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Details for Ball4

Real name:
Jim Riley
Denver CO
Men's 55

Messages posted by Ball4

Aug. 15, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Fields for Vegas Worlds

I’m sure it will depend on number of teams registered, but will Boulder City complex be used this year?
Oct. 5, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Re-ratings at Vegas Worlds

Situation: a team gets a performance promotion for playing well at worlds. The team then decides to move to a higher age bracket. However several players are left behind because they’re not old enough to play at the new age level. Are the players left behind then reclassified to their individual player rating or automatically classified to the new team level?
Sept. 12, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Need clarification

Runners on 1st and 2nd with 1 out. Batter hits a line drive hitting the runner while standing on 2nd base.
Is the runner on 2nd out since he was hit by a batted ball while standing on a base that he is no longer entitled to? Is the ball live or dead?
Aug. 19, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Confirmation on balls for Worlds

Which softballs will be using for World's this year? I probably already know but just wanting to confirm.
Aug. 17, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: My compliments to all the umps

Agreed!The players were able to get breaks and find shade. The Umps didn't get that luxury. Thanks for all you do!
July 12, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for a couple players for Salem OR

Let’s see what the pool and brackets look like after they’re posted. I maybe be able to help out.
July 6, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Team list for the Northwest Championships?

THANKS Dave! I expected a full tournament and this confirms my thoughts.
July 6, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Team list for the Northwest Championships?

Hopefully the SSUSA office had a wonderful 4th. Is the Team list for the Northwest Championship available? I checked the tournament listing page but have not seen it updated there.
Thanks in advance
June 25, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Western National Tournament location

Totally thinking out of the box on this one. So critiques are welcome.
Western National (7/28-8/2) is a month away - so change it to the Rocky Mtn. Championships, and hold it in Colorado. Work with Scrap Iron to find a new location as the fields in Aurora will not be available for that date.

Rocky Mt. Championships (8/21-23) Make this the new Western Championships date because Aurora has committed to the fields to be open. This gives teams a few additional weeks to plan their trip to the tournament. I realize this date is a week after the Spring Worlds in St George UT, but limited dates and facilities makes planning for SSUSA extremely difficult.

The facilities in Aurora can handle a major tournament fairly easily. While Aug. is hot in Colorado, it will be no where near the heat of Phoenix or Nevada. I'm also factoring that teams may not want to spend large $$ for multiple out of state trips this year. Make Westerns in Colorado a primary destination and it will attract teams from the Midwest and Texas, but may lose teams from California.
June 16, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for a Player this weekend in Yuma AZ

We can always use outfielders
June 15, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for a Player this weekend in Yuma AZ

Looking for a player that can play 60's for this coming weekend at the So Cal State Championships in Yuma AZ.
June 15, 2020
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to play So Cal state Championships in Yuma.

Have you been picked up by a team? What positions do you play?
Jan. 29, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 55AAA Colorado team looking for players

The Scrap Iron Mile High Team is looking for 1-2 players for this year. Will consider either infield or outfielder. Must be positive team player. If you can't throw to your cutoff man while playing in the outfield, If you like to argue with the umpires and/or the other players, than you're probably not a good fit for our team. Looking for players with AAA/Major experience. If interested, send me your info to jimriley4@gmail.com
Feb. 8, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: CSpringsCO 61 year old looking

Check out ScrapIronsoftball.com for a list of local 60's teams
Oct. 31, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a team 50+ - Denver

The over 50 league runs April - Early October - google CSSTL Colorado Senior Softball Travel League. I play on Dynos and we’re always looking to add another player
Oct. 27, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Worlds Leaving Mesquite/St George?

Just curious why the Spring Worlds were leaving Mesquite/St George? The Canyon Complex in St George is one of the top facilities we play at each year.
Aug. 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rocky Mountain Less Than a Week Away

Precision Pitching

Pitch from mound into 5 gal bucket (angled slightly upward). 10? Pitches, highest number wins

Aug. 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rocky Mountain Less Than a Week Away

Precision hitting

Hit into 5 outfield lanes from tee. 1 point per successful hit plus 2 points for “batters choice” of lanes on 6th ball - highest points win

Aug. 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rocky Mountain Less Than a Week Away

Homerun derby

Launch 360 softballs (made for HR Derbys - VERY hot!) 10 pitches, can waive off 2, highest # of HRs wins

April 9, 2018
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Need a 55+ Player for Vegas

Got an injury and need to find a 55+ player for the Vegas later this month. We're a Colorado based team so you need to border our state. Looking for an infielder, but should be able to play outfield in a pinch. Player will need to be rated at the AAA level. Send me an email and I can provide additional info. Thanks! jimriley4@gmail.com
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