June 2, 2024 Darjlov | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Numbers on Jerseys So what is the penalty for a player wearing a number with a fraction or decimal? Is he allowed to change it even if the game has started? What if he batted and after the bat it was noted he had an illegal number? Is he declared illegal and ruled out? |
Feb. 21, 2024 Darjlov | Topic: Bats Discussion: Senior Bats Everyone is different but like GMCinCO$ noted try to find an event that demos several bats. Most avid Senior players have 3 or 4 bats in their bags. A lot of players look for the latest and greatest every year trying to get that edge. However, a good starting point is http://www.seniorsoftballbatreviews.com/. The site posts reviews and videos that will give some idea how a bat feels and handles. |
March 27, 2023 Darjlov | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Partial knee replacement I was 49 when I had my first knee surgery to remove my meniscus and clean out arthritis then at 55 when I had a full knee replacement. I been pretty fortunate because I had my knee replaced in October 2021 and was back to playing in March 2022. Granted it was limited for the first few tournaments but still playing. Hitting was no issue, but running took a little more time. I'm no speed demon but I can leg a double out when I need to. Similar to you, my doctor told I could play however he also stated to ensure longevity in the replacement I should have a runner when reaching a base. I may be different with a partial. I play third so I think the horizontal movement has taken the longest. Even after a year removed from surgery it's still not what I am accustomed, but I am still improving. Just a reminder and as the doctor probably told you surgery alone will not correct the problem. Make sure you do the recommended physical therapy. Recouping your flexibility and strength is key. |
Jan. 27, 2023 Darjlov | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: scoring line in senior softball In my opinion, I think the new guideline of having both feet cross the line should be the deciding factor. If he has fallen on and both feet have not crossed line he can be tagged out but conversely can get up then return to 3B if able. Typically, if someone has fallen would be tagged out if caught in a rundown situation so he should not get rewarded if he or she falls (not dives) across the line unless both feet cross the line. I think it reduces the chance of a controversial call by the umpire. |
Aug. 7, 2019 Darjlov | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: LVSSA/SSUSA WORLD MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS I trying to schedule a flight from the east coast so I am wondering what time you anticipate the 50-major to start on Thursday, Oct 3rd and what complexes the 50 majors will be playing at? |
June 24, 2019 Darjlov | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: BERT BENNETT MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT (July 19-21) Do you have preliminary list of teams entered for 50 major? |
May 6, 2019 Darjlov | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Playing back to a lower class I think Tim is correct in his point of view. I play on a major team and I enjoy playing all classifications. I know we struggle more when we play down because most of our guys have HR power and not getting the additional 3 HRs when we play down does pigeon hole us a bit. However, in a tournament (pool play) the other Major teams are affected the same each should play down the same number of games thus have a net zero affect when it comes classification seedings. Maybe the rule should be that the lower seed home run rule applies with either 1) the lower seed gets 5 runs and the higher seed is allowed a 6 run limit in the 5 innings the lower seed gets a run or 2) the 11-man equalizer. This way it makes the amount of runs equal but the higher seed team will now have to earn them. Like Tim explained most guys can hit a HR especially on major teams so allowing additional HRs for the Higher seed would actually eliminate the competitive balance given. You would think a Major team would be a better hitting team able to generate runs without using homeruns. |
April 29, 2018 Darjlov | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Knee Surgery or replacement I am looking for other experiences or suggestions. I am 52 and had knee surgery a year and half ago to remove 30% of my meniscus, 15 fragments, and smooth out the top of the bone. The doctor stated I had osteoarthritis where 100% of the bone was worn down in one location and 75% in two other locations. He further stated I was too young to due a full replacement. Anyhow, after surgery I completed my therapy and went back to playing softball on a limited basis. Running proved difficult due to discomfort/pain as well as weakness. As the season progress I went back and got gel injections to help relieve the pain but to no avail. In speaking with the doctor he said the next course of action would be to go back in and drill holes to allow marrow to ooze out where it will harden over top of the bone forming a cartilage like substance. Has anyone had this procedure if so was it successful to allow you to run? or does anyone have any insights on other viable procedures to reduce pain and allow me to run a bit better. Looking for options or a full replacement the most viable. |