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Messages posted by the car

May 3, 2019
the car
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: rating question

I no so I have quit the game and need a few years off and see if wanting to play softball comes back but for now I have seen enough and will read up on the game and practice in case I can come back and play 60s double a
May 2, 2019
the car
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: rating question

Depends on who you are
April 26, 2019
the car
Topic: Associations
Discussion: bracket

nice to see another big tournament brackets not filled out thank you very much
March 25, 2019
the car
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to play in Vegas in April. 55.

Moto your always looking to play on in big tournament don`t you have a home team heck Marvie will get you on a team
March 25, 2019
the car
Topic: Bats

the money point was missed years ago when you could buy 1 bat 1 glove and cleats every couple years, NO MONEY IN SOFTBALL now it is big MONEY in softball
Feb. 14, 2019
the car
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating

now this is cool
Feb. 14, 2019
the car
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rating

so a 40 major is a 50s major plus and a 40s major plus is a 50s major plus plus
Jan. 11, 2019
the car
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sponsorship

So why did you take minedown being to truthful
Jan. 11, 2019
the car
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: New in Vegas

Hi do you play uppers
Jan. 6, 2019
the car
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: new 50 yr old looking for a team to play with

hi email me thecarhauler5150@gmail.com
Nov. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: looking for outfielders in Socal

and at 60 the umpire won`t even see you lead off

Nov. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: looking for outfielders in Socal

4.35 is a bit to fast
Nov. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: looking for outfielders in Socal

hard to believe no one has made a comment
Nov. 26, 2018
the car
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: looking for outfielders in Socal

we are looking for outfielders with 4.4 speed that hit 800 plus we are not sponsored but wish we were we play in the 50s and have fun playing ball
Nov. 24, 2018
the car
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: No Home Run Limit

12 home runs and 9 runs an inning how long were the games i believe we played 1 7 inning game in worlds this year with 6HRS n 5runs i would not want to be the umpire for 12HRS n 9run and the pay the same as a 6hrs n 5runs. GSL has 8 HRS and a DHH and if he walks anyone can hit a homer and it not go against your teams 8 and i have not seen 12 home runs and that is using the rock
Nov. 24, 2018
the car
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

this sounds like a major plus game with 7 runs so they have been playing along time and should know you need to touch the next base and the base coaches should be telling them to also. Even in triple A they know they need to touch the next base with the hit n sit rule is where it all stems from in my eyes

Nov. 18, 2018
the car
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: No Home Run Limit

so you think the ball today is better than a red dot

Oct. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Leaving Mesquite/St George?

he is a great guy i played with them a few times in like 2000

Oct. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Leaving Mesquite/St George?

ok i was thinking you were Bob who worked for Budweiser they were a fun team to hang out with
Oct. 28, 2018
the car
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Leaving Mesquite/St George?

Vegas Bob did you play with Time to Mash

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