Jan. 18, 2025 Mr Wolf | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Senior Leagues in east bay The closes league is a day league in Walnut Creek but it has a waiting list. In Pleasanton, awhile back they had a senior division at night. Not sure if it’s happening. |
June 5, 2023 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: wig popper Question, the Wig Popper with its hard and heavy barrel, how’s its hitting performance on a 300/52 ball versus using an ASA bat on the same ball? |
May 6, 2022 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Cold weather What we use for our BP session in cold weather, 300 compression 52 core softballs. |
May 6, 2022 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Enough Said 1b16, When you alter a bat, as in shaving, that’s illegal. But rolling isn’t illegal because you aren’t altering the construction of it. I heard some leagues will do a compression test on the bat. The bat may fail a compression test if it’s rolled but overall I doubt it. |
May 6, 2022 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Enough Said My three favorite bats, Adidas Melee 12” 25oz. EL, I use this only for games, it’s going into its fourth season. Not a weak point on this bat. Second bat, Onyx “ENOUGH SAID” 12” 25oz. with a full oz.EL, I recently got this bat which has about over 250 swings on it. I don’t have full confidence in it yet, but what is interesting is the first hit in BP or in a game, that ball flies off the bat. My third fav. bat is the Suncoast Melee3 12” 26oz. 1/2 oz. EL. It’s the easiest swinging EL bat to swing. It’s such a nice swinging bat, my teammate bought it from me and his first hit with it was a triple. I really didn’t want to sell it but he made an offer I couldn’t refuse. With that money from the sale, I might buy the Kid Vega Onyx “ES”. From the description, the thin handle, 3/4oz EL and the barrel weight being 16.3 oz.for a 25oz.bat, that has captured my interest. The only bad side about it, it’s a two piece, not a fan. I hope to hear some feedback on it. |
May 16, 2021 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2021 Durability Suncoast Endload Durability? Why ask if you are hitting the snot out of the ball and enjoying it. After you get those two bats game ready, buy a couple more as back-ups. What the hell, enjoy spending your money on good performing bats. |
March 10, 2020 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: New melee My wish that Suncoast would bring back the one-piece Melee, especially the 12” endload and the Reloaded. |
Dec. 15, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Suncoast/Adidas bats Hey G-MAN, I forgot to add, swinging the Melee Max 12” 25.5oz feels exactly comparable to the 2015 Miken Senior Ultra2 EL 26oz. 2-piece. Hopefully, that helps you to zero in to the correct bat for your swing. Swinging a 27oz and I assume that’s an EL. Endloads are very tricky because bat manufacturers could have different weight distribution in the barrel and handle. That’s why I mentioned the Miken Ultra2 Senior 2-piece bat. |
Dec. 15, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Suncoast/Adidas bats Hey G-man, that Melee Max 12” 25.5oz. is the lightest feeling endload I ever experienced. It’s lighter feeling than the Adidas 2-piece EL with the comparable weight but not by much. |
Dec. 6, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth Mr. Tanner, My personal preference is a light enough EL bat that I can control the swing and have consistency at the plate as though I was swinging an optimum weighted balanced bat. If I were to buy a bat from you but I didn’t like how it swung, would I have a no hassle or free return ability? |
Dec. 3, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth Mr, Tanner Hopefully, you weren’t thinking I was downgrading your bat. I was just adding my two cents about the weight of the Worth AT. That’s why I used the Adidas bat in my first post for a comparison. There has been a few times when I bought a bat, blindly without swinging and I was disappointed because of the weight or the weight distribution of the bat. My goal with this forum was to help my fellow senior players to zero in on a bat to their preference because they may not have the money to waste. BTW in my second BP session with the Worth AT, it’s opened up very well. But the great thing about this particular bat, I didn’t buy it but my friend did, on his dime sorta speak. |
Nov. 25, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth To Gary, Today, another batting practice with the Worth AT. It did well, it’s starting to open up. As to the questioned weight in my earlier post, the bat weighs 25.6oz. I now understand why it swings heavier like a 26oz. EL than as marked 25oz. |
Nov. 23, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth garyheifner, in Mr. Tanner’s first post to start this thread, he mentions that the Worth AT is endload. My post was just my word how it felt to me. I also added a comparison to an Adidas EL so my fellow senior ball players would understand what they are at times blindly buying without swinging. |
Nov. 20, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Suncoast/Adidas bats JamesLG, considering my Melee Max 12” EL that has less than 200 hits and my Adidas 12” EL has a whole bunch of laser shots and its number is 1150. I would think 1250 is a decent number with room for the possibility. Lesser the number, the hotter. Both bats on the compression test were in the red zone. Go to YouTube and find David Velasquez’s compression test on several bats to actually understand the test. |
Nov. 19, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: Suncoast/Adidas bats I had a compression test on my Melee Max 12”. It had about less than 200 hits. It tested at 1250. |
Nov. 18, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New Adidas Senior Bats You’re in luck JamesLG because I swung both the Adidas Melee 2-piece EL and Melee Max 2-piece EL 12” today. There is an ever slight swinging difference between the two with the heavier edge to the Adidas but not by much. When you mention the Orange bat I assume you’re talking about the Adidas EL one-piece 12”. I love this bat especially after about 500 hits, it gets really hot. Believe it or not, my Adidas 12” EL one-piece 25oz seems to swing heavier than my Melee Max 12” EL 25.5oz. but both perform very well.. I hope my info helps and not too late especially since your post date is in October. |
Nov. 18, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: AT18 bat for 2020 from Worth I just swung a Worth AT 25oz. today during batting practice. I hate to say it but this bat swings awfully heavy, more like an Adidas 26 or 27oz EL one-piece. When one goes to the lightest EL as possible, one should be able to feel comfortable swinging it. I have no problem swinging a 27oz balanced. |
July 2, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: ONYX Senior Bats I’ll just add my two cents about the Onyx 12” 25.5oz. for what it’s worth. I just got my bat this past week. From what my friends and I noticed this bat swings heavy. It swings heavier than an Adidas 25.5 EL. I usually don’t blind order a bat without swinging the bat first. I chanced it and was disappointed. As to performance of the Onyx, I never got a chance to put this bat to a ball because I probably will return it. If you normally and comfortably swing a 26.5oz EL with other bats, you may want to consider dropping an ounce in weight with this bat. Just a word of caution and an opinion. |
March 31, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2017 Miken Platinium Freak After thinking about it, I will probably sell the Miken because if I mess with the endcap, it may affect the inner-sleeve and its performance. There will probably never be an ASA bat like this again, with all its technology.. I hate to give it up. Perhaps for $400........ I may do an experiment as OZ40 explained. |
March 26, 2019 Mr Wolf | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2017 Miken Platinium Freak To clarify, I don’t want to shave the barrel. I wouldn’t think taking a little off the end-load would mark it illegal or dangerous. If the end-load itself was a quarter of an ounce, I would want to reduce it to an eighth of an ounce. |