 10, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Price gouging

I had a discussion with Suncoast about the Melee bats. Adidas got out of the bat business and Sun Coast took over production using the same manufacturer as Adidas but made changes such that the 2019 Adidas red melee now has a thinner handle and also has a tackified barrel. The barrel section is the same as the 2019 Adidas. The list price is now $249. I don't know what, if any, discount is available for the bat.
Nov. 7, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Price gouging

I'm a little confused about who really makes the new Melee Suncoasts. I assume it is made for Adidas somewhere in China and Suncoast gave them some particular specifications to meet, like the tacified barrel and the thinner handle. Otherwise, I assume it is very like the 2019 Adidas Melee. I was unable to get any real confirmation of this by searching the internet. Dave Velazquez website indicates he thinks highly of the 3 models.
June 13, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Soft Barrel Bat

I have an engineering background and tend to look for a clear definition rather than subjective one. I looked around the internet and could find nothing specific. Is the soft barrel referrinf to the specific number achieved on the bat compression test, or something else? Does having a soft barrel result in longer hits with the same bat velocity and if not, what is the favorable characteristic?
June 8, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Dudley HotW 14” replacement bat

I just got my replacement serial # 2112180654. It's a 26 ounce 14" barrel Hot W.We shall see how it does. I am 78 so I was suprised to crack the original. I am 6'1" and weigh 235 so it might not have cracked with a smaller old guy. Who knows. The performance was great before the original cracked.
June 3, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Dudley HotW 14” replacement bat

i contacted Dudley again today asking for a date when the replacment bat will be shipped. They said it will ship very soon as the bats are now in. They also claim only a small percentaqe of the bats sold were returned. We shall see how I fare with the new one, but since I am 78 years old, one would expect that I shouldn't have been able to break the original one.The one they are sending me is from a new batch.
May 27, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Dudley HotW 14” replacement bat

I'm still awaiting mine. Sounds like the 250419 is from a new batch. I have been waiting for a while so hoping they can come in soon.
May 15, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Balanced r endloaded

I happen to have a technical background so spent some time trying to understand the physics behind softball and found articles by a professor under this web site https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrCwGFRJ9xcGEYANxEPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1557960658/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.acs.psu.edu%2fdrussell%2fbats.html/RK=2/RS=uDpUZSroxB4g.shO4RzaN.7i08M-

Dr. Russell has spent many years analyzing bat performance and I belive he is a part of the ASA evaluation team. I warn you that some of his articles are highly technical but he does answer your question and a hundred more most people haven't considered.
May 8, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 2015 dudley thunder compared to the new ones they are selling

I have the Dudley Hot W 14 inch and received it at the 1st of April. I am 78 and can't hit the ball out but hit fairly hard for my age. The bat cracked on Monday so I will also try to return it. Unless they provide replacement bat that has been improved it will be an exercise in futility. I had the old Dudley Lightning but it was a 28 and I wanted to go lighter so sold it and now I am sorry I did. That bat never cracked in the 3 years I had it and my brother uses it still.
March 1, 2019
Topic: Bats

I had ordered my hot W 14 3 weeks ago and it just came today but I missed a chance to hit it in practice. All the talk has me worried that is a generic problem. I ordered mine through Direct Sports after listening to Dave Velazquez glowing report. I also play in semi-southern Florida and would not like to have burned $200 on a fragile bat. Will report next week on my results. I am 6'1" 230# but withing a week on my 78th so don't hit the ball more than 280 feet. Hope that insulates me from the breakage.
Feb. 25, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley


I'm very close to 78. Tell me your a young strong player who breaks bats. I'm hoping to get 10 or 15 extra feet out of the 14" when compared to the Melee single piece 12"
Feb. 23, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

Go to Dave Velasquez bat review site. He reviewed both the 14 and the so called 12 inch bat. The guys reviewing the bats are a lot stronger hitters than I am and they cracked one of the 12" under test. Dave indicates 600 of their swings is about the norm today. Hope their are no flaws in the production bats as I have waited a while for mine.
Feb. 21, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

Another delay from direct sports. They now say a shipment is leaving the Dudley factory on the 21st and is expected to arrive Feb 25th at Direct Sports and will be sent to customers on Feb 26th. This is the 4th delay posted by Direct Sports
Feb. 21, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

I discussed the situation with Direct Sports on the 20th and they said the bats will ship on the 21st but now their site shows the 22nd. I think they fully expect deli very from the suppllier and shipment this week. We shall see.
Feb. 17, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

I ordered a Dudley Hot W from Direct Sports. It was listed as ship 2/15/2019 and then changed to ship 2/18/2019. NOw they have put a SOLD OUT sign on the bat with a ship in Feb date. I will call them Monday to find out what is going on. Looks like Dudley has not met their delivery commitments. Hope it is nothing else.
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