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Men's 60

Messages posted by BallPlayer35

Aug. 27, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Which Baden softball is going to be used in Vegas for the Worlds?

Senior Softball has a rulebook and since SSUSA staff are always sharing the rules when we ask a question, I will share the rule when it comes to the ball we can use during SSUSA events including Vegas Worlds 2022.

A. Shall be a regular, smooth-seamed, flat-surfaced, pebble-textured or
dimple-textured ball with concealed stitches.
B. A yellow optic ball is preferred for both men’s and women’s play.
C. A 12-inch ball with a COR of .44 and a compression rating of no more than
375 psi shall be used in men’s play.
D. An 11-inch ball with a COR of .47 and a compression rating of no more than
525 psi shall be used in women’s play.
E. In all SSUSA-sponsored qualifiers and tournaments, official game balls
must have the official SSUSA stamp or be pre-approved by SSUSA
headquarters, located in Sacramento, CA.

As long as I have a ball that meets all of your requirements above, you should not question what ball I am using. I carefully looked at the 10 cases of STOTES I purchased in advance over a year ago because Senior Softball said this was going to be the official ball, that is until they could not get them. No where in the rule does it say I cannot use a Stote ball. All of my Stote softballs meet the requirements listed in the official rule book provided by Senior Softball. If we cannot use the Stote ball, please explain to me why you have a rulebook if you are not going to follow your own rules then please stop quoting from it.

Here are the reasons SSUSA gave me at the last tournament:

1. We want teams to be on an equal playing field - Let us bring any 44/375 ball, but do not allow the ROCK. Teams will bring the best ball they can get and it will be on an equal playing field. Of course, that would cut into SSUSA profits.

2. Many teams cannot afford to purchase balls in advance - Then why do you allow BLD to charge $8 per day per person. That equals to 3+ cases of balls for a team. We also have used 4 different balls that we were required to purchase this year that are just sitting in my garage that will never be used in a game again. What a waste of money you made us spend. Your not a Softball equipment provider, so stop trying to be.

Oct. 22, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Use one up for home runs this year

Here is my opinion:

All Maj+ - 10hrs & DHH - Another reason to play Maj+
All Maj - 8hrs
All AAA - 6hrs
All AA - 3hrs
Oct. 1, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Turf Shoes

Check-out Elite's new 2020 Turf shoes. Removable insert and very comfortable.

July 16, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Arizona Tournament Schedule

Out of all of the places I travel to play ball, why is the Arizona Director Rick Seifman the only Director who does not post schedules on Senior Softball. There may be others, but I am not aware. Is there another place we can go to download or screenshot the schedule?
June 6, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southern California State Championship

Southern California State Championship.

We are wanting to make reservations for hotels, but do not know if we are playing in Hemet or Cathedral City?

Any updates would be appreciated.
Oct. 23, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Winter Worlds


I see that the winner's in each division were rerated to the next highest division. Will any other teams be rerated before Winter Worlds?
Oct. 17, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Stepping out of the front of the box?

lowprofile, I agree with you that this rule needs to go or adjust the box. This rule was intended for baseball where the ball hitting the plate was not a strike. If the plate was not part of the strike zone, it would not be an issue. If I am a pitcher standing 10ft further back and I can consistently pitch 6 to 7 feet in height and hit the front of the plate/mat, for me it would be physically impossible to hit the ball above my knees without stepping over the batters box line.

A team was eliminated from the tournament because an umpire called a batter out for stepping out of the box for the second time, but I was watching and although part of his foot was out, his heal was on the line. He got a base hit that would of won the game. There was even a video to prove that he did not step out. It was brought to the Director's attention, but he can't make that call. Instead, get rid of a rule that only causes us players to get upset about. Fortunately, many of the umpires do not call it, but there are a couple and if they are mistaken once, who knows how many more times they missed that one.
Oct. 1, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: ASA Bats Not Allowed in Vegas

Dave or Nancy, to be clear in simple words....Any ASA bat that has a 1.20 BPF on the bat can be used?

Aug. 6, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Worlds Masters Championship

Last year you posted which fields the different age groups would be possibly playing at. All though it might change, will you be posting potential field assignments anytime soon again?

July 16, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Who will win Worlds this year

I'm about to make certain guys ego's bigger than what they already are.

Who will win 40 Major Plus Worlds?

Who will win 50 Major Plus Worlds?

July 11, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous

I reviewed some of the teams that were moved up to Major Plus 40's & 50's. Obviously you have never actually watched some of those teams play. Numbers do not always tell you the whole story, because not only will they get destroyed by true major + teams, chances are someone will get hurt. I am guessing like last year, you offer a team to play 3 tournaments in major + and then resubmit a request to be reclassified. So basically force a team to spend $1200 to $1500 to prove they do not belong.

This is all so wrong. you hear conversations between teams saying, your going to get bumped up if you win a tournament, and the sad thing about that is it is true. You put a good Majot team together that can compete, but not dominate and you get penalized for it.

Some people are meant to play at a high level and some are not. No matter how much I practiced playing baseball, I knew I would never play professional ball. Same with softball. No matter how much I practiced when I was younger, I could never play above C level. Now all of a sudden my team of C & D players back in the day are now considered to be Major Plus?

Please do not reply that I have the option to go play elsewhere, because most 40 & 50 teams already are.
April 27, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Stealing other teams Softballs

I have not had the pleasure of meeting WCM #00, but I do know his name is Kevin B. I saw him play in Vegas a couple of years ago and when I mentioned him in a post about his hitting, everyone commented on what a great teammate, player and all that he brings to the sportsmanship of the game.

I don't care how long you've been playing or what age group, but maybe some of us older guys can learn from the younger guys as to what is right & wrong. It is not okay to take other teams balls if they do not belong to you. Comments were made that, well the team is already gone. What! you keep track of every team and there whereabouts? Maybe they had 3 games back to back and did not get a chance to retrieve their HR's until they had a break or were through for the night. It's not always about being lazy and it does not make it right because everyone else does it? NO!

If you do not want to burden yourself with returning it, than leave it, even if you think the team is gone. It you decide to take it, then it is STEALING!

Kevin, I commend you for bringing this up. It is wrong no matter how you look at it. If we all returned each others balls to the rightful owner, we would not have to continue to purchase balls every weekend.
March 30, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southwest Championship

Will you have the Field assignments/bracket out for the Southwest Championship soon?

March 3, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Managers Meeting


If the new balls are not available, can we use Rocks?

Feb. 27, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rating question

So if I am 54 playing the last two years on a 50 Major Plus team and I get asked to play on a 40 Major team, am I considered one of the Plus chips on the 40's team or am I considered a 40's major player?

Feb. 20, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Ratings

Dbax, has your team ever played against Enviro Vac Marauders? If so, who won?

Oct. 9, 2016
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Ruling clarification

The out of the box rule needs to change on my opinion. Giving the pitcher an additional 5ft behind the rubber changes the arch of the ball when it hits the plate. Pitcher pitches a 6ft pitch and hits the front of the plate, it is impossible to hit the ball in a normal strike zone. For someone like myself that has long legs, the only way for me to hit this pitch is to step out of the box. We actually tested this theory and I stepped out every time. Please note that I am trying to hit the ball when it is either even or above my knees.

Senior Softball, please test my theory and you will see. My suggestion is to not make the plate a strike.
Oct. 4, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Who is he?

Did anyone see the First Baseman for 50 Majors Grants Posse hit what must of been close to a 500ft HR at Shadow Rock. It was by far the longest shot I have ever seen. Landed in the second parking lot. Then he followed up with rocket to the fence that did not get higher than 5ft high. From what I was told by teams that played against him, he was hitting like that in every game. This guy is a freak of nature.

Putting a Senior bat in his hands is ridiculous.