Oct. 7, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: CHANGE IN POLICY FOR PLAYERS COMPETING IN TWO AGE GROUPS How about the reverse? If a player is 65M+, would he still be allowed to play 60M? |
Sept. 19, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: New 65 M/M+ team in San Diego in 2023 If interested in possibly playing, my email is Joel@JoelHawk.com. Barry50, are you here at Worlds somewhere? |
Sept. 11, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: New 65 M/M+ team in San Diego in 2023 Looking for a few "good character" players to fill the middle on a new 65M/M+ team (written that way because "it depends"). We have a good core of both good players and "characters"...looking to fill a few spots at pitcher, rover, left infield and a rabbit in the outfield. OK, at this age, anyone who can run for themselves is considered a rabbit...if you're looking for a good team that likes to have fun playing softball and having fun after, give me a holler. This is for the 2023 season. |
March 7, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Active fit 61 year old guy looking to get back into softball in San Diego Carmel Valley/Del Mar area Eli, give me a call. 858-539-9456 |
Feb. 2, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Peak Softball / Scrap Iron 65 (Colorado) This is a great club with good people for anyone close by. Sorry Charlie...I'm about 4 states away. |
Jan. 28, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Top Gun Tourneys LeeM, I sent a list of winners to all the managers who attended the Top Gun Winter Classic the day after the tournament. It will also be posted in our Newsletter in a few days. If you are not receiving our Newsletter and want to, just send me an email to Joel@JoelHawk.com |
Jan. 24, 2022 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Invitational Classic at Cathedral City Disregard the rumor...the Top Gun Classic in Cathedral City February 16-18 for Session one (65 and up) is still a go. Session Two (mens 50-60) is filling fast, but there's still room. |
Dec. 28, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Winter Worlds - Bullhead Deadline to enter this tournament has been extended to Jan 3. Call Joel or Jerry to enter. . |
Dec. 8, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Winter Worlds - Bullhead The Top Gun Winter Worlds Classic is a SSUSA qualifier and registration is open. Mens 40s and all Womens teams play January 15-16, Mens 65+ play Jan 18-20, and Mens 50-60 play Jan 21-23. Contact Joel@JoelHawk.com to enter or with questions. Or visit www.TopGunSoftball.com for more information. |
June 29, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic (August 2021) I have just sent a confirmation notice to all teams who have entered this qualifier tournament. If you didn't get an email, I don't have your entry request, so give me a holler if you plan to enter your team. |
May 15, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Change in the batters box rule Who do I have to buy off to make this rule change? A simple stride for me (while standing at center of the plate), will put my front foot out of the box. My back foot rarely moves; but it does sometimes. It's difficult to protect the front of the plate for us "taller" folk without dipping the swing like a golf swing. Taking tiny steps when hitting is akin to taking tiny bites when eating. Doesn't work for me...but I try my best. Let's call it the Sasquatch Rule....one foot in the box - ball is NOT hit toward the pitcher. If the ball goes toward the pitcher, then in the interest of safety, I would call myself out. |
May 11, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic (August 2021) Accuweather is probably a better and more reliable resource...thanks |
May 11, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic (August 2021) Hey Marv...my post was just repeating what Google says. Google knows everything right? Check it out...I would have bought that bridge, but I do my own painting - :) No biggie... From Google... Weather history for Perris, California Average temperature August 91 / 64°FC Weather history for San Clemente, California Average temperature August 89 / 66°F |
May 11, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic (August 2021) softball4b...Google/Bing says you are off by 17 degrees. Average temperature in San Clemente is 89 in August. Average temperature in Perris is 91. But who knows until we are there what reality will bring? |
May 9, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic (August 2021) The Top Gun Summer Classic has been moved from San Clemente to BLD Perris. Same dates/same price. Only a few spots left in the 50-60 men's division (7). Be sure to confirm your teams entry with Joel directly. Joel@JoelHawk.com |
April 25, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Rock-n-Reno Tune up The Top Gun Tournament in Perris, CA May 13-16 is still a go. There are slots available for Session One playing on Thursday and Friday (ages 65-85 men's). Session Two (men's 40-60 is full, but I do have a wait list should someone cancel). Not enough Women teams signed up, so that Division was cancelled. On another note, the Top Gun Summer Classic in San Clemente in August is filling up. If interested, enter early. Contact Joel@JoelHawk.com for questions or entry into either of these tournaments. |
April 10, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking for a team for 2021 Boxer...where are you located? The 602 area code is Phoenix, but that may not be where you live at the moment. |
April 10, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Information sbaddict...give these fellas a holler. TOP GUN OLDE DAWGS RICK FISHER (70 AA) RFISHR1@GMAIL.COM 714-928-7425 TOP GUN PATRIOTS AL MCGHEE (70 AAA) ALMCGHEE2007@GMAIL.COM 760-580-3431 |
Jan. 26, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Spring Worlds Tune-up, Yuma February 2021 H Squared - We have a couple of new spots in Session two (Sat/Sun - 50-60s). Session one remains wide open (65 and up). |
Jan. 21, 2021 Mountain Man | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Top Gun Spring Worlds Tune-up, Yuma February 2021 Session Two (40-60) is almost full. Will start the wait list once we have the maximum number of teams. This is a two-day Feb 20-21. Still room in Session One (65 and up). Days of play are Wednesday, Thur and Fri on February 17-19. |