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Real name:
Kenneth Van Bogaert

Darlington, WI

Men's 65

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June 26, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Driving Knob and Snap off Rotation, bring 73 year old 86mph Exit Speed sm250

6'175 lbs, A great exit speed for a senior. He was jammed on his extension, and some drillng helped him develop a great rotation, driving stab of the hands and knob, flowing into a powerful wrist snap.
all shows free and in order at www.sportstechnique.com This is season 15 show 250
June 20, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Simple Focus of Hips Throwing Bat Head into the Ball, gives 44 year old 400 Foot Power. SM246

A very simple and effective midseason way to fix slumping swings. Using a throwing motion is the strongest way a body can generate power and should be a big part of your physical focus.

https://youtu.be/clor7Im__6A All shows free and easily seen off www.sportstechnique.com In order with descriptions and hot links. good luck, bogie
Jan. 27, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 66 year old, shows huge improvement by leveling swing off and snapping the wrists sm242

Rather than upper cutting and golfing the pitch up, Pete, leveled off the swing and snap, showing a 9 mph exit speed average increase. Also bear as a bat lawyer swing makeover 244...all shows listed free at www.sportstechnique.com
Dec. 24, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 70 Major Plus Slugger Mike Adair's Power Swing in Slowmotion

Great technique of Rotation, Launch Angle, with Hips and Wrists snapping Together at impact. Great hitter, nice guy and sexy on and off the field.
Dec. 10, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Dan "Dirty" Sanchez 47yr old Conference Pro does a nice job explaining the softball swing ep 240

covers grip, hip rotation, wrist snap in a technical manner but easy to understand. swing makeover #240 season 15..all shows free to watch and access at www.sportstechnique.com
Sept. 11, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Early Wrist Roll Over will Ruin a Good Swing. with Steve Imlay and Bogie

DRills and teaching to separate the axe snap from wrist rollover. Just the point of contact, being too far ahead will make us rollover into the ball with mostly top spin ground balls and no exit speed. Swing makeover and sliacademy joint work
Aug. 13, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: BAT HEAD SPEED

I measured Harvey at 121 mph..fastest ive checked

Aug. 13, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: BAT HEAD SPEED

Gary knowing you i would guess it should be higher. I would try to find someone with a pocket radar and check it. The knob I think can be subjective and perhaps not as accurate as true radar...
Aug. 9, 2023
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Vietnam Platoon Leader Finds a Longer Stride helps him Develop More Rotational Hip Power

74 year old Dan, like most seniors, started to shorten the stride and overall lose hip rotation and explosion. Dan did a nice job of improving his exit speed from 63 average to 75 average...not perfect but vastly improved..swing makeover 278
Aug. 7, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: BAT HEAD SPEED

Bruce has a good range Id guess. Weve done a few at Woodlawn Hitting Club and within that range. Mostly likely Gary, people are testing ball exit speed off the bat. Almost everyone I know is testing exit speed vs bat head speed....What have you found for speeds?
July 15, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hip Torque and Rotation, should be the Main Focus of your Swing. sm 274

Especially as we age, what was once a natural part of our swing, the explosive hip torque leading the upper body and hands, can become lazy and slow. We end up just swinging with the arms and upper body. I think for most, it can be relearned, but it takes a mental change of focus to again make it the main part of the swing.
June 12, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: POINT of CONTACT drills helps Level OFF and UPPERCUT SWING

Helps visualize attacking where the ball WILL be vs where its coming from..Give a more level cut than the path of the pitch. Many have troubles swinging the wrong way.. up into the path of the pitch. sm #273 all shows listed free at www.sportstechnique.com
April 4, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Technique Can Increase Line Drive Speed & Homerun Distance at Any AGE!

77yr old Ed Rose, a veteran of 57 years of top level softball, is typical of seniors as we age. With Ed,and Steve Imlay, we took a look at his recent swings. While still a top hitter in the 75s, Ed is leaving 5-10 mph of Exit speed and 20-30 feet of distance on line drives and long balls, due to a slowing of hip and body rotation and a lack of a great whipping bat head snap. Something that is common in all us seniors as we age, BUT something we can improve with better rotation and letting bat head whip thru the ball more completely. Age and injury slow us but a stronger focus and effort on the swing can bring impressive results.
Swing Makeover #267 www.sportstechnique.com
Jan. 21, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: An Explosive Whipping Wrist Snap, Gives 160 lber 50 years old, Homerun Power..E229

Shows importance of speed and whiplike snap of wrists, bringing a more level cutting swing and bat head contact into the ball. Small 50 year old, 150lb, hit 3 of 4 out in a row, with 4th being off the fence. Homeruns are not the main emphasis but rather learning that this also increased line drive exit speed for gap extra base hits.
Jan. 11, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Golfing Inside Out Swing, Fixed by Driving and Snapping Wrists from start of Rotation. #222

From lag to snap is 1/30th of a second, so it makes sense to rotate, extend, and snap in one instant, one motion. Sequence has to be in order, but basically its one swing thought.
Dec. 14, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Athlete with Uppercut Golfing Swing, using Tee to develop Handpath Correctly and a Cutting Swing.

USAF Pilot, 70 with a bad golfing uppercut, developed a more level cutting swing by using some tee techniques to radically alter handpath and swing.
swing makeover shows free and easy to access at www.sportstechnique.com under swing makeover show tab
Dec. 11, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 69 yr. old , 130 lbs. increases Power & Consistency by driving hands and snapping in sync.#217

Great line drive exit speed from a small athlete with good mechanics.
Dec. 3, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: "The Natural" Lefty 62 year old beginner shows how technique improvement can come quickly

From a loopy golfy swing to a level cut swing Larry had never played before at any level of baseball or softball and showed great improvement
Sept. 22, 2022
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Scores

Nice job Steph..thanks for the prompt effort!
Sept. 16, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hows the new ball performing at worlds Dave?

Ha, didnt really expect an answer Dave...was just trying to be a bit sassy with you haha...Glad it cooled off

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