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Details for Yank1

Real name:
Bob Brown
Roswell GA
Men's 50

Messages posted by Yank1

Jan. 16, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Miken Senior line for 2018

It's not the distance when you hit the sweet
spot that's important. It's how far or hard you hit it when you miss the sweet spot that's the big deal.As Alan pointed out, the new Miken has the biggest sweet spot. Therefore players of all skill levels will benefit from using one of the new Mikens.Who cares about hitting the ball 400 feet? It's hitting it 310 when you would have only hit it 290 with another bat that makes the new Miken different.
Nov. 9, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA thank you

SSUSA Staff, does the change to 4 days also apply to 50 Major Plus? Or will you try to keep that group to 3 days. With only 12 to 15 teams that seems like a long tournament. Thanks, Yank

Aug. 7, 2017
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: MONEY

Wolfman, You're not an investor you're a customer. And like any business or service you use, you can always choose to take your business elsewhere. Asking to see the financials of SSUSA isn't going to get you anywhere. A more constructive way to get your point across is get in touch with as many other team managers as you can and try to find an alternative association to play in. As for your specific complaint about the balls you should be happy you never have to hit the balls we just played with in the SPA National in Dalton. Easily the worst balls we've ever used. On Friday night there were 21 bracket games played and a total of 35 HR's hit in 50 Major.That's less than 2 per game for both teams combined and we were playing 4, 1 up and a walk. Good luck to you and your team. Yank
March 23, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Get rid of Major +

i apologize if i was wrong about needing to play in a tournament to qualify to play in Dalton but that makes my point even stronger. Team 1 Sports traveled over 500 miles to play in a 2 team best 2 out of 3 equalizer against a team in a higher age bracket. No team wants to be moved to Major Plus and have that be their reality.
March 22, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Get rid of Major +

Tri18... How much fun did you and your team have in Valley last year where you played a 2 out of 3 against a 55 Major+ team? I realize you had to play in a tournament to qualify for Dalton so you had no choice. But if a team in the South is moved up to Major + (outside of Florida)... and has a limited budget... that would be the reality for them at every tournament. The issue isn't competing with an equalizer... the issue is playing the same team best 2 out of 3 after pool play is over. No one wants to go to tournament after tournament and play the same team (not teams) every weekend. That's not fun for anyone.
Dec. 7, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous

BruceinGa; let me know if you guys are going to hit so i can join you. Thanks, Yank