Jan. 31, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Bat Testing Modification Fantastic! |
Jan. 31, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: Bats Discussion: No Harm No Foul Bat Testing Fantastic! Thank you for everyone that gave their opinions and thank you SSUSA for revisiting this! |
Jan. 24, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Umpire question ^^^haha^^^ |
Jan. 24, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Question for SSUSA Staff Thinking out loud here. Bat warmers would not be needed if playing in temperatures safe and recommended for the equipment we use. The work around was various methods to bring the bat to at least the minimum temperature the bat was designed to be used at. All SSUSA senior bat manufacturers have a warning to not hit with their bats below a certain temperature. Many SSUSA tournaments have games in temperatures below the limit. We can't swing non SSUSA stamped bats any longer which are a bit safer to hit in colder weather. What can we swing when there is a game below the minimum temperature required for our bats? Will the game times be delayed until the recommended bat temperature is reached? Say 65 degrees and up? All games lower than that get postponed? Will SSUSA change the bat standards for bat companies to make it safe and recommended to use the equipment as low as say 55, 50, 45 degrees? Just some things that come to mind. I am fortunate enough to have a bat problem so when I break them I have a back-up ready. Many people I play with do not have that problem and have extended the life of their bat by keeping it at or above the recommended temperature. |
Jan. 24, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: bat testers. JohnO28- I agree! It is silly to take a bat that has not entered into a game. If the bat testing is completed before that players first game and it fails compression there is no reason to take the bat. It is a waste of time and money. Just mark the bat as not eligible or no sticker or whatever the method is of marking a bat. I had a few bats tested for sh*ts n giggles. One was 125! Wow! I owned that bat since brand new and it was less than 8 months old. It looked great! We were all shocked. retested multiple times in shock. I put another bat in and it was around 180. I would have never suspected it to be that low, didn't even know it is possible. lol I'd be pretty pissed If I had that tested at a tourney and the bat was taken because it tested too low before I ever even stepped into a dugout. A simple, "nope, failed compression" would suffice. |
Jan. 24, 2025 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Umpire question I have seen this now and then in league which is not a big deal. Kinda funny. I have never seen it done in a tourney though and would suspect I never will. |
Dec. 25, 2024 marcster13 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Combat is back in the senior bat market If someone does not average at least .700 for the year in turnies they probably shouldn't be playing turnies. A few exceptions come to mind. -Sponsored by a player that sucks but gets to play. -SS that plays lights out defense. -Fantastic pitcher that covers 2 bag as well. |
May 7, 2024 marcster13 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Bat ckecks at tournaments Any bat testing under 180 is almost junk for someone with decent bat speed. It is a treasure for those with weaker swings. Under 160 it is for sure junk with decent bat speed. 140...... yikes? They are doing you a favor! Retire it to be used as a home protection device. |
July 26, 2022 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Thrown ball hits batting teams bats along the fence Awhile back I was chatting with an ump in our league when the left fielder threw an errant ball along the fence on third base side of the batting team. It somehow missed all of the bats that were laying against the fence. The ump then turns to me and says something along the lines of "why do players not intentionally throw the ball at the batting teams bats when the runner is the winning run or fifth runner of an inning, especially if they have no chance of throwing the runner out at home". We had some laughs about it, but it was great point. It would be a dead ball out and runner does not score. So fast forward a few months. We had two outs and I was in left field. It wasn't the fifth run or game ender situation. I threw a dying duck from left field to third, horrible throw that was not on purpose. It goes over his head and rolls along the batting teams dugout along third base. Ball hits two bats. I was laughing and was thinking wow that's great that it works! Well, this ump blew it and said no dead ball out. He claimed since the bats were standing against the fence and not laying on the ground it wasn't a dead ball out. Just wanted to share in case anyone has a crunch time situation and needs to use this "tactic" to get out of a sticky situation. |
July 13, 2022 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Are we playing Soccer or Baseball Great heads up play! It is legal. I have seen people actually make an out by kicking the ball over to first base. It is a fun heads up play to see! |
May 9, 2022 marcster13 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Ball Being Used in Reno? Here is the Worth ball used in a SSUSA turny 5 weeks ago that I played in. Not saying this is the default Worth ball for all, just sharing info. https://www.directsports.com/products/worth-super-gold-dot-composite-usssa-pro-m-slowpitch-softball-dozen-um12cy?variant=39270863470688&dfw_tracker=29672-39270863470688&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIl9af1efS9wIVdPHjBx17iwEOEAQYASABEgImmPD_BwE |
May 14, 2021 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: You make the call If the runner at third touches home shouldn't that be the third out? |
March 24, 2021 marcster13 | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2021 DeMarini Denny Crine I picked up a Demarini Denny Crine last week and it came with a 1 year warranty card in the wrapper. I was shocked. So if it breaks no big deal. |
March 16, 2021 marcster13 | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2021 DUDLEY DOOM DAN SMITH MAX POWER LOAD SSUSA SENIOR SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL BAT: DSSR2M Wow! Look at that endload! Haven't seen something like that in a senior bat since the Easton Elder the salmon color one. 2021 Dudley Doom Dan Smith Max Power Load SSUSA Senior Slowpitch Softball Bat: DSSR2M The new Dudley Doom DSSR2M Dan Smith model has arrived! 2-Piece design with Dudley’s new MicroPly Composite Technology, featuring a 12” barrel and Progressive Max Power Load for players looking for extra whip throughout the zone. Get yours today and swing away! 2 Piece Design Dan Smith Signature Model MicroPly Composite Technology 12” Barrel Progressive Max Power Load Weighting: 26 ounce model (2 ounce Endload), 27 ounce model (2.5 ounce Endload), 28 ounce model (3 ounce Endload) |
Feb. 9, 2021 marcster13 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Any 40's teams in the El Paso area? I just moved to El Paso. Looking for a team(s) in the area. It can be for tourines or league. Even just for BP and to throw the ball around. Usually play OF, C, EH and some 1B. Good pop and batting average. If any other age groups get together to hit and wouldn't mind adding me to the mix please let me know. Email me at thereal49ers@yahoo.com |
Sept. 22, 2020 marcster13 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: current utah tournament Nice username! What say the brethren!? |
Oct. 14, 2019 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New Adidas Senior Bats @ AJC- A bat having that stamp does not make it legal for SSUSA play. It must be on the approved bat list here. https://seniorsoftball.com/?page=37 Just having the stamp would make bats like Monsta and Boomba bats legal that at one time were legal to swing. |
Oct. 11, 2019 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New Adidas Senior Bats Melee is a model not a maker or brand. I don't see how the new Melee model made from Suncoast could have been legal to swing in Vegas if Suncoast is not approved. If the office stated it is approved maybe the office forgot to update the approved bat list here on the site? |
Oct. 10, 2019 marcster13 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New Adidas Senior Bats For those interested in the new Melee be sure you see that vendor listed on the SSUSA approved bat list if you intend to use the bat for SSUSA. It would be horrible to spend all that money and not be able to swing it in SSUSA. As of right now Suncoast is not on the approval list. |
Oct. 9, 2019 marcster13 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Is it a double play I am picturing this happening in real time. The runner would have surely took off once the batter hit the ball. If the runner did indeed take off on contact would he not have had to go back to first to tag up after the ball made first contact (off the foot)? I picture the runner is already off the bag on contact, then continued to run to 2B. Which should be runner out for not tagging up. I don't think the runner would have had time or the instincts (was yelled at to go to 2b) to go back to tag up after a line drive hit the pitchers foot. Just my thoughts. |