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Men's 50

Messages posted by JoeMarine

May 3, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Prayers needed

Father of goodness and Love, Hear our prayers, we pray that YOU will lay your healing Hands upon Mike Ayo, his family and friends. We beg You to have compassion on all those who are sufferings, may they find consolation in your healing presence.
Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast sprits.
Help Mike discover your peace. Help him to be at rest knowing that You care for him, and that You Love him.
AND if it is Your will that Mike joins you my Lord, calm his soul as he move into the afterlife.
May he spend eternity with you, may he live forever in your presence.
For Mike’s Family & Friends, help them find their joy in You, for it's Your joy that will be their strength. Help them to trust You as their God of hope. Fill them with Your joy, peace, and hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Joe.T #24/7
May 2, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Still Looking for a Few Good Players?

50 Major-Plus or Majors Coaches/Managers/Sponsors, if you're still looking for players I'm available. I live in Florida, Primary position ShortStop/Middle but can play 2nd & 3rd base. I pitched USSSA for the young guys but prefer to play the infield in the Senior arena and can hit with the BEST of them Short & Long ball. Call or email me at ballplayercrazy@yahoo.com

Joe.T #24/7

Jan. 13, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team

This can be a GREAT opportunity to see if I’m a Good fix to play on your team for 2017.

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi

Jan. 6, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team

(50 Majors or Major+) Coaches/Sponsors if you’re looking for an Infielder I’m your man. I live in FLORIDA and NOT on anybody’s roster. Call me 850-637-5005 or ballplayercrazy@yahoo.com. Looking forward to it…

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi

May 10, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous

The United States Specialty Sports Association (U-Trip) has rules that make the “Pitcher” a magician. The five second rule that allows the pitcher to Fake, Juke, Windmills, throw behind the back, between the legs, knuckleball, and curves can make the pitcher a master of deception. The purpose is to get the batter to swing at anything but HIS/HER pitch and to keep the batter off balance. This style of pitching creates a lot of ground balls and popups. So a good team needs to have a solid infield. It’s competitive, lively, and exciting to watch and play.

U-Trip & SSUSA are two whole different games when it comes to batting. When you’re in that batter’s box, you have to bring your “A” game, you have to be on your toes, have that keen eye, know the situation, can’t fall asleep, and can’t “oops”, or you’re find yourself be thrown out at first or worse, double play or even triple play.
The thought or perception that it is un-sportsmanship, dishonest like, and/or made for kids is unfair to say. That’s like saying that MLB fits those criteria because of its pitching. I know of MANY senior ballplayers that still and played well, this game of U-Trip style.

I wish that SSUSA did have tournaments WITH the U-Trip Rules, and since there are NOT many of us, let ballplayers throughout the country be on ANY team, No matter what state they’re from, have four Divisions which will be called Men’s Competitive, Men’s Recreation, Women’s Competitive and Women’s Recreation.

Organize Tournaments for the West Coast and the East Coast and in the end of the year have a World Series (WS) on both coasts on different dates so that teams can participate in both WS, if they wish too. You would be surprise on how many ballplayers would come out to play. “Food for thought” God bless you ALL and see you on the battlefield.

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi

Dec. 24, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Alan, send me an application, I believe you have my address. Looking forward to it...

Joe Torres (Joe.T)
Sept. 30, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 50major plus

Yes Sir, Hammer22… 15 Great teams and some of the BEST softball I've seen in a long time. Congrats to DLB, you warriors display of exemplary character and sportsmanship on the field. Nothing but respect, thank you and God bless you ALL.

Team TSC
MiddleMan #69

May 6, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pensacola Brothers

Perl my Legend...

TSC did WIN in Cartersville, unfortunately I did not get to go but I hope to play in Chattanooga, TN.
May 5, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pensacola Brothers

Hey Cyborg, I hope all is well. They have the Senior Spring League on Tuesdays that starts at 6:30 to 9:30. However, if you want to get some swings in about 5:30, I'll be there. Call me at 850-637-5005, Be safe and God bless brother!!

Joe.T #69
April 4, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team

Old Corps Classic Softball is looking for a Few Good Man...

Here's the link to their Poc and Info. Good luck!!

March 31, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pensacola workouts

CYBORG45, There are pickup games ON Tuesdays & Thursdays mornings at the Exchange Park. Batting practice starting at 9:00 and the game starts at 10:00.

Also, there are pickup games on Saturdays at the Exchange Park. Batting practice starting around 8:30 and a game start at 10:00. Come on down, look forward to putting a face with a name.

Semper Fi

March 30, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Any results from Montgomery

I guess the correct medical term or diagnosis is a Herniated Disc. Either way it sucks... Anyways, I hope to see your in Georgia.

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi
March 30, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Any results from Montgomery

PACO, Thank you brother… After an MRI, Doc said it’s a Bulging Disk. Resting now, looking forward to playing in Cartersville, GA on April 25. As for you, you're one HELL of a Player. Be safe and see you on the Battlefield.

Perl, always a pleasure seeing you. The TSC Team has a GREAT bunch of guys and I glad to be here.

AS for USSSA, you know if we did play, people would swear that I was pitching “OVER HAND” Lol. I LOVE playing USSSA, too bad Serious Softball is ASA. Looking forward to seeing you again, take care brother and God bless.

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi
March 19, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Any results from Montgomery

I truly enjoyed the tournament in Montgomery. Got to see some of the Legends/Long Ball hitters, Perl, PettyMac, Mike, and Ronnie Desmarais just to mention a few and made some new friends. I’m new to the Senior Softball world and this was my second tournament being that ISSA in Lakeland, Florida in March was my first.

Looking forward to the rest of the year with great expectations, having fun, making friends, and enjoying the game I love. Good luck to everybody and wishing you a safe rewarding year. God bless!!

Joe.T #69
Semper Fi

March 7, 2014
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Old Corps Classic Softball

Hey Ed, this is Joe.T. I hope all is well brother. Good luck this year and I look forward to seeing you and the boys. Semper Fi...