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Real name:
Audie Hollis
Jacksonville FL
Men's 60

Messages posted by audieh

Oct. 14, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Ray Ray has passed

Ray Ray was an awesome player and pitcher for Turn Two and Superior. He was fun to play against as he and Billy would sometimes switch out after every batter. Well spoken and kind to everyone and always had a smile (probably because he usually kicked our butts!). He will sorely be missed. Rejoice in everyday the good Lord gives you on this planet because we are but sand passing through the hourglass!
May 26, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Please, a story from anyone! Anything but Corona, Corona, Corona!

Jim Valvano said "never give up" and it applies to so much in our lives. A few years back our loaded team with young stars and a couple of grandpas is undefeated (12-0) but pushed by several equally talented teams. We are playing one of those teams and down by 16 in the bottom of the sixth inning and we have 2 outs with a runner on first. The other team is already hooping and hollering that they have slain the dragon! Our first base runner asks the ump, "how much time is left." He says 2 minutes and immediately runs to second and is thrown out to end the inning.

The ump says, "game over." We protest vigorously that we are entitled to another inning since there are 2 minutes left. He says, "no, you are making a mockery of the game!" Now it really starts getting heated and my brother and I notice the director of the county sports sitting in the stands who also happens to be a friend for many years. We quietly walk over and ask him if we are entitled to another inning. He says yes and directs the ump to play ball.

The other team, still cocky as they come, bats but does not score. We come in and the adrenaline is pumping and get 17 runs with only one out for the win and go undefeated for the season. Never give up!
Sept. 17, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous

That is awesome and I am sure she will be an excellent player!

Jan. 11, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Just moved to Fort Myers Fla.

Call Roger Tabor as he is the man in your area! 239-292-2789
Jan. 11, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Summys Nighthawks now Summys Demolition ?

Doesn't matter what this team is called they are a great group of players and true sportsmen! We always look forward to battling this group as they are certainly one of the best 60 major plus teams on the planet! We hope to see you at several tournaments this year!
Oct. 4, 2016
Topic: Tournaments

Our team loves coming to Vegas to play the very best in the country. This is the biggest and best run tournament in the country and SSUSA does an awesome job considering the number of teams and the numerous parks required to coordinate all of the activities. I tip my hat to the management and the many players and friends who showed up for some outstanding softball.
Oct. 4, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Looking scores 60 in Vegas

Hollis Appraisals double dipped a very strong Hendricks team out of Texas for the 60 Major Plus championship and the Triple Crown. The 60s MP had 9 excellent teams and was highly competitive as anyone could have one!
Oct. 7, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous

The answer to the question is the following 5 players based on my 12 years of playing major plus. I am sure there are plenty of others but these are the best in my mind! All of these guys are huge. The best little man with power is Caleb Rabenold.

1) Bob "Wally" Waldyke
2) Hank Garris
3) Mark Martin
4) Brett Kreuger
5) Dale Mayo

July 11, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Patty Mac

OK, big guy you know the Hollis team is on board and praying for you. We'll be talking to you real soon! Keep the faith brother.
March 4, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Congratulations! Another "page" begins with a future women's champ!
Dec. 13, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Webbie 25

Webbie, glad to hear things went well. We look forward to many more years of competing against our west coast brothers! Also, I want to think you for expressing your opinions on the board!
Dec. 13, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Webbie 25

Webbie, glad to hear things went well. We look forward to many more years of competing against our west coast brothers! Also, I want to think you for expressing your opinions on the board!
Dec. 13, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Get well Big Guy as you are in our prayers! The Hollis Appraisal team and Classic Spring Training guys are pulling for a complete recovery!

Dec. 13, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: players please respond to rule changes

Audie Hollis, Hollis Appraisals, Major Plus
Vote NO o on DBO
Vote NO on mandatory face mask.

Now, for a couple of points for the associations to consider.

1) If you allow DBO for home runs over the limit then games will run longer. The more home runs that are hit the quicker teams will reach their 5 or 7 runs per inning limit. Base hits take a lot more time to get 7 runs than home runs.
2) You are setting yourself up to lose a law suit. By mandating a DBO after a certain number of home runs AND at the same time requiring mandatory pitcher masks you are telling a savvy lawyer (especially reading the comments on this bulletin board)that you recognize that the pitcher position is unsafe and there will be more balls hit to the middle!
3) I have watch the young guys play on the top level and they hit the middle frequent and hard even though they play a 5th infielder behind the pitcher. Why, because they have limited home runs!
4) Signing a waiver by the pitcher appears, at least on the surface, to me to be a better release of liability than a mask. If you go to a mask it would need to be only certain ones approved by a certification agency so that they could assume some of the liability.

But hey, this is just my opinions!
Dec. 11, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: players please respond to rule changes

I love the SSUSA, the SPA, ISF, etc. and playing in the tournaments. Out team plays in 10 to 11 national tournaments each year in the 60 major plus division. I am strongly against a home run being an out after an artificially set low limit of home runs. We need to keep the fun in the game for the major plus level and more teams will play in the top division. Please re-think this rule.
Dec. 1, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Don, sorry I missed you this week up in Ashville! One thing I would like to see is the SPA dropping the impact player list as it limits the teams that will come to the SPA in the major plus division.

Nov. 11, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results from Ft. Meyers

Hollis Appraisals won the competitive 60 major plus over the Minnesota masters in the championship game!
Sept. 30, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: World Masters Updates

By far the best and most competitive major plus tournament we have played in 10 years! Thanks Terry and Fran for the venue and the opportunity to play against the best teams on the planet in the 60 division! Joe Brown as always brings big power and a great group of guys. Timberworks was awesome and has a special group of players. Superior is just that, the most technical team (read that smartest) with a line up of all time greats. It was good to play you again after you smoked us in Raleigh and Dalton!

Hats off to the Old Dawgs who played 4 straight on Sunday morning and put a whoooooping on us in that first game! A really good group of men and next time we are going to let Curtis hit an inside the park home run on us his first at bat so we can get him outta of there!

The rest of the field was just as impressive with the always hard to beat D&K, Line Drive with my buddy Gary Deaton, Jim and Joe's and the mighty Edge. Hope to see you guys soon!

Sept. 20, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sliding on Turf - Big League Dreams Fields

A simple Google search would show some problems with turf fields. Here is Florida on hot days the field is so hot and the heat radiates off so bad it is unplayable for extended periods. Personally I have seen more knee injuries on the turf than on the grass for flag football players. Perhaps this is somewhat due to players using cleats on turf rather than using turf shoes. Having said that though I like the turf for softball as the bounce of the ball is true and it stays consistent after a rain. The following info was from a University of Arkansas study from 2009 which touches on infections.

A recent survey of 1,511 active NFL players by the NFL players association found that 73% of the players preferred playing on a natural grass system, while only 18% preferred artificial turf (4). Nine-percent of the players had no preference.

Player injuries
There is a lack of research comparing injuries incurred on new in-fill artificial fields vs. natural grass fields (5). There are data indicating that the traditional artificial turf fields increased athlete injury, primarily due to increased surface hardness.
Although actual data are not available, anecdotal data are available from NFL players. Players were asked in a 2006 survey “Which surface do you think causes more soreness and fatigue to play on?”. Five-percent felt like natural grass systems increased fatigue, while 74% felt that artificial turf systems were more responsible for fatigue (5). Twenty-one percent felt they were the same. In the open comments section of the survey, the most common comment was “make all fields grass to prevent injuries.”

Potential increases in infections
An aspect of synthetic turf that is now receiving increased scrutiny is the potential for increased incidences of infections among players that play primarily on in-fill systems. In a report titled “Texas Football Succumbs to Virulent Staph Infection From Turf”, at least 276 football players were reported to be infected with an antibiotic-resistant staph infection, a rate of 517 for each 100,000 individuals (6). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta reported a rate for the general population of 32 in 100,000. These infections were primarily associated with increased skin abrasions associated with synthetic turf and the risk of infection that might occur off the field from infections. In-fill systems must now be routinely treated with special disinfectants to reduce the likelihood of infections, adding another cost to the maintenance of these fields.

High temperatures
Artificial fields cannot be played on all the time due to temperature build-up on warm-sunny days. Artificial field surface temperatures have been documented as high as 199°F on a sunny day with an air temperature of 98°F (7). Researchers at Brigham Young University reported that the surface temperature of a synthetic football field on campus averaged 117°F, with a daily high of 157°F (8). On an adjacent natural grass field the surface temperature averaged 78°F, with a daily high of 89°F. Researchers at Penn State University studied the effect of using irrigation to reduce surface temperatures of synthetic fields and discovered that temperature could be decreased with irrigation, but the effects were short-lived (20 minutes) (9). Because of these high temperatures, an artificial field will remain largely unusable during warm days. Additionally, practicing on an artificial field could increase the incidence of heat stroke, muscle cramping, and overall athlete fatigue. Coaches holding practices on synthetic fields will need to monitor athlete health more closely and will need to limit the duration of practices on these surfaces to reduce the risk of athlete injury.
Sept. 20, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sliding on Turf - Big League Dreams Fields

In Florida at a turf field we play football on they brush and dis-infect the field regularly. However, turf fields are noted for staph infections based on what I have read on the NFL teams. Play hard but play clean! lol
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